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1239 No. 1239 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
why do people pay 8 million dollars for some aluminium garbage to browse shitbook with?
12 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1356 [Edit]
The majority of people use it as a status symbol. After that; it's fast, it's ubiquitous, it's identical, it matches the drapes.
To them a computer goes no further than a Facebook/email machine and a household fixture.

God uses CoplandOS
>> No. 2817 [Edit]
Will re-use this thread to review/rant on the arm (M1) mbp (provided by my employer for a short while. I used to use a 2015 mbp).

* Speaker quality is amazing. I'm someone who's never bothered using an external speaker (or even headphones for that matter) when listening to music/watching anime, so up until now I didn't realize how much of the bass I was missing. The speakers on this are very nice at reproducing lower-frequencies.

* Keyboard feels very nice. It's extremely stable and clicky. Compared to the 2010 and 2015 models, it's much less mushy or wobbly, each key is uniform and has a satisfying snap. I don't have a thinkpad so I can't compare it to that, but after using this even external scissor keyboards feel a bit sad (I don't like mechanical keyboards so I can't compare to that). I only hate that they removed the keys for keyboard backlight control.

* The arm processor is simultaneously excellent while also a bit overrated. In day-to-day use, I don't see much difference, probably because I don't browse pages that require gigabytes of JS. But when doing compiles, it can do a make -j16 without even breaking a sweat (without blasting fans). I think the temperature benefit is the most significant thing. The battery life has been overrated, probably because of shitty software (described shortly).

* Trackpad is not as good as 2015: it's too large so your palms hit it when typing, and the palm rejection algorithm isn't as good as it used to be. Still significantly better than other laptops, but this is change for change's sake.

* Software (latest version of osx) is absolute hot garbage. I can't count how many show-stopping bugs I've found on this system. Charging via usb-c randomly stops working. External mirroring with the laptop closed randomly stops working. Tap-to-click lags when holding modifiers or at the edges. Pinch-to-zoom randomly stops working. The thing wakes from sleep every 30 seconds, so battery life is basically no better than the intel mbps. Their openGL-on-metal wrapper is broken with multithreading (and I'm not going to rewrite perfectly good applications to use their special-snowflake graphics stack). Intel-on-arm emulation (rosetta) is very cool though, and works
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>> No. 2818 [Edit]
>or even headphones for that matter
I exclusively use my laptop with earbuds.
>It's extremely stable and clicky.
How's the travel?
>Trackpad is not as good as 2015
Always using a mouse, connected through one of three USB-a ports.
>Maybe the linux-on-m1 folks can make this an enjoyable machine to use.
>> No. 2819 [Edit]
>laptop with earbuds.
I tried this once, I didn't like having things in my ear. I also tried the over-ear headphones but it made my ears sweaty. So I just stuck with internal speakers.

>How's the travel?
This is subjective, but the depth feels slightly less than the 2010-era unibody models, about the same as the 2012-2015 era hidpi ("retina") models, but with much crisper actuation. I guess if you were used to a mechanical keyboard you'd find it shallow though.

I'd ordinarily agree, but at the rate osx is becoming unusable I wouldn't be surprised if linux ends up being more usable within a few years. I can't imagine how badly they've got to mess things up so that something as basic as charging stops working unless you reboot.

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2645 No. 2645 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Most discussion related to "darknets" and p2p revolve around overlay networks, which as anonymous or distributed as they might be, still rely on traditional internet infrastructure. If you don't pay an isp, you can't use them.

So how about a thread specifically about alternative infrastructures? Something that's wireless, works long-distance, and fast would obviously be ideal, but may not be feasible.

You might have heard of broadband hamnet, which uses the same radio frequencies that ham radio does. This is unfortunately limited by legal restrictions on radio encryption among other usages, and connection distance (receiver to server).
Explanation of restrictions:

Then's there's Li-Fi, light based communication. This is appealing in its potential speed and accessibility. But its range is inherently limited.

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>> No. 2646 [Edit]
Great thread idea! (Here's an existing one for Ham >>2130 although not much in there).

Post edited on 19th Mar 2022, 11:30am
>> No. 2647 [Edit]
Delay-tolerant networking is a proposed way of compensating for low bandwidth, such as in a typical meshnet.
>> No. 2812 [Edit]
I know of a local "hamwan" kind of project but because of the used 13/6cm frequencies you are required to have a license to use it. Would be cool to find/start a mesh network like these that anyone can join to, something like Freifunk for germans.

