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