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File 129125059979.jpg - (479.22KB , 1380x2000 , 1286449593753.jpg )
45 No. 45 [Edit]
Just felt like uploading some resources.

Post what you got.
Expand all images
>> No. 46 [Edit]
File 129125065014.jpg - (121.90KB , 850x641 , 1283207350387.jpg )
>> No. 47 [Edit]
File 129125071174.jpg - (1.59MB , 2000x1416 , 1283207887598.jpg )
>> No. 48 [Edit]
File 129125076292.jpg - (70.55KB , 500x582 , 1283210192767.jpg )
>> No. 49 [Edit]
File 129125085278.jpg - (3.60MB , 1024x11905 , Wacom_Photoshop_Painter___v2_0_by_fox_orian.jpg )
>> No. 50 [Edit]
File 129125089799.png - (1.10MB , 1600x1600 , 1283228849245.png )
>> No. 51 [Edit]
File 129125096767.png - (298.87KB , 700x700 , 1283224846806.png )
>> No. 52 [Edit]
File 129125103653.jpg - (260.26KB , 849x1200 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
What the..
>> No. 53 [Edit]
Any idea who the artist is for that sailor uniform picture?
>> No. 54 [Edit]
Are there any guides if you do a line drawing first, scan it and color it with PaintToolSAI?

I haven't drawn anything in a while, but is there a guide to doing decent line drawings such as >>47?
>> No. 55 [Edit]
File 129125636679.jpg - (2.52MB , 500x7288 , CG_Tutorial.jpg )
Something like this? Otherwise:


There are lots of these short tutorials on deviantart, but some faggotry is to be expected as always with that place.
>> No. 56 [Edit]
File 129125673882.jpg - (64.15KB , 250x250 , 1277379648009.jpg )
I just noticed that image is really bad. Fuck, I hate it when people do something sloppy but just end saying it was late and they were tired. The fuck is this shit?
>> No. 57 [Edit]
File 129125681335.jpg - (56.90KB , 619x504 , 1283210801371.jpg )
I don't but maybe if someone who reads moon comes by...
>> No. 59 [Edit]
File 129126141259.jpg - (249.33KB , 667x800 , how_to_draw_pantsu_guide_by_cauliflower_02.jpg )
good stuff.
take some (simple) pantsu, i had from time ago.
>> No. 60 [Edit]
File 129126144346.jpg - (163.68KB , 667x800 , how_to_draw_pantsu_guide_by_cauliflower_04.jpg )
>> No. 61 [Edit]
File 129126146988.jpg - (273.66KB , 667x800 , how_to_draw_pantsu_guide_by_cauliflower_05.jpg )
>> No. 62 [Edit]
File 129126151187.jpg - (240.33KB , 667x800 , how_to_draw_pantsu_guide_by_cauliflower_06.jpg )
>> No. 64 [Edit]
File 129126162973.jpg - (325.50KB , 667x800 , how_to_draw_pantsu_guide_by_cauliflower_08.jpg )
>> No. 98 [Edit]
File 129157643273.jpg - (1.30MB , 700x5000 , 1283210126576.jpg )
>> No. 152 [Edit]
Does anyone have the one with links to practice online?
>> No. 158 [Edit]
File 12923040222.jpg - (415.44KB , 1800x1189 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )

A bit more specific?
>> No. 181 [Edit]
I have tons of these, I can zip them and upload them if anyone is interested, they range from anime things to 3D things, to crafts, to things on the grid system. Want? I have many in this thread.
>> No. 189 [Edit]

I'm interested.
>> No. 190 [Edit]
me too
>> No. 191 [Edit]
I'm more interested in the 2D things.
>> No. 198 [Edit]

They're very unsorted and just threw in there as I've never bothered organizing them, but here.

>> No. 199 [Edit]
Thanks I could get some useful stuff.

Also sharing this site:

>> No. 200 [Edit]

thats a nice place for drawing but something I've been looking for for a while, is a place that gives good critique (points out whats wrong, why, and how to improve it/do it right) that is focused on graphic design, which entails a ton of stuff; more specifically typography/web layouts/advertisement material. As a student and personally finding it fun I've been looking for one forever, but can't find one anywhere. I'm beginning to think it might not exist.
>> No. 203 [Edit]
File 129291829944.jpg - (62.76KB , 250x250 , 1277379529980.jpg )
Have you tried the Conceptart forums? I really like to roam their forums and see what people have done. There's also lots of good critique and tutorials but you probably already know about it.

>> No. 208 [Edit]

Quite oldish stuff but it's really insightful and some of the best books around if you want to get serious about drawing.
>> No. 1745 [Edit]
Times like these where I wish I would drop the traditional pencil and start getting into Photoshop / Illustrator, massive thanks for these though!
>> No. 1777 [Edit]
How do artists 'know' how long and wide to draw torsos, arms, legs etc. Is there some kind of formuliac 'supporting structure' they draw first or did they just memorise it
>> No. 1779 [Edit]
I'm not a pro, but most use references to draw people(and other objects too).
>> No. 1780 [Edit]
You just study anatomy and learn how the body works. The skeleton, muscles, fat, all of these have proportionate ratios. Usually differences in ratios are just differences in style. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_proportions
>> No. 1791 [Edit]
File 133224076736.png - (895.61KB , 946x636 , RED WINE (analisis attempt___).png )
>> No. 1806 [Edit]
File 133402330599.gif - (836B , 143x38 , eq_latex.gif )
This isn't new at all, but people trying to draw girls can profit from it specifically:

>> No. 1850 [Edit]
File 133614234661.jpg - (208.83KB , 796x1032 , MindCandy Man.jpg )
This guy is pretty famous at CA... here is the thread of his progress:

>> No. 3459 [Edit]
That pic >>45 consists of the contents of pages 136-139 of 図説女子高制服百科, also known as 女子高制服百科 (Joshikou Seifuku Hyakka):
https://yande.re/post/show/129666 ← A commenter here identifies the art style as that of 藤森ゆゆ缶 (Fujimori Yuyukan).
If that commenter is mistaken, then the artist is likely one of the other artists who contributed to the book:
有間じろう (Arima Jirou)
加茂 (Kamo)
くまつき (Kumatsuki)
Koi (author of Gochiusa)
田中ノエル (Tanaka Noel)
榊原宗々 (Sakakibara Sousou)
西野木 (Nishinogi)
龍川ナギ (Tatsukawa Nagi)
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