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File 150739623325.jpg - (241.10KB , 1454x960 , First.jpg )
2859 No. 2859 [Edit]
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>> No. 2955 [Edit]
File 154431959811.png - (509.53KB , 788x428 , letter.png )
>> No. 3061 [Edit]
File 158859216724.jpg - (3.50MB , 3120x4160 , IMG20200504131504.jpg )
>> No. 3217 [Edit]
File 162881262963.jpg - (1.51MB , 2448x3264 , 0174942477.jpg )
>> No. 3219 [Edit]
File 163318354551.jpg - (2.87MB , 3000x4000 , IMG_20211002_150114.jpg )
>> No. 3220 [Edit]
Posting handwriting on the internet seems dangerous.
>> No. 3249 [Edit]
I suddenly remembered this thread, thought it was a neat idea and wanted to post just to come and see a post vaguely claiming it seems dangerous.
Anyone have any idea why it would be dangerous?
>> No. 3250 [Edit]
I can't think of a way it'd be _dangerous_, although I suppose in the worst case it might allow someone in the real-world to learn that you are a poster on TC, but they'd need to have another sample of your writing tied to your real-world identity to compare against. It might also allow someone to forge your writing, but unless that can be linked to a real-world identity it seems useless as well.

So in short I don't see how it could be dangerous, although that being said as a paranoid person I'd still hestiatae in terms of opsec to upload anything that could undeniably link with real-world identity.
>> No. 3251 [Edit]
Oh right. I was thinking it was due to feeding algorithms and AI even more data.
Your concerns are more reasonable though, thanks.
>> No. 3507 [Edit]
File 168452896328.jpg - (3.00MB , 4480x2016 , keyboardslamq3er5 jnou9h4tg9op;aueryhnw45gtp.jpg )

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