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1019 No. 1019 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Gravitational Potential Energy: described by the equation

Ep = -G*m1*m1/r Where G is the universal gravitation constant, m1 is mass of planet 1, m2 mass of planet 2, and r the distance between the center of mass between planets. For various reasons, they put a negative sign in front of this equation. But you can't have negative energy! Can you figure out why theres a negative sign?
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>> No. 1024 [Edit]
if the force is being constructed as a vector the negative sign simply indicates its direction.
the direction being down toward the earth.
>> No. 1025 [Edit]
But this isn't force, but potential energy.

As distance between the two planets increases, the potential energy should increase. But the equation dictates that the potential energy will simply approach zero from the negative side. Whys that?
>> No. 1026 [Edit]
Because it is supposed to be negative.

>This potential energy is more strongly negative than the total potential energy of the system of bodies as such since it also includes the negative gravitational binding energy of each body. The potential energy of the system of bodies as such is the negative of the energy needed to separate the bodies from each other to infinity, while the gravitational binding energy is the energy needed to separate all particles from each other to infinity.
>> No. 2709 [Edit]
It's a good question, the answer is that potential is always relative to a point of reference, and here we choose r = infinity to be the point at zero potential. Then since potential is just the negative integral of work done in bringing that point from infinity to zero, and the work done is positive (because we're going with the gravitation field, not against it), the potential energy is negative.

As for why we don't choose r = 0 to be the point of zero potential, I think it's because the law of gravitation isn't entirely accurate for small distances (since the force blows up to infinity there), and moreover for r=0 they'd need to occupy the same point in space anyway.

That is an increase. It goes from more negative to less negative. Hence the delta is a positive increase.

Post edited on 13th May 2022, 9:04pm

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2670 No. 2670 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
what should I get under 1000 bucks; a laptop, a steam deck or a dsktop?
6 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2694 [Edit]
I would get a desktop. You can buy less RAM at first (then buy another identical stick of RAM) or you could get a CPU with integrated graphics and upgrade it later. Also using a HDD instead of a SSD is a good way to save some money. Don't save money by buying a cheap PSU. I recommend that you don't get a Nvidia GPU if you are planning on using GNU/Linux. Actually, Steam Deck uses GNU/Linux (SteamOS), so the experience with using another GNU/Linux distro (like Xubuntu) on a desktop isn't that much different if you don't need the extra portability. You could test first using GNU/Linux only and installing Wine/Steam, because Botnet 10/Botnet 11 costs money.

Also, even if you wanted more portability, I would get a laptop instead of Steam Deck. And remember that you need a screen and keyboard+mouse for your desktop computer, while a laptop already has those.

>I don't know how to change things on a desktop
You just need to look at the motherboard's manual and see where is slot X located and plug the part in. Watch a tutorial on YT before assembling your first PC. The only thing you can mess up is the CPU. You need to read the manual of the MoBo and CPU extra carefully.
>> No. 2696 [Edit]
can I get a good pc under 1000 bucks? If no should I geg a steam deck then

Post edited on 10th May 2022, 12:04pm
>> No. 2697 [Edit]
>can I get a good pc under 1000 bucks
Sure. But you need to post some example software that you expect to run. Would using GNU/Linux be a deal breaker for you? The Steam Deck uses it and you should get the exact same software compatibility if you ran GNU/Linux on a desktop PC that you assembled yourself.

>If no should I geg a steam deck then
I'm worried about Deck's battery life and I personally think that a laptop would be better, if you want more portability. And, in my opinion, a desktop is better if you need more power. Do you have a screen for your desktop PC? If not, you need to take into account the cost of a screen if you are going to assemble a PC. If you don't have a screen, you could also use a TV as your screen, though.

The GPU matters than the CPU when it comes to video game performance.
I would get the cheapest ATX or EATX case that has dust filters. And I think that an AMD Ryzen 5 3600 or AMD Ryzen 5 5600 CPU is a good for the price. Note these models do not have integrated GPU. I would get G.Skill Ripjaws V, 16GB DDR4 3200MHz RAM sticks (Buy a package that has 2x8GB RAM sticks). I recommend getting a Western Digital or Toshiba HDD(s) instead of a SSD (this is a good way to save money). I don't know which motherboard you should get (I think getting a Asus or Msi MoBo that has AMD AM4 socket for the CPU is a good choice). I would get a Corsair or Seasonic PSU (there are PSU calculators online. I recommend getting a slightly better PSU than you need).
>> No. 2698 [Edit]
I can provide the screen (one from 2007)

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2684 No. 2684 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been thinking about starting to learn about programming and game dev and it looks super complicated!
any tips?
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>> No. 2686 [Edit]
This is good advice but let me present you another alternative if you've never coded anything at all. I'd say don't be afraid to pick up RPGMaker or GameMaker or similar engines, because it will provide you with easy accomplishments that you will desperately need to keep yourself motivated in the months and years to come. Imho nothing is more important on the long run than keeping yourself motivated, and even though they will have their own logic you will also learn programming by the general structure of conditionals and loops and such.

