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File 168295088161.jpg - (328.10KB , 1256x1853 , 167786323099.jpg )
3489 No. 3489 [Edit]
I want to make a visual novel with you guys, like satou and yamazaki did in welcome to NHK, who's in?!
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>> No. 3490 [Edit]
File 168295288798.jpg - (746.56KB , 1540x1098 , fbfd64bf32a814f75fbbbf97ced5cdcf.jpg )
You didn't make that post too, right?

Post edited on 1st May 2023, 7:56am
>> No. 3491 [Edit]
File 168295484469.jpg - (226.47KB , 960x1400 , b831ab9a-2bbb-422f-af10-7e45f03c6b4f.jpg )
will you challenge yourself and help me!?
>> No. 3492 [Edit]
and what do you mean by your post and why did you edited it?
>> No. 3493 [Edit]
File 168296021374.png - (263.90KB , 318x492 , 2023-05-01_16-56.png )
Are you going to add a disabled meido imouto robot route?
>> No. 3494 [Edit]
For all I know, you have no skills, or even ideas, because you haven't presented any. That thread itself is fine, but was co-opted by somebody asking other people to do work without offering any direction or effort on their part. Which is what you're doing now.

Post edited on 1st May 2023, 10:15am
>> No. 3495 [Edit]
you're sabotaging the project
>> No. 3496 [Edit]
If you don't have any skills to contribute yourself, then you're just asking people to do free work for you. Ideas are dime a dozen. Especially with LLMs, the barrier of entry is lowered enough that if you still don't want to bother learning anything, then you are either hopelessly naive or just have unrealistic expectations.
>> No. 3497 [Edit]
I do have ideas let me some time

Post edited on 1st May 2023, 12:46pm
>> No. 3498 [Edit]
here's my idea
you're a new student in a new school (you got transfered). there is something problematic, is it you are a pervert. your mission, fuck the girls in school (student to teacher to nurse,, to director female, etcc..)different girls differents ending. so what do you think?
>> No. 3499 [Edit]
Please learn grammar and punctuation first.
>> No. 3500 [Edit]
nigger you got it what I ment
>> No. 3501 [Edit]
This post is quintessentially stroke-inducing.
>> No. 3502 [Edit]
Making a nukige would be boring.
>> No. 3503 [Edit]
I think I've heard it a million times.
>> No. 3504 [Edit]
it's better than nothing
>> No. 3505 [Edit]
so what do you think of this:
you're a transfered student and you must resolve a mystery: why a girl in the highschool killed herself. you must found out why BUT it is also an eroge, so you have routes where you can fuck teachers, students, nurse and director female,etc..
>> No. 3506 [Edit]
If this is supposed to be some sort of satirical joke, please keep it in /lol/.
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