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File 167709358459.jpg - (191.48KB , 850x1275 , __rosine_berserk_drawn_by_semiotto__sample-1dc3f5d.jpg )
3467 No. 3467 [Edit]
Say you could write any gameshow you wanted. Your idea would immediately be adopted by the producers. What would you write?
I have this idea of a gameshow were 3 participants stay locked, each of them in a really big room. Each room has a telephone installed, that can only dial one other room. The participants are all of them from completely different cultures, with completely different languages, with little to no similarities. Their room is basically a really elaborate escape room basically impossible to crack by trial and error. An manual of how to solve each room is placed in someone else's room. The three rooms are also designed based on the culture of the participant in another room. There is a television set and plenty of video and audio recordings to see and listen, but they are all from that particular culture. The participants must get the info to escape his room by conversing with another participant he can't see with the phone line. No participant understands the other's language so they have to get really creative and work really hard. There's a bathroom in each room along with room service and sun hours, but no out time. The program is livestreamed online with best of moments appearing on tv on a weekly basis.
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>> No. 3469 [Edit]
I think a game like that would be impossible. The participants would settle on using English, unless you really go out of your way to find people who don't know any. In that case, they'd probably be too dumb to solve it. Visual communication is a lot more mutually understandable. So allowing them to send letters instead makes more sense. It'd also remove the memory component.

Post edited on 22nd Feb 2023, 11:57am
>> No. 3470 [Edit]
I was thinking only monoglots could take part in this game. Like poor people far from any capital. Also they would be the most likely to accept to do this in exchange for money or fame I think. Also most europeans and americans would be excluded from taking part in this game. Most people living in western europe and the americas either speak english or speak a language very similar to english. At best there could be one american or european and the other players would speak totally different languages.
Yes. visual communication is a lot better. This is part of the hook of this game, interesting to listen and see they try to come up with ways to bypass this hurdle. Now I forgot to say this in the op, but next to their phones there would a small desk with a notebook and pen and pencil. They could write stuff on this notebook for remembrance. Sending letters is something it don't think would work or be of any use. Imagine an american, a chinese, and a russian. Or a italian, an pakistani and a japanese. These all have different scripts. Sending a letter would be of no use. A just arrived player would have no way to communicate the sounds and ideas on his head through a letter. The tv, sound system and books would be there for the player to try first.
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
>Imagine an american, a chinese, and a russian. Or a italian, an pakistani and a japanese. These all have different scripts.
There's no restriction on what they can put in a letter. That means they can put drawings.
>> No. 3472 [Edit]
File 167717634590.jpg - (2.60MB , 1500x2132 , Ohara_Mari_full_2498297.jpg )
So one would draw something, send to his playmate and his playmate would write the name of that in his language? This way it's basically snail mail dictionary. The ban on letters would make it more interesting I think.
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