Afterwards you can get into "deeper" territory with easy languages like python libraries and such, Love2D is lua but it's quite popular too.
>> No. 2687 [Edit]
These posts so far have offered solid advice. Sooner or later though, if you're serious about games, C++ is kind of a must. C++ is the absolute, uncontested king of game dev.

edit: even Love is written in c++.

Post edited on 2nd May 2022, 12:34am
>> No. 2693 [Edit]
I recommend you pick a high-level language at first. Since you are interested in game development, I recommend you pick Lua. Lua can be used for scripting in your future game projects (for example Gmod uses it), and you can use Love 2D to make 2D games in Lua.

After Lua, you may want to learn C++, I guess? If so, read PPP2.
>> No. 2695 [Edit]
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I think it kinda depends on how driven / motivated you are, really.
As >>2686 said, if you're a total beginner not knowing how you feel about programming I would say just look into things in a casual way where you can choose what you want to look more deeply into and whether it's for you or not.

If you already decided you want to dedicate a solid amount of time I would recommend
Yeah okay it's Java but the course is really well structured and gives a lot of exercises you can submit which will give you a really solid foundation with a lot of concepts that will be relevant in pretty much any programming language.
When you have key concepts down it mostly just comes down to syntax / quirks of different languages that need to be learned.

I'd be a bit wary about the above if you aren't already feeling dedicated because honestly it will probably kill your motivation, I just found it useful when I was in that stage of kinda intermediate beginner wanting to know more without wanting to delve into books too much back then

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2467 No. 2467 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I've been thinking about how windows programs could be run on linux. The consensus is pretty pessimistic, but I figured I'd make a thread anyway. The goal is to painlessly run programs like VNs on linux without the need to port them or write any custom scripts for each., and instead be able to put them in a small box and have them run flawlessly.

Wine's approach seems overly complicated and unreliable. Virtualization just works. Windows virtualization is heavy as hell though. Booting up a windows vm is annoying and slow. It would be nice if you could have the reliability of virtualization, but in a way that's much faster and smaller than how it is now.

Docker supports linux containers on windows by emulating a really tiny linux distro(as far as I understand). So why couldn't the opposite be possible? There's no official, really tiny version of windows that can run win32 apps, but ReactOS's iso is only 145 MB. I looked and found practically no information comparing the reliability and ease of use of wine compared to ReactOs in a vm. So I'd like to know about that.

Alternatively, the windows xp source code was leaked recently. All I'd like to know is if there is any possible better path forward, regardless of legality, because Wine seems like a dead end.
14 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2568 [Edit]
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Nah. The problem seems more likely to be related to drivers and hardware acceleration. I didn't have Mesa-32bit installed.

After I installed that, it would immediately crash and give some sort of registry error I can't understand in the slightest. It's possible on real hardware this wouldn't be an issue.

Maaaaybe, proton would somehow rectify this, but I don't even feel like trying. This was on void linux.
>> No. 2578 [Edit]
Wine 7 is out. Any improvement using this newest release?
>> No. 2680 [Edit]
You're making life a lot more difficult than it needs to be
Just use Bottles, it's on Flathub
Basically a wrapper for handling wineprefixes at its core with a bunch of other useful features
Since I moved my desktop back to Linux a few weeks back I've been using it and have had basically no issues running VNs with it
The only real issue that you can't handle through the GUI in terms of dependencies is Windows fonts, but if you just grab those somewhere yourself and dump them into the wineprefix I've had good success with a lot of things just running out of the box
>> No. 2681 [Edit]
For context, that was my experience using wine in a void virtual machine. Since then, I've learned there's a big difference between a real gpu and virtualized one. I've also started using vmware instead of vbox, which has been quite the improvement.

I haven't tried cavestory in wine again, but nxengine works easily. And following this(admittedly lengthy) guide (minus the lutris steps) has led to good results with visual novels, even in a vmware virtual machine(kubuntu).

