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File 147017075176.jpg - (1.38MB , 3264x1836 , 20160802_133405.jpg )
2688 No. 2688 [Edit]
I baked a chicken thigh. I rubbed a mix of hoisin sauce/lime juice/hot sauce/sake in to it before baking. I served it over rice and added a mix of the same spices I added before baking.
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>> No. 2814 [Edit]
File 149776900238.jpg - (251.85KB , 472x1396 , 1290405015051.jpg )
Thats very interesting, I've read a little about central asian cooking tried making any of it. The cheeses from yak and camel milk seem particularly appealing, especially the smoked ones. So does kumis and those strange breads they make in the buried ovens.
>> No. 2815 [Edit]
File 149777030435.jpg - (75.62KB , 500x327 , tandoor.jpg )
Kumis is quite nice. The taste is a bit weird at first, but it's a very mild alcohol that gives you a bit of a buzz without the bloating of beer nor the heavy hit of hard liquor. The bread they make is beautiful. It's an artform as much as it is something to eat. It's actually a good demonstration of how important bread is in the local cultures because obviously if you're nomadic you can't lay down wheat for flour, you need to get that from a bazaar or something. This means that flour based food is historically seen as a special food, especially bread because it was not something that you could make with things you had. You needed to bring things from outside the camp in to make it. So when they make it, they put a lot of effort into it.

I'm can't remember what the word for the clay ovens is in Kazakh, but oven/furnace is пеш - 'pesh' so presumably it's that. They're far more common in the south since it's traditionally been earlier to sedentise. It's like I said above, the kazan was commonly used as a kind of portable oven for baking. Flip it over the fire and stick your dough to it. It's the same theory as a tandoor-like oven. With those they also just stick the dough to the sides and let it bake there. Pic is Punjabi but the theory is the same all the way to Asia Minor at least.
>> No. 2821 [Edit]
so how is it that the dough sticks to the wall but doesn't tear when its removed? high fat content in the dough or is it the oven operator's finely tuned motor skills or something else?
>> No. 2822 [Edit]
File 149964523442.jpg - (565.52KB , 2048x1152 , 20170709_170044.jpg )
Plain white cake with vanilla-banana buttercream frosting. The cake came out kind of dense, probably because I used a springform pan which was much larger than called for (lost my regular cake pans).
>> No. 2823 [Edit]
I believe that it's practice and the fact that the surface bakes dry and is no longer so adhesive. Not entirely sure.

You good sir, are a god. Baking is hard as balls, so a little dense is a whole lot better than I could do. Looks great to me

Post edited on 10th Jul 2017, 12:33am
>> No. 2847 [Edit]
File 15060385616.jpg - (837.80KB , 2048x1152 , 20170921_165931.jpg )
Brownies. Just a boxed mix with some protein powder added.
>> No. 2849 [Edit]
File 150630487556.jpg - (683.92KB , 2048x1152 , 9ad55412-ec6b-445f-8790-fb011f8ed43b-1476286861.jpg )
onions and beef stir fry. marinated beef in grated garlic+ginger, soy sauce, lime juice, vinegar-based hot sauce. sliced onions and fried at medium high heat for a few minutes in vegetable oil. added the beef and sauce and fried for another few min, though i over shot it by a bit. served it over white rice.
>> No. 2876 [Edit]
File 151628773715.jpg - (1.22MB , 2576x1932 , 20180118_063015.jpg )
pancakes and coffee
>> No. 2885 [Edit]
File 152000801465.jpg - (88.75KB , 556x471 , 1.jpg )
Sorry, I've got not recipes but I have some pics to post~

