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File 133616251547.jpg - (288.31KB , 1500x3000 , greenbikini.jpg )
1851 No. 1851 [Edit]
I'm taking requests, I'll draw whatever you want me to draw.
Expand all images
>> No. 1852 [Edit]
There's actually a bunch of requests here http://tohno-chan.com/cr/res/1526.html
that the artist never got around to doing.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
But that would be like stealing his requests.
>> No. 1854 [Edit]
Can you draw Kaiji smoking weed?
>> No. 1855 [Edit]
It really doesn't seem like he's gonna be doing them any time soon.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
Draw Egon Schiele doing a backflip.
>> No. 1857 [Edit]
Draw a cute trap who is nervous about their first day on the job at a large accounting firm. The other employees are penguins
>> No. 1858 [Edit]
Draw a square! >>1819

Fucking unsaving post passwords
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
File 133617024410.jpg - (473.17KB , 3000x3000 , kaijismokeeveryday.jpg )
Here you go.

Well, I have a bunch of requests laying right here, so I'll do these first.
>> No. 1860 [Edit]
File 133617063984.jpg - (338.05KB , 3000x3000 , squarecubed.jpg )
Here you go!
>> No. 1862 [Edit]
would it be possable to draw Sachiko Ogasawara cosplaying as Cure Aqua(Karen Minazuki) with Yumi Fukuzawa as Cure Dream (Nozomi Yumehara)
>> No. 1863 [Edit]
Argh, that's 3DPD square, man.
>> No. 1864 [Edit]
You mean cube right?
>> No. 1866 [Edit]
>> No. 1868 [Edit]

I can get behind this crossover so second.
>> No. 1870 [Edit]
File 133621275371.jpg - (385.30KB , 3000x3000 , 4PD.jpg )
Brohnos, a whole new dimension of disgusting is waiting for you!
>> No. 1871 [Edit]
Fuck, I just involuntarily vomited in my mouth, but then swallowed it back in again because I had nowhere to spit it and I didn't want to be rude. Now I can't get the feeling of stomach acid off my mouth. Spoiler that shit next time man.
>> No. 1873 [Edit]
File 133621851413.jpg - (453.61KB , 3000x3000 , EGONmidbackflip.jpg )
Here you go!
>> No. 1875 [Edit]
File 133622085730.jpg - (205.64KB , 630x855 , Kanako_Fanart_by_Tsuneki.jpg )
Draw a picture of mai waifu, Kanako Urashima.
>> No. 1877 [Edit]
She looks nice.
>> No. 1878 [Edit]
I support that request.
There canĀ“t be enough of her.
>> No. 1880 [Edit]
File 133627498065.jpg - (190.57KB , 641x820 , 302.jpg )
Draw Tokiko!
>> No. 1891 [Edit]
File 133742757533.jpg - (556.77KB , 3000x3000 , pengaccount.jpg )
In retrospect, he looks more annoyed than nervous.
>> No. 1892 [Edit]
>> No. 1893 [Edit]
Tank Commanders having a sword fight!!!!
>> No. 1908 [Edit]
Nice penguins.
>> No. 1909 [Edit]
File 133981804975.jpg - (66.43KB , 566x800 , atelier-totori-artwork.jpg )
You should draw Totori dressed as a boy while blushing on a ship.
>> No. 1935 [Edit]
File 134482170095.png - (77.88KB , 657x725 , kanakoko.png )
She looks down, you should go cheer her up.
>> No. 1945 [Edit]
Wow thanks!
>> No. 1953 [Edit]
File 134756751346.png - (511.86KB , 2540x2025 , tokiko.png )
I betcha everything on that table is stolen.

Thanks for your encouragements, it's the thing that keeps me going.
>> No. 1954 [Edit]
oh my god that's so damn cute!!! <3
>> No. 1960 [Edit]
File 134892123856.png - (168.16KB , 719x611 , tokikoredux.png )
She's back!
I'll probably finish it one day.
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