I haven't seen a case where Bottles would improve things. Just using the same prefix for everything seems better to me.

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2536 No. 2536 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
People have been doing calculus for hundreds of years, and yet there is still no place where you can easily find any kind of calculus problem, in any form, and how to solve it. Why?

This applies to pretty much any stem field except maaaaybe computer science. Finding problems is already hard enough because there's no simple, standard way of typing math notation, and which search engines would be able to understand. When you try searching for most problems, you often only get general tutorials as results. It's maddening.

Windows can be used to type Chinese, which has thousands of characters, yet there is no built-in math notation support.

Students have basically no choice but to pay for services which provide solutions to problems their customers post. And they find problems on those services(assuming they've been posted) by copying the part of the problem statement without any special notation. God help anybody trying to self-learn.

Why are we still stuck in the 90s when it comes to this stuff? How does nobody else have an issue with this state of affairs?

Post edited on 16th Dec 2021, 4:43pm
17 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2556 [Edit]
>Why are you saging and being cagey? It comes across as elitist.
One sages when his post isn't pertinent to a thread's topic, or his post is unsubstantiated. It has nothing to do with being cagey, nor should you infer it as elitist behavior.

>I guess you could argue they don't really teach.
They don't teach well, because if they did, homework wouldn't be assigned. Instead, it would be optional. I agree on this point. My original posts pertained to those paid services and their userbase.
>> No. 2557 [Edit]
Unrelated but it's disappointing that people (read: the current crop of users from 4chan) have forgotten sage etiquette and treat a sage as some sort of mark of disapproval.
>> No. 2728 [Edit]
Whether properly or not, most of those users don't use sage. Some even improperly state it's not enabled on 4chan, and that was years ago. I'm sure it's gotten worse.
>> No. 2729 [Edit]
>Some even improperly state it's not enabled on 4chan, and that was years ago. I'm sure it's gotten worse.
I guess that only means no one ever read the rules. I checked again and to my surprise it even mentions the proper intended usage (I don't know if that addendum was always there)
>What is "sage"? Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page. Contrary to popular belief, a sage is not a downvote, and should not be used as one. "sage-bombing" or announcing that you've saged a thread may result in a ban.

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2408 No. 2408 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
The simulation theory is something that's gotten a lot of interest lately. This is used as an argument against atheism, because the simulation theory is just a matter of faith, ergo just another religion.

Why not do it?

How many churches are there that are in favor of free and open-source software? How many synagogues in favor of privacy and encryption? How many mosques in favor of building small, organic, virtual communities, rather than artificial ones on the servers, and existing at the mercy, of vast conglomerates?

There seems to be a need for an actual religion that promotes Internet freedom.

Why not this?
9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2430 [Edit]
It's a model of one.

Our simple classical physics laws have already been proven to be mere approximations of more complex ones. Who knows if we're not a model of some much more complex universe?
>> No. 2431 [Edit]
>> No. 2454 [Edit]
Did you know that churches don't even need to apply for tax exemption in the United States?
>> No. 2455 [Edit]
It is an interesting idea. Maybe it would be possible to make a religion out of it. For example, one could say this 'simulation' is filled with secret rules and codes of behaviour that the simulation favours or disfavours, one could use real statistics and skew them or even just make statistics up and so they could say something like '70% of people that took their hat off in the presence of a cow have had an unexpected and unrelated, highly beneficial event occur in their lives that could not be explained whereas 67% of people that have urinated on a cow have died of an unnatural and unrelated death that cannot be explained either, therefore there is a secret code in the simulation where if you take your hat of to a cow you are blessed but if you pee on one you will likely die'.

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2047 No. 2047 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
If you have to endure Microsoft shoving their whole fist up where the sun don't shine because your new-ish hardware either doesn't support Windows 7 or you're tired of worrying about operating systems and decided to just bite the bullet, here are a few things you ought to consider:

In the beginning, there was no reliable way to stop Microsoft's spying unless you somehow got your hands on a clean ISO for the LTSB/LTSC edition of Windows 10. Now there is, through a third party open source firewall called Simplewall. By default it comes with a list of IP addresses to block that Windows normally sends telemetry, keystrokes and other data to. Simply enable them in the blocklist.

Another project which aims to mitigate data collection as well as to debloat the system is a PowerShell script called Windows10Debloater which disables bloatware applications that have their own data collection, such as Cortana, the Microsoft Store and Edge. (Link:

After running these I managed to get zero networking utilization when I don't run any internet-connected tasks myself, something which was near impossible when running Windows 10 without these things. Keep in mind though that you will probably have to re-run the PS1 script after every major update since those tend to re-enable some if not all of the built-in crapware.