Quick fix noodle salad with fusilli, dried tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, feta, bit of (olive, or not) oil. You can add other stuff too of course, I sometimes add sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Add rucola on top afterwards, mixing in rucola will just ruinthe rucola and make the salad go bad that much faster. Good by itself or with some meat.
>> No. 2886 [Edit]
File 152000828618.jpg - (97.13KB , 612x467 , 2.jpg )
Similar salad, but this time with actual lettuce and some poultry.
>> No. 2887 [Edit]
File 152000837277.jpg - (82.95KB , 576x457 , 3.jpg )
This is a good one - apple chips. My mom brings me a lot of green, sour apples every year and I cut them into thin slices and dry them out like this. Really delicious.
>> No. 2888 [Edit]
File 152000851984.jpg - (169.20KB , 676x507 , 4.jpg )
A mexican casserole before it went into the oven. With corn, red beans, chorizo, paprika, obviously cheese.
>> No. 2889 [Edit]
File 15200086367.jpg - (87.31KB , 626x487 , 5.jpg )
Tagliatelle with mascarpone, in lemon sauce. Adding the right amount of salt to balance the sourness of lemon and sweetness of mascarpone is the key. A fast, simple dish.
>> No. 2890 [Edit]
File 152000892740.jpg - (109.91KB , 645x410 , 6.jpg )
''Aglio e olio''. King of fast dishes, you can fix this bad boy in 15 minutes. In parentheses cause any self respecting Italian would murder me for adding black olives, dried tomatoes, parsley and the like to it. But I do, and it's better that way. Sorry Italy.
I also sprinkle it with a fair share of lemon juice, really brings out the taste. But the beauty of the dish is you can just add whatever you like.
>> No. 2891 [Edit]
File 152000915497.jpg - (178.37KB , 652x487 , 7.jpg )
And finally today's pizza, unbaked, maybe will post a baked pic tomorrow? This was the best dish I've made in ages, it turned out so well. The toppings is just your run of the mill onion, paprika, corn. Also BBQ sauce which helped a lot. But they key was the dough which I made with corn flour and a ton of carrot juice (you can tell how the dough is very orange in the pictures). Brilliant.
I made a ton intending to spend 3 days eating it but it was so good I just ate half today.
>> No. 2892 [Edit]
What is this, a dish for birds? Or did you take the picture after eating three quarters of it?
How long do these last?
>> No. 2893 [Edit]
File 152000938527.jpg - (150.99KB , 644x473 , 8.jpg )
Different angle.
>> No. 2896 [Edit]

I ate a big plate of pumpkin soup before that one. The dish is deceptively sating because of mascarpone.

As for the apple chips... Hmm, I wouldn't know, I go through mine in no time. Probably depends heavily on how you store them. You have to keep them away from any sort of humidity for sure.
>> No. 2899 [Edit]
File 152123497494.jpg - (101.54KB , 735x514 , f28242f642.jpg )
Alright, might as well post some follow up pics.
Here's the baked pizza. You should already be able to tell just how tall the dough has gotten...
>> No. 2900 [Edit]
File 152123513244.jpg - (115.32KB , 697x585 , 1acb9129f8.jpg )
... but if you can't take a look at this.
Now, normally a pizza with this much dough would end up straight in the trash bin. Unedible. You'd barely notice the toppings. But despite what this looks like it was soo soft you barely noticed it. I noticed it less than with a pizza that has super thin dough. It was really flavourful too thanks to adding carrot juice before baking the dough.

