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File 172999291641.jpg - (191.79KB , 800x600 , BPvRzynphMU6GTYw.jpg )
4079 No. 4079 [Edit]

Notice Regarding Change in Packaging Design

Nendoroid and Nendoroid [Basic] products will soon feature redesigned packaging that significantly minimizes the use of plastic materials, reducing plastic consumption by up to 84% as compared to the original design.

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>> No. 4080 [Edit]
File 172999294972.jpg - (187.50KB , 800x600 , GauG4QQaQAAUbrW.jpg )
>> No. 4081 [Edit]
I'm on board with this. Fuck those weirdos who keep everything in the box and drive prices through the roof. If you want to display it, put it in a glass case.

Post edited on 26th Oct 2024, 6:52pm
>> No. 4082 [Edit]
I always felt a little bit guilty throwing out boxes with nice prints, but at the same time Nendoroid boxes are iconic in otaku culture. It really is a sign of the times...huh.
Hope it catches on with companies that put their figures in those sharp plastic boxes fuck them I have gotten plastic cuts one too many times
I love buying new in box figures so I know they aren't tampered with only to ruin the value of said figure by tossing out the box!!
>> No. 4083 [Edit]
Yeah it'd be nice to not feel bad about tossing the fancy boxes. I justify it with resale value, but I seriously doubt I'll ever sell my stuff.
>> No. 4084 [Edit]
While in good nature, I worry about the effectiveness of the new packaging compared to the original in the measure of the actual purpose of packaging, which is protection during transport.
The plastic gives me a feeling of heavy-duty safety, which I do not quite get from the paper one.
>> No. 4086 [Edit]
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I had a bit of a knee jerk reaction to this and absolutely hated it. I mean, as a collect I feel like the packaging is a pretty big deal and a significant amount of collectors will be keeping their items in those things. Not to mention when you run out of space, like I have, you might start stacking these things up and displaying the item in package.
The more I thought about it though I realized, for one I store and display all mine with the sides or tops showing, not the plastic windows, which I think looks better. Another thing is, a lot of figures I've bought over the years were like this. It's a bit odd certainly but I wouldn't say I hated their decision.
The other thing is, I think the example photo they use probably won't be what the final product looks like. I'm sure it'll have actual images on the box. ...I sure as hell hope they're not really shipping blank boxes like that.
Another thing is I've noticed that in a lot of cases with second hand figures, the plastic windows tend to fall into the boxes as the glue holding them to the cardboard gives out, and the lack of material in the front can make these boxes a lot less sturdy. The plastic packs are certainly better for protecting the figure, but the boxes themselves just aren't as durable with those huge cut outs and can easily fall apart. The ones with multiple windows like on the sides too can be especially flimsy.
>> No. 4087 [Edit]
File 173017790625.jpg - (580.76KB , 800x882 , GbBt0_kbQAEs9b1.jpg )
They're not generic white boxes.
>> No. 4089 [Edit]

The pushback was so bad they caved and reversed the decision.

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