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File 172395192233.jpg - (2.14MB , 2016x1512 , DSC_3020.jpg )
4070 No. 4070 [Edit]
Anyone here play or collect these?
It's basically a trading card game that features sets based on various games and anime.
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>> No. 4071 [Edit]
Sounds interesting but if you need to buy a blindvag like you would with a normal TCG then it's not worth it for me. I don't usually watch popular shows so I would get 1 card I like among 99 cards I don't care about.
>> No. 4072 [Edit]
File 172395700576.png - (178.56KB , 400x400 , TD_frieren_400x400_c73ee0f8-18ea.png )
The packs are themed around specific series. If you buy a blindbag/pack everything in it will be related to what's on the cover, be it chainsaw man or idolm@ster.
They also sell these Trial boxes, which are preconfigured with all you need to start playing the game that are again themed around a specific series, and everything in them will be related to that series.
It's pretty much impossible to get cards from an anime you don't like unless you're buying someone's secondhand collection.
>> No. 4073 [Edit]
When I asked about it last year in the yugioh thread >>4056 nobody replied so I assume the answer is no.
>> No. 4074 [Edit]
I only picked this up recently, very recently.
>> No. 4076 [Edit]
File 172514382084.jpg - (971.05KB , 4032x3024 , DSC_3086.jpg )
>It's pretty much impossible to get cards from an anime you don't like unless you're buying someone's secondhand collection.
It's also possible if you're buying cards from a collection set. But you should already know before getting one of those that they're going to be from random sources.
Pic related, it's from a booster box I opened from the Kadokawa 30th anniversary set.
>> No. 4077 [Edit]
File 172670760820.jpg - (1.54MB , 2016x1512 , DSC_3146.jpg )
I got some custom made card sleeves in the mail today. Now I can (never) play this game in style!
>> No. 4092 [Edit]
File 173903701227.png - (5.18MB , 1536x2048 , mion_yanagi_sp.png )
This was a pleasant surprise yesterday.

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