Again, really proud of how it turned out.
>> No. 2901 [Edit]
File 152123525134.jpg - (140.33KB , 800x522 , 0817b18e48.jpg )
Here's a frittata I made the other day. Cherry tomatoes, scallion, mascarpone, camembert, some sausage. Eggs. Turned out okay but something was missing. I threw in an entire (sliced) chilli pepper but it wasn't spicy enough I guess.
>> No. 2902 [Edit]
File 152123526997.jpg - (106.64KB , 790x526 , 1d9fec51d9.jpg )
>> No. 2921 [Edit]
File 153011591623.png - (917.54KB , 618x601 , 1c15300e84.png )
Writing in ketchup can be surprisingly hard depending on what your... 'bottle' is like.
>> No. 2922 [Edit]
yeah you need to have the right tip on your squeeze bottle and you need to have had plenty of practice to do that stuff for it to come out looking good. they make it look easy in anime, but its pretty challenging.
>> No. 2984 [Edit]
File 156656026692.jpg - (124.47KB , 1000x663 , bread.jpg )
Here's a bread I made
>> No. 2985 [Edit]
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And a stew
>> No. 2986 [Edit]
Looks really delicious...!
>> No. 2988 [Edit]
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>> No. 3005 [Edit]
File 157154738246.jpg - (436.90KB , 1440x1080 , Pizzas 01.jpg )
Here's two pizzas I made on Friday...! My mom made the tomato sauce and dough, though. It was very fun. I went out of my way to make the regular pizza to look as perfect as possible. The baked-in pizzas got all the ugly or not as pretty parts. Sadly, we didn't have fresh or even frozen field mushrooms, but they were tasty, also, anyway. I can't imagine how tasty it would've been with fresh mushrooms, because this must've been the tastiest pizza I've eaten in my whole life...! I'm not sure how to improve on it, the next time, except for maybe the dough, which I do think could be improved significantly (not my mom's fault; it's the recipe she followed which I think is not perfect). The baked-in pizza was my very first attempt at it, so I had to patch up three holes that appeared in it with flour. A good suggestion is to keep a bit of dough to patch holes with, in case this happens. Also, one should finish the baked-in pizzas first, as otherwise, the dough will get a bit too dry to easily turn over (also make sure to keep a decent amount of flour underneath the dough, or it won't get off for turning over).

I didn't have a salad for it so I grilled the remainder of the paprika I had used. It, too, was tasty, but I think I should've salted it inside, a bit. I also had a very tasty non-alcoholic beer with it, which I also photographed.

Sorry about all the photos.... I have OCD, so I decided just to include all of them. Also, the mobile phone I used to photograph with has a depth function that I used on most photos, which I think looks kind of odd.... but oh well..

I still have a piece of it left.... I will keep it for Monday to eat together with Hestia.
>> No. 3006 [Edit]
File 15715474516.jpg - (452.20KB , 1440x1080 , Pizzas 02.jpg )
Photo 2...
>> No. 3007 [Edit]
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>> No. 3008 [Edit]
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In the oven.
>> No. 3009 [Edit]
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Not yet baked....
>> No. 3010 [Edit]
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>> No. 3011 [Edit]
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>> No. 3012 [Edit]
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>> No. 3013 [Edit]
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>> No. 3014 [Edit]
File 157154783380.jpg - (421.17KB , 1440x1080 , Pizzas 10.jpg )
Baking the baked-in one...!! (Well, it wasn't yet baked-in, here.)
>> No. 3015 [Edit]
File 157154788330.jpg - (378.26KB , 1440x1080 , Pizzas 11.jpg )
Yum!! It was very tasty, to say the very least....
>> No. 3016 [Edit]
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I had this non-alcoholic beer with it. It was surprisingly tasty.
>> No. 3017 [Edit]
File 157154801019.jpg - (546.79KB , 1440x1080 , Pizzas 13.jpg )
Now the baked-in was done. This is the one I still have a piece left of...
>> No. 3018 [Edit]
File 15715480662.jpg - (483.33KB , 1440x1080 , Pizzas 14.jpg )
Another angle of it. It doesn't look like much, but it was extremely delicious...!
>> No. 3019 [Edit]
I forgot to say that those dark things on it are salty, sun-dried tomatoes. Definitely very tasty on pizza, too...!
>> No. 3020 [Edit]
Looks fucking great. Good job.
Can you post the recipe?
>> No. 3021 [Edit]
I really enjoyed this and your proceeding posts, and the food does indeed look very tasty. Thanks for posting it!
>> No. 3037 [Edit]
File 158329117062.jpg - (183.49KB , 1200x900 , IMG_20200303_213640.jpg )
I was going to post a few pictures on the steps of making fried rice, but the quality was so bad that it wasn't worth it. Here's one most of the way through. It's basically fried rice for people who don't want to put that much effort into it, I eat this just about every evening in one large portion, because I do not eat very much for the majority of the day. The thing that dictates taste most is how well the rice is made (how much water to use, how long to cook it). After this it's easy to be consistent. After you make the rice, make some eggs in a pan (I use 3 usually) and scramble them on about half way heat on the gas burner. You don't need to cook them completely just so that they're not runny because you still have to add rice etc and they will continue cooking. Then put all the rice in the pan and stir it up with the eggs. When it's all stirred add oil (any kind works, I have olive oil) what I do is put a little bit around the rim of what's in the pan. Then stir it up and add soy/tamari sauce. The amount of this used is the second thing that dictates taste, and if you use low salt or regular kind. I usually make 1.5 cups of dry rice, and based on what I measured today about 1/8 cup (not exact) of sauce works well. Then stir it and leave it till it browns rice a bit, then add vegetables. Sometimes I add green onion if I have it but I don't today. I usually just use a ton of broccoli. I get it frozen, with that you can just take it out of the freezer and put it in the pan frozen. A good way to gauge when its done is just to turn off the heat when the vegetables have thawed out completely. It's a pretty quick meal to make, and it tastes great at least I think so. The process is basically stir, wait 10 seconds, stir, etc. until it's done. You could probably very easily make better fried rice by looking it up a bit and putting some more things in, but far as I'm concerned it's 80% of the result for a fraction of the effort.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2020, 7:55pm
>> No. 3048 [Edit]
File 158678872253.jpg - (2.83MB , 3036x4048 , IMG_20200413_081437.jpg )
Here's what I've been eating for breakfast lately. Pancake with whipped cream and instant coffee with milk.