You can also defer Windows updates by setting Windows Update Service from Manual to Disabled in services.msc. To ensure that the Windows Update Service doesn't start without your permission since it can actually do that (believe it or not) you can open up gpedit.msc, then go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update > Configure Automatic Updates, and select Disable. This way, Windows will only update when you tell it to.

Yeah this is a lot of hoops to jump through but I think it's worth it to try to stop Windows 10 from just doing what it wants.
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>> No. 2050 [Edit]
Hey that's pretty good!
>> No. 2136 [Edit]
I'll be updating to Windows 10 soon so thanks OP.
>> No. 2422 [Edit]
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Off-topic, but I don't want to make a new thread.
On windows, you can't tag gif and png files by default. This program fixes that by adding metadata to whatever file types you want(which are supported I guess).
>> No. 2433 [Edit]
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Simplewall is a lifesaver. Haven't had to update for a while.

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1511 No. 1511 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does science in general scare you or makes you feel small? Specially physics and mathematics? Do you ever, however briefly, think about how little the average individual knows about the universe we live in and how irrelevant we deem it to continue our everyday lives?
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>> No. 2312 [Edit]
Quanta magazine is the gold standard of understandable reporting in physics/math. Here's their explanation of time crystals
>> No. 2313 [Edit]
I think about this a lot. The half-baked rationalization I am most satisfied with for the moment is that mathematics is so successful at describing the world since it is an enormous repository of arguments; while it may not be the case that every mathematical argument is relevant to real-world phenomena, we are forced to turn to mathematics to find means of concretely describing and articulating what we observe about physical reality. Now that I write it out, though, this revelation seems pretty vacuous.

In any case, yes, it is very interesting that a handful of axioms consistent with how we understand the world could bear so much fruit.
>> No. 2314 [Edit]
"The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences" seems relevant
>> No. 2327 [Edit]
No. The theories of mathematicians don't bother me at all.

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1490 No. 1490 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Lets see some battle stations guys!
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>> No. 2218 [Edit]
My dad has that chair. It leans back too much for my taste. I like sitting closer to the edge of my seat, so that sloping feeling annoys me.

Post edited on 17th Mar 2021, 6:55am
>> No. 2220 [Edit]
(According to reverse image search that's Staples Hyken).
You can actually get the higher-end ones for quite cheap used. For instance, you can get Aerons for $250-$350 if you hunt around a bit. And considering that they last 20 years or so and are designed to be repairable it doesn't seem too outrageous. But I don't know if the Aerons are actually as comfortable as people say they are or they're just overhyped placebos.
There's probably a way to adjust recline tension
>> No. 2221 [Edit]
Yes, it's Staples Hyken. Sorry for not specifying that.
And yes, you can adjust the recline angle as well as "disable" it completely to allow for it to be similar to a rocking chair.
>> No. 2315 [Edit]
I was able to test a bunch of chairs in my quest to buy a comfortable one. Here are some quick thoughts, in case it might help anyone else:

* Steelcase Leap V2: A bit overrated in my opinion, I felt "boxed in" by the seat (especially the way the sides sort of curve slightly inwards like a bucket racing seat). It just felt overengineered and heavy, but a lot of people seem to like these so your mileage may vary.

* Think V1: A lot lighter than the v2, and an interesting hybrid between mesh and foam seat/back where they suspend a thin piece of foam on a bunch of metal wires that can flex to mold to your body. But in practice the seat felt pretty uncomfortable, there was almost no lumbar support 9even with their adjustable plastic contraption), and there was no way to set recline tension. I feel like there's a weight threshold to get the metal wires to actually bend, and I guess I was below that cutoff (I guesstimate you need to be > 140 ish)

* Haworth Zody: Currently trying this, I like the mesh back and its lightweight feel. It doesn't have any fancy gizmos like the other two steelcase chairs, it's just a solidly designed chair with all the things you would expect.

Note that the one chair I didn't have the chance to try was the much-hyped Aeron, although I think the hard plastic edges of the mesh seat would have been an instant dealbreaker.

If you're shopping for chairs, it would behoove you to try to find a ushed/refurbished furniture dealer nearby. Depending on your location (rural or urban) this might be easier said than done, but you can usually get chairs from liquidation places or office closing sales for a fraction of their original cost. This guy's [1] reviews of various chairs were also very helpful in identifying things to look for.


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