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File 135311821193.jpg - (80.47KB , 426x716 , Japanese puzzle box 2sun 7step.jpg )
2235 No. 2235 [Edit]
ITT: General collectibles / Random objects you keep as dear.
122 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 3092 [Edit]
That's pretty cool.
>> No. 3108 [Edit]
File 146967649480.jpg - (405.19KB , 845x995 , puzzle collection 000.jpg )
The entire collection finally in one place.

It really is.
>> No. 3109 [Edit]
You've got a really awesome puzzle collection.
>> No. 3114 [Edit]
File 147012846282.jpg - (625.36KB , 819x614 , wooden mirror blocks cube puzzle.jpg )
The first mod I've made (only covered it in wood really, but still). Might add varnish later.

>> No. 3115 [Edit]
File 14701286319.jpg - (112.13KB , 640x480 , wooden mirror blocks cube puzzle making.jpg )
Pic during the making of.
>> No. 3116 [Edit]
File 147018349987.jpg - (661.63KB , 1750x2500 , image.jpg )
Testing 123
>> No. 3117 [Edit]
File 147078217416.jpg - (0.97MB , 1016x768 , wooden mirror blocks cube 0 puzzle.jpg )
>> No. 3118 [Edit]
File 147078221744.jpg - (613.69KB , 787x597 , wooden 3x3 cube puzzle.jpg )
Wooden 3x3
>> No. 3121 [Edit]
File 147456448734.jpg - (508.71KB , 768x576 , Gan 365 air puzzle cube.jpg )
Gan365 Air.

EXCEDINGLY fast cube at its peek configuration, even more than >>3072.
>> No. 3122 [Edit]
File 147456461662.jpg - (916.25KB , 1022x768 , Bubbloid 445 puzzle.jpg )
Carl Hoff's Bubbloid 4x4x5.

It popped out at the very first turn, on the bus. After some adjusting and lubbing it gets much better.
>> No. 3123 [Edit]
File 147456465377.jpg - (362.02KB , 640x480 , mefferts nautilus puzzle.jpg )
Meffert's Nautilus puzzle.

Very pretty.
>> No. 3124 [Edit]
File 147456491325.jpg - (1.21MB , 1125x845 , Tuttminx gradient puzzle.jpg )
Tuttminx (by Very Puzzle).

While lubbing it, I broke an internal piece but managed to fix it (otherwise it'd be USD 54 down the drain). Stickers are DIY, so I tried to make a gradient with them.

If anyone's interested, the main geometry is what you'd call the Goldberg Polyehedron G(1,1)...

Post edited on 22nd Sep 2016, 10:32am
>> No. 3142 [Edit]
>> No. 3159 [Edit]
File 148055185658.jpg - (416.60KB , 576x864 , Carni chaak 3x3.jpg )
Carni Chaak 3x3.
>> No. 3226 [Edit]
Just thought I'd give you a heads up, the latch cube is back in stock on hknow. Since it's more of a rarer puzzle now, I figured you may want to buy it.

I'll be posting my own collection once the card reader I ordered comes in.
>> No. 3255 [Edit]
File Gil31eY.mp4 - (4.22MB )

You might find this interesting.
>> No. 3256 [Edit]
very nice, thank you for sharing
>> No. 3434 [Edit]
File 151349454230.jpg - (1.00MB , 1022x768 , Oskar wooden treasure chest.jpg )
little puzzle dump...

Wooden Oskar's Treasure Chest.
>> No. 3435 [Edit]
when solved this opens up?
>> No. 3436 [Edit]
File 151349459612.jpg - (0.97MB , 1019x766 , color ghost cube.jpg )
Multi-color Ghost Cube.
>> No. 3437 [Edit]
File 151349470284.jpg - (434.59KB , 512x762 , RGB 3x3 cube.jpg )
RGB 3x3 cube
>> No. 3438 [Edit]
File 151349476367.jpg - (760.40KB , 640x958 , wooden puzzle 12 monks hexsticks burr (Stewart Cof.jpg )
12 Monks a.k.a. Hexsticks wooden puzzle burr (Stewart Coffin).
>> No. 3439 [Edit]
File 151349479416.jpg - (309.06KB , 426x696 , Rainbow Magic Puzzle Ball.jpg )
Rainbow Magic Puzzle Ball
>> No. 3440 [Edit]
File 151349484812.jpg - (954.68KB , 1021x766 , Gan356 Air Macaron Purple 3x3 Limited Grand Master.jpg )
Gan356 Air Macaron Purple 3x3 Limited Grand Master Edition.

My favourite 3x3.
>> No. 3441 [Edit]
File 15134948977.jpg - (201.04KB , 594x331 , fidget cube.jpg )
Fidget cube, for the heck of it.
>> No. 3442 [Edit]
File 151349498253.jpg - (477.66KB , 519x701 , wooden puzzle kongming lock.jpg )
I've yet know the proper name of this one.
>> No. 3443 [Edit]
File 151349507289.jpg - (807.87KB , 730x746 , smaz time machine.jpg )
SMAZ Time Machine.
One of my TOP.

