I'll begin with the game rules. >deck of 50 cards >each players draw 5 cards >the first player draw 1 card to play the game, you can summon creatures , use spells >to summon a creature or use a spell, put as many cards as you want from your hand in your mana zone, then tap the cards to summon a creature or use a spell >when cards are used, put them in your graveyard zone Now let's see what's the win condition >the player who can't draw cards from their deck lose the game, that means the other player automatically wins the game In other words, you must oudeck your opponent before you run out of cards >you can attack your enemy with your creatures >when you attacked, the opponent discard cards 1 card to the graveyard For the phases: >draw phase: draw 1 card >preparation phase: do your things >battle phase:/!\ both players can play during this phase /!\ >end phase: next player's turn >suspension phase: between the end phase and draw phase; untap mana cards Any cards can be used as mana cards. The value of the mana is always 1 card=1 mana. When battleing, the attacking mcreature always use its ATTACK while the attacked creature always use is DEFENCE. Finally, something that I call "invocation": tap mana cards then summon a creature from your mana zone to your battle field/zone. Thoughts?
>>3263 >>>when you attacked, the opponent discard cards 1 card to the graveyard your opponent send 1 crad from their deck to the gravyard zone*, sorry
It sounds a lot of like yugioh. These instructions aren't very clear. >deck of 50 cards What type of cards are there? >then tap the cards to summon a creature or use a spell What monsters can I summon and what spells I can use? The ones in my hand, or the ones in my deck? >put as many cards as you want from your hand in your mana zone What can mana be used for? >when you attacked, the opponent discard cards 1 card to the graveyard What makes one monster any different from another if their attacks do the same thing? >the attacked creature always use is DEFENCE What does defense do? >tap mana cards What is tapping? Are there any limitation to it? What's sacrificed by putting cards in the mana pile if you can just do this?
>>3265 >It sounds a lot of like yugioh. because I only played yugioh mostly. But know about the other tcg >These instructions aren't very clear. sorry I'll try to make ir clear >deck of 50 cards >What type of cards are there? for now, creature and spells cards. I want to add lands/field card and object/item cards (but I'm not sure) >then tap the cards to summon a creature or use a spell >What monsters can I summon and what spells I can use? The ones in my hand, or the ones in my deck? the ones in your hand only. All the cards can be use as a mana card by putting it in the mana zone. You can summon a creature by paying its cost. >put as many cards as you want from your hand in your mana zone >What can mana be used for? it can be used to summon a creature, or use a spell/action card. That's the only use for now >when you attacked, the opponent discard cards 1 card to the graveyard> >What makes one monster any different from another if their attacks do the same thing? each time you attack your opponent directly with your creature, he sens 1 card from his deck to the graveyard/cemetary zone. >the attacked creature always use is DEFENCE >What does defense do? if atk>def, the def creature is send to the cemetery zone. if atk=def, both creature are send to the cemetatumy zone(Im not sure for this one) and if atk<def: only the attacking creature is defeated >tap mana cards What is tapping? >put a card vertical to horizontal position >Are there any limitation to it? when you tapped, you must wait the next turn to untap it and use the mana again. >what's sacrificed by putting cards in the mana pile if you can just do this? forget about this idea, I give up this one
>>3263 I was thinking about such a mechanism too that basically your deck is your HP but it decides the game way too early, it's a dangerous thing to make it a main objective, because less cards to draw also means less options to play, see the library burning blue decks in MTG. If you want some awesome and unique rules to get inspiration from I suggest trying out the L5R card game either the older or the recently finished new one. https://jigoku.online/ https://bushibuilder.com/ Or Netrunner is fine too but it's a bit overly complicated in my opinion. https://www.jinteki.net/
But also I suggest making your game playable in either the VASSAL engine or Tabletop Simulator so you can playtest it's flow before committing to an idea.
>>3268 I tried using vassal but I donnt understand it at all and tabletop isn't in sale on steam. What do?
>>3269 Try harder.
>>3270 ok
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