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File 151526787067.jpg - (218.86KB , 970x650 , Vroom.jpg )
3482 No. 3482 [Edit]
Do you like Lego blocks? Do you own any sets or figurines? Are you fond of particular themes? Are there any sets or products based on manga, anime, video games, etc. that you ever wanted to see made? Post funny, useful or curious creations you have found. Remember to follow the no 3DPD rule.

Lego Digital Designer:
Resources, Tools & Tutorials:
Gallery of Parts:
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>> No. 3483 [Edit]
File 151527007579.jpg - (52.25KB , 360x360 , GitS_Treadzikoma_by_LordDane.jpg )
Sets Guide and Viewer:
Rebrick, Original Creations Site:
Rebrickable, Unofficial Original Creations Site:
Building Instructions:
Lego Ideas, Anime:
Lego Digital Designer Gallyer, Anime:
>> No. 3484 [Edit]
It's no wonder you don't see otaku culture and lego mix more often, almost all of those anime themed creations are hideous!
I did however think it was funny how someone made a lego swimming pool for Free!
>> No. 3485 [Edit]
File 151529425060.jpg - (539.07KB , 1191x571 , Love_Live_by_Moko.jpg )
I've seen some amazing stuff made from Lego, specially (and expectedly) mechas, but you can still moe it up.
>> No. 3486 [Edit]
File 151529620938.jpg - (589.31KB , 1000x1000 , 34001222722_5367476a23_o.jpg )
Wow, okay I take back what I said.
>> No. 3491 [Edit]
File 151577467458.jpg - (349.74KB , 700x1215 , legochess.jpg )
I saw this imaginative chess set made with Lego and thought it was pretty nifty. I think the idea is neat but the execution could certainly use improvement. I'd love to see one similar but with one side being from the space sets (e.g. and the other from the city sets (e.g.
>> No. 3492 [Edit]
Lego chess sets aren't actually uncommon and there's a bunch of official ones in a number of themes.
>> No. 3569 [Edit]
File 152646597362.jpg - (74.81KB , 800x455 , bentolego.jpg )
Would you care for some bento?
>> No. 3589 [Edit]
File 152836178543.jpg - (2.40MB , 1000x3000 , DSC029712.jpg )
Made some custom base boards for my town. Still only got two buildings built so far out of the planned seven, but I'll get to em eventually.
>> No. 3590 [Edit]
Very nice work on the road. It looks better than it would look with actual Lego pieces.
>> No. 3604 [Edit]
That is pretty neat, Tohno. I commend your dedication and attention to dettail.
>> No. 3668 [Edit]
File 15421378469.jpg - (949.42KB , 3260x2859 , Ryo.jpg )
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the old Exo-Force theme from 2006, considering it was based off mecha manga.

>Manga Lego characters
>Cool mechs
>Online manga comics
This theme had everything
>> No. 3669 [Edit]
File 154213813675.jpg - (3.32MB , 4896x3672 , Exo Force Robot.jpg )
Oh and it even had these badass robots hellbent on enslaving the human race.

Link to the comics for anyone that's interested:
>> No. 4040 [Edit]
File 168551905866.jpg - (1.05MB , 1500x1125 , DSC_0625.jpg )
A while back I got the idea to try making a custom mosaic, but I had no idea what from or even what of. Just that I wanted to try it. Then it hit me, duh people do that with lego all the time, they even have official sets for it. Which I'll admit this is not, as that would be pricy and when done you wouldn't be able to tell anyway.
Even after gathering materials, I still had no idea what image to use, so the board sat collecting dust for a couple months.
I've been playing a lot of retro games lately, and decided to recreate a frame from one of the Klonoa GBA games.
>> No. 4041 [Edit]
File 168560435581.png - (658B , 48x48 , k2.png )
Found a sprite of the image I'm basing it on, which helps but I'm finding myself not having enough of the right colors. Might end up trying another image instead.
>> No. 4046 [Edit]
File 169441570317.jpg - (78.67KB , 947x612 , 456y.jpg )
This really ticks me off. You see these seats? They're black! the part in front of them? Dark gray.

A while back I bought a very large used bin of random lego, mostly disassembled with a few chunks of partly assembled things here and there and no instructions for anything. over the past month or so I've been sorting out the parts and figuring out what sets are actually in this bin. Something most people might not know is that all lego parts have part numbers printed on them, usually it's tiny and out of sight. Bricklink and brickowl both have databases that catalog every known part and what sets they can be found in. So if you have an unusual part, it can be pretty easy to find out what set it went to. The lego company meanwhile, has PDFs online for all if not nearly all of their sets. Here's the thing though... their instruction PDFs are weirdly bad. The resolution is bad and the colors are way off.
In the case of this boat, I gave it dark gray seats and when I needed dark gray seats for other sets I couldn't find any and assumed they were missing parts. Likewise, there were some parts for this boat I thought were dark gray that I couldn't find, so I assumed they were missing since I could only find them in black... "wait a second..." I thought, and checked the part list for the set and sure enough the colors were just off on the PDF. Colors like white are fine, but the different shades of brown and tans look the same, and standard green looks like a lime green.

I tried to look into why they're like this, and the going theory people seem to have is that the lego company simply doesn't want people building sets from scratch, they want you to buy the set with the manual included.
There's a few issues with that. For one, recent news as unveiled that they're planning on discontinuing manuals in future sets for cost saving reasons. Manuals can be pretty big thick heavy books on larger sets after all. The other thing is, if they didn't want people who didn't buy the sets building the sets, why have the PDF available at all then?
Honesty, I think it's just a case of them either A: hiring people who did a crap job or B: they intentionally used lower quality PDFs to reduce server space and load.
While putting together these sets I have found a couple with actually good PDF, which came with a much higher file size and load time. If we're being kind, we could even say that maybe they did it to not inconvenience customers with huge files.
>> No. 4047 [Edit]
not a nice boat
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