The pancake recipe is as follows:
Dry: 1/2 cup (~60 g) flour, 1 Tbsp (~12 g) sugar, 1 tsp (~4 g) each of baking powder and spice mixture, a sprinkle of salt.
Wet: 1 Tbsp (~15 mL) oil (I've been using canola but any neutral oil works), 1 egg, 1/4 cup (60 mL) milk.
Mix dry with dry, wet with wet, then mix dry with wet. I cook it at a low heat, and when the top has bubbles all over it I flip it once. It takes maybe 10 minutes or less in total on the stove. I don't measure anything for it, but the batter should not be too runny. It should be somewhat thick.

For the whipped cream, I start by keeping a metal mixing bowl and whisk in the freezer overnight. I take it from the freezer and pour in 1-2 Tbsp (15-30 mL) of heavy whipping cream and lately 1 tsp (4 g) sugar. I then whisk the shit out of it, which takes about 3-5 minutes. I usually do the whisking while the pancake is on the stove and after I've washed the dishes.
>> No. 3049 [Edit]
Homemade whipped cream is the best. Nice mug too.
>> No. 3382 [Edit]
It's my waifu's day soon, and I'd like to make a cake. Specifically, I want to make chocolate cake with a layer of sliced strawberries and pudding or something similar. It's my understanding that you're supposed to make the cake, stick it in the freezer or fridge to cool it down, then cut it in half to add the middle layer.
Does TC have any advice that may help me from fucking everything up?
>> No. 3488 [Edit]
File 168214785321.jpg - (362.98KB , 4000x1844 , 20230420_110140.jpg )
Well I'm about 9 months late, but here's my comment:
The purpose of cooling it down is probably to make it so the frosting doesn't melt and drip down. Should only take 15 to 30 minutes in the fridge. I would also recommend letting it cool on the counter for some time before sticking it in the fridge to prevent it absorbing too much moisture.

As for cutting, it can be difficult to cut it in half without making a crooked cut. Some advice I saw was to either stick long skewers into the cake from a few angles to act as guides for the knife, or use something else as a guide like an upside down glass, or something.

I'm back to my breakfast of big pancake cooked in leftover bacon grease, with hand-whipped cream. I even made a quick berry compote since I was feeling fancy. Instant coffee with milk and whipped cream on top to drink.
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