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File 173790844222.jpg - (10.95KB , 225x225 , HNI_0013_JPG.jpg )
3611 No. 3611 [Edit]
Is this board still cool with tablets? I decided to lurk here a while back because i was bored and discovered posts from eons ago about them. I know the technology landscape has changed quite a bit since then,and i decided to pose this question out of interest. I just wonder what others think of them now in the current age is all.
>> No. 3612 [Edit]
I don't like them based on my admittedly limited experience. Your choices are Apple, which has a horrible, locked-down software ecosystem, and a stupid setting layout, or an endless pick of Android ones with shoddy build-quality. There's also the Surface, but that's just a low-spec Windows laptop with a gimmicky form factor.

The whole concept is questionable, and the only real advantage it has over laptops is when you're using it without a hard surface, like on your bed. It encourages simplistic user interfaces with overly large buttons, which is annoying since that also affects the desktop.
>> No. 3613 [Edit]
If it has a good screen might do instead of a ebook otherwise I'd rather have my Linux(tm) laptop instead.

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