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File 131845661011.jpg - (110.20KB , 704x400 , [Ayako]_G_A__Geijutsuka_Art_Design_Class_-_01_[704.jpg )
1616 No. 1616 [Edit]
Your homework assignment today class is to create modern Pictograms.
Using simple shapes, Pictograms can depict practically any idea.

Remember, to much detail and it just becomes a picture, and using words defeats the purpose.

Examples can be seen everywhere, from the symbol often found on power buttons, to what is found on most road signs.
The sky is the limit.
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>> No. 1618 [Edit]
File 131855006416.jpg - (23.38KB , 400x300 , NEET.jpg )
How's this?
>> No. 1619 [Edit]
>> No. 1620 [Edit]
Smoked salmon?
>> No. 1621 [Edit]

Post edited on 13th Oct 2011, 7:14pm
>> No. 1622 [Edit]
File 131855867246.gif - (23.28KB , 850x429 , kaguya kick.gif )
>> No. 1624 [Edit]
>> No. 1669 [Edit]
I have reached a completely new level of extreme shame.
>> No. 1678 [Edit]
File 132129622697.png - (4.60KB , 267x290 , monster.png )
Monsters can't harm you if there's a force field around your bed :3
>> No. 1720 [Edit]
fukkin lol
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