>> No. 3444 [Edit]
>> No. 3445 [Edit]
We missed you, puzzle-anon.
>> No. 3446 [Edit]
>> No. 3454 [Edit]
File 151358296525.gif - (463.16KB , 500x279 , surprise.gif )
I had to look for a video of this contraption because I didn't understand how to solve it without it taking me a hundred billion years. It looks insanely tough. Is this the hardest puzzle you have acquired so far?
>> No. 3455 [Edit]
>Is this the hardest
Not at all, no. Although very impressive, it's just a 2x2 with dials that, until the very last one (that needs a series of algorithms to permute the numbers in order), can be solved pretty mindlessly in like 15 minutes total or so.

Among the hardest stuff I've got is probably >>2885 for twisties and >>2930 in general.
>> No. 3493 [Edit]
File 151605191727.jpg - (783.21KB , 754x864 , tricolor mirror cube.jpg )
Tricolor mirror cube.
>> No. 3494 [Edit]
File 151605195967.jpg - (297.75KB , 384x543 , (babylon tower) X-Cube Colorful Five-layer Rotate.jpg )
(babylon tower) X-Cube Colorful Five-layer Rotate Slide Puzzle Toy - White Base
>> No. 3496 [Edit]
File 151605205147.jpg - (807.45KB , 765x860 , Rose Pink 3x3 Qiyi The Valk Mini.jpg )
Rose Pink 3x3 Qiyi The Valk Mini
>> No. 3497 [Edit]
File 151605207833.jpg - (86.05KB , 640x480 , Rose Pink Valk Mini - Macaron purple Gan Air .jpg )
Rose Pink Valk Mini & Macaron purple Gan Air
>> No. 3502 [Edit]
File 151732675919.jpg - (341.96KB , 920x1037 , two face faced lenticular cube 3X3.jpg )
Two face lenticular cube.

For explanation, check:

For purchase:
>> No. 3503 [Edit]
That looks like a gift you should give to someone who you'd like to commit suicide. Even the guy in the video went on suicide watch with a single hand twist.
>> No. 3504 [Edit]
I haven't scrambled it yet either.
I wanna take some precautions first.
>> No. 3519 [Edit]
File 15198575774.jpg - (505.61KB , 1079x347 , QiYi Pentacle Cube scrambled.jpg )
QiYi Pentacle Cube.

Nice looking cube, specially for satanic tastes. A pain in the ass to scramble though, and I figure the solve will be similarly tedious.
>> No. 3568 [Edit]
So, how long did it take, puzzle-kun?
>> No. 3633 [Edit]
File 153412571694.jpg - (478.16KB , 1072x349 , SMAZ Time Machine stickerless scrambled.jpg )
QiYi stickerless Time Machine.
Good for its dirty cheap price.

I just solved it for the first time, assisted by a tutorial. It took me about ~45 minutes. Worst part was the beginning, solving the 2x2 corners; the rest was all fast, very intuitive and fun.
>> No. 3634 [Edit]
File 153412579434.jpg - (1.11MB , 1154x1164 , Mad in China (Jean-Claude Constantin) [solution].jpg )
Mad in China, by Jean-Claude Constantin (solved).
>> No. 3635 [Edit]
File 15341259411.jpg - (621.91KB , 909x909 , Biaxe (Timur Timur Evbatyrov) [3D printed] scrambl.jpg )
This one is very rare and took me years to find it for a reasonable price: 'Biaxe', by Timur Evbatyrov. 3D-printed on commission by Evgeniy Grigoriev (grigorusha), through HKnowstore. Another absolute jewel of the collection.

Constellation Six Family VIDEO:

Post edited on 12th Aug 2018, 7:25pm
>> No. 3660 [Edit]
File 154095351647.jpg - (468.12KB , 767x767 , Shengshou Tank Stickerless.jpg )
Shengshou Tank Stickerless
>> No. 3662 [Edit]
File 154095365821.jpg - (755.89KB , 937x937 , Moyu Mofang Classroom DNA Windmill Magic Cube Red.jpg )
Moyu Mofang Classroom DNA Windmill Magic Cube Red
>> No. 3663 [Edit]
This looks pretty cool. I wonder how long the gloss finish would hold out before scratches start being noticeable.
>> No. 3674 [Edit]
Indeed: many of these are meant for collecting purposes, not to be solved again and again. I just solved it once (pretty easy) and that's about it.
>> No. 4039 [Edit]
Any new puzzles to share, puzzle-kun?
>> No. 4065 [Edit]
File 172010905624.jpg - (3.82MB , 1008x3780 , getting jiggy with it.jpg )
This caught my eye at the store. A blank and transparent jigsaw puzzle. Idea is you not only don't know the orientation, but also which face is the correct side.
Box labeled it as impossible, so I took that as a challenge.
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