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File 132366265442.jpg - (4.23KB , 160x120 , dan1.jpg )
943 No. 943 [Edit]
This is random, but I just stumbled upon this site after Googling an old game I once played as a kid: 'Warpath'. The developer is apparently working on a sequel, Warpath 20th century and I saw screenshots which looked like the game was from 1997. The whole thing is depressing somehow, especially this page:
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>> No. 944 [Edit]
>256 color graphics (up from 16)
>copyright 2004
this is depressing, it's like he's been frozen in time for 15 years
>> No. 945 [Edit]
I took a look at their forum, maybe just because of the age, but it does have a lot of posts considering what you'd expect.

Anyways graphics are over rated, as are most colors.
>> No. 946 [Edit]
This really takes me back to my first programming experiences, which were with Visual Basic and Visual C++. I dreamed of making anything at this level back then, but the most I could do was a simple game of Pong.

Besides, I bet the guy's not much of an artist.
>> No. 947 [Edit]
File 132384332435.png - (52.00KB , 1024x738 , 2.png )
Yeah I agree, actually Cave Story is my favourite game (then again the spriting in it is pretty decent).

I downloaded the beta for Warpath 20th century and I actually had some fun with it. My first game was bewildering but by the second I got the hang of it. It soon got pretty repetitive though. Planets are too hard to kill using lazers or missiles, so you have to buy lots of neutron bombs. But those are really expensive, so you have to go through the grind of mining resources from uninhabited planets. It was probably 1.5-2 hours of fun.
>> No. 948 [Edit]
File 132384347597.png - (64.53KB , 1024x737 , 1.png )
Somehow I feel this is how most of us are going to end up- fat and married with a fat son and having a fun time making media thats lame by other's standards and cracking lame jokes.
>> No. 949 [Edit]
I want to have a beer with this guy
>> No. 1218 [Edit]
>the galaxy is your oyster
top kek

oh my, why are games like this so perfect and full of.. authenticity?
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