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File 143147892257.gif - (592.50KB , 370x335 , 1431073832439.gif )
1306 No. 1306 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Here we talk about torrents particulaly how uTorrent is shit.

Lately it seems like my torrent downloads have corrupted packets (if thats the right term for it). What happens is my download gets to 100%, but then when I restart the torrent program it checks for corrupt packets and restarts the download from 90% or so. I have to close and restart the program 2-3 times to fix all the corrupted packets or else I get problems like programs not installing properly or not being able to extract rars/zips/7z file properly. Anyone else get this problem?
6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1347 [Edit]
File 143856670137.png - (442.98KB , 520x580 , 1427058741177.png )
I just learned about Tixati and fell in love.
>> No. 1348 [Edit]
You know, one thing I miss about µTorrent is that torrents would have an error state for when the target directory couldn't be found (usually because the hardware was unplugged). In the clients I've used since though, the torrents simply reset to 0% after failing to find resume data, meaning when I do re-connect the hardware, they try to re-download what's already there. Does anyone know a way around this?
>> No. 1349 [Edit]
I thought most clients would just sync the progress with the .part file and carry on from there.
>> No. 1378 [Edit]
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look for a verify/recheck option in a right-click menu (or equivalent for non-windows systems). That will work for one-off type events.

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1198 No. 1198 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This might sound strange but I've noticed that I can almost feel when I have something copied to my clipboard. It's like it goes past simply remembering having something in there. Do you ever get that?
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>> No. 1243 [Edit]
Nah, I usually forget what I have saved to it and usually forget that I even have something there unless it's one of those moments where I get curious and just Ctr+V on some space to see what's on/in it.

Either way, I'd prefer to have something else as a super power rather than knowing if I had something saved in my clipboard.
>> No. 1322 [Edit]
I feel I could accidentally paste something somewhere I don't want to, so I copy random letters into the clipboard so that doesn't happen. Most often I copy "re" into it.
>> No. 1323 [Edit]
[Usubeniya (Usubeni Sakurako)] Homuhomu ni Buta o Miru youna Me de Mikudasarete Fumarete Ashikoki sareru Hon (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
>> No. 1328 [Edit]
That nagging feeling you get in the back of your mind and in your right arm? Yeah, I get it too, I'm guessing that my memory has become used to compartmentalizing that useless bit of information. At the very least it's helpful to have around at times. I would call it Phantom Clipboard Syndrome if it weren't for the fact that there is usually something in my clipboard when I get that feeling.

I'll find use for that later, thanks.

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1049 No. 1049 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What anti-virus do you use?

I was a long time Kaspersky user but I grew tired of having to buy/search for keys so I could have updates, not to mention their software kept getting heavier and slower. I switched to Avira Antivir recently and I can't complain so far, although I don't know how good the detection rates are but it seems to do well on the tests I read. I also miss that registry blocker Kaspersky had, so you know when any kind of program is fiddling with your registry.
17 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1067 [Edit]
"Common Sense" can't protect you when security flaws exist. Anyone who thinks so doesn't understand how computers work.

And anti-virus software can't protect you either. Generally speaking you are always at risk.
>> No. 1068 [Edit]
I don't use any anti-virus. I do use Linux mostly, but I dual-boot Win7 and I believe that, as long I keep my box up to date and keep a decent firewall (my iptables rules only allow torrents as incoming traffic), I'm as secure as it gets. I've been thinking about installing snort recently, but that's just me being paranoid.
>> No. 1223 [Edit]
ESET NOD32, I get the keys / user name & password from facebook pages.
>> No. 1234 [Edit]
Heh, I made this thread in 2011. It's funny how things change but also a bit embarrassing reading stuff you wrote.

I haven't used an antivirus for a few years now. It slows down your computer and you're not much safer with it, maybe it's because I actually learned how to use computers. It also bothers me how they constantly sweep your drive and god knows what data they send through the internet to their developers.

Frankly, if you care about privacy it's better to not use one and instead secure your browser with stuff like uBlock or NoScript. Having Malwarebytes installed on the side (but not running) is nice for a once a month check up.

uBlock makes Adblock Plus/Ghostery and all that other stuff deprecated with a smaller memory footprint. /shilling over

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943 No. 943 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is random, but I just stumbled upon this site after Googling an old game I once played as a kid: 'Warpath'. The developer is apparently working on a sequel, Warpath 20th century and I saw screenshots which looked like the game was from 1997. The whole thing is depressing somehow, especially this page:
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>> No. 947 [Edit]
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Yeah I agree, actually Cave Story is my favourite game (then again the spriting in it is pretty decent).

I downloaded the beta for Warpath 20th century and I actually had some fun with it. My first game was bewildering but by the second I got the hang of it. It soon got pretty repetitive though. Planets are too hard to kill using lazers or missiles, so you have to buy lots of neutron bombs. But those are really expensive, so you have to go through the grind of mining resources from uninhabited planets. It was probably 1.5-2 hours of fun.
>> No. 948 [Edit]
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Somehow I feel this is how most of us are going to end up- fat and married with a fat son and having a fun time making media thats lame by other's standards and cracking lame jokes.
>> No. 949 [Edit]
I want to have a beer with this guy
>> No. 1218 [Edit]
>the galaxy is your oyster
top kek

oh my, why are games like this so perfect and full of.. authenticity?

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992 No. 992 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Exciting stuff! Though on the off-chance that this doesn't mean I'll be driving a rocket-powered time machine by this time next year, I will be sorely disappointed.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 998 [Edit]
It's funny how this thing (LHC) cost well over 10 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, the economies and political systems across Europe are crumbling into pieces.

This better be worth it.
>> No. 999 [Edit]
10 billion US dollars is nothing compared to the money wasted on fighting a pointless war we can't afford.
but since when did the united states or it's people stop buying shit while in massive debt?
>> No. 1000 [Edit]
Shit I'd much rather that money spent on scientific research than dumb things like giving free money to leeches or fighting wars.
>> No. 1001 [Edit]
The short answer is yes. Its worth it

Economies rise and fall regardless if you fund science, you have better staying power if you do invest in future technology though. The countries that don't will fade

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2 No. 2 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Daily reminder that Plan 9front is the strongest operating system.
>> No. 417 [Edit]
how is this daily?
>> No. 991 [Edit]
Daily reminder because after reading this post you're now going to remember it every day, you dumb bakaman
Especially when you're at the toilet.

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863 No. 863 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
_______ ________ __
| |.-----.-----.-----.| | | |.----.| |_
| - || _ | -__| || | | || _|| _|
|_______|| __|_____|__|__||________||__| |____|
|__| W I R E L E S S F R E E D O M
Backfire (10.03.1-rc4, r24045) --------------------
* 1/3 shot Kahlua In a shot glass, layer Kahlua
* 1/3 shot Bailey's on the bottom, then Bailey's,
* 1/3 shot Vodka then Vodka.

Anyone else into hacking embedded devices? I picked up a Linksys WRT54GL earlier this week, and I plan on soldering a JTAG cable together, installing a serial port, and maybe a fan. I've also got to order another 9dbi antenna and get the B.A.T.M.A.N. protocol working since I want to make this into a mesh network node. There's tons of shit that becomes possible after you hack your router though (e.g. personal VPN, dedicated seed box, additional layer of security with iptables, etc.). OpenWRT has thousands of applications. I fucking love it, but I wouldn't mind giving FairuzaWRT a try.

Also, here is a book on hacking the WRT54G series if it interests anyone else.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
12 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 879 [Edit]
It was this book:
>> No. 880 [Edit]
Never throw hardware away. I have the exact same model with DD-WRT acting as a switch because I ran out of ethernet ports on my main router. You can at least turn it into a wireless adapter for a game console.

Main router is an Asus WL-500W, modded to host the contents of my set top box hard drive via ftp.
>> No. 881 [Edit]
I want to run a Tor-ifying router/middlebox in my home but I do not know where to start,what router is recommended for this ? Any good guides?

additional link for others to look in the deep future:

Post edited on 29th Oct 2013, 10:46am
>> No. 882 [Edit]
File onion-pi.pdf - (1.07MB )

I managed to solve my own problem with this guide

No. 65 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Enjoy your apps!
93 posts and 17 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 161 [Edit]
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I guess MS wanted to go back to their roots. I agree it looks terrible.
>> No. 162 [Edit]
I wish that I could turn back time
>> No. 163 [Edit]
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German Government Warns Key Entities Not To Use Windows 8 – Links The NSA

>It allows Microsoft to control the computer remotely through a built-in backdoor. Keys to that backdoor are likely accessible to the NSA – and in an unintended ironic twist, perhaps even to the Chinese.

Original German article:
>> No. 164 [Edit]
kinda funny reading when the german police are known for injecting malware on windows computers through fake software updates.

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883 No. 883 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Does anyone have a tablet computer? I was interested in buying one for reading manga and stuff.

I want to avoid anything iPad related obviously. I was maybe thinking of the ExoPC; it looks pretty good and runs on Win 7. Only, the hardware is just about to become obsolete in regards to tablets so I wasn't sure. Check it out here:

Please restrain from any comments like "buy a netbook" cause I already have one. I just want a tablet computer, because it reminds me of Star Trek compads from when I was growing up~
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>> No. 904 [Edit]

>A tablet out of Google’s Nexus program has been rumored to launch for quite a while, and the consensus is that it is going to be announced at this year’s Google I/O between June 27 and June 29. An unnamed Asus representative confirmed to Android Authority at Computex this week that Asus and Google partnered to manufacturer the 7-inch tablet. It will be announced by the end of June. With that time frame, Google I/O sounds like the most likely place that the Nexus tablet will be announced.

>The representative was not able to offer any information on pricing or specs but said the tablet is going to be “awesome.” The Nexus tablet has been rumored to cost between $150 and $200 to compete with Amazon’s $199 Kindle Fire that now has more than half of the Android tablet market share.
>all signs point to the next version of Android called “Jelly Bean
>> No. 905 [Edit]
Maybe I'll have to buy a tablet... It'd be great for watching anime in bed, and if it ran Windows 8 I could plug in a keyboard and mouse for a casual game of DOTA every once in a while.
>> No. 906 [Edit]
File 134105701843.jpg - (52.87KB , 480x320 , archos101.jpg )
I finally got a tablet but more so I could use it to communicate (deaf).

Had a hard time picking from anything that was not an iPad and was not shit. The best I could get here was an Archos running Android (gonna mess around with that). I got the 1.5GHz version.

Over all, they're really not that useful. I'm able to use it for what I need and it's nice for manga, but apart from that you could just use a PSP or other small device for most things.

Post edited on 30th Jun 2012, 4:54am
>> No. 907 [Edit]
getting this.

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909 No. 909 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

These videos give me hope for the future,and the possibility of a fully functional robotic girlfriend.
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>> No. 918 [Edit]
If there was way to make those dolls looks more "2Dish", I would buy one.
>> No. 919 [Edit]
You mean like super dollfie dutch-wives? I'm positive there might exist something like that soon, if not already.
>> No. 920 [Edit]
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Dolls like this are going for something like $600, minus the clothes.

I would buy one, but it seems difficult. I found these on a forum dedicated to dolls.
>> No. 921 [Edit]
Not really worth the money. Its just a massive, heavy masturbation aid which I'd have no emotional attachment to, and probably get bored of really quickly. The mental bit is probably the most important when fapping and I'd rather just spend my time trying to find some media I really like. Its also: a little creepy, difficult to hide, difficult to throw away.

Maybe it'd be cool if it could make intelligent human-like movements, living giving a blowjob or handjob, or clenching her vaginal muscles while your dick is in there. I actually had a dream about that once. It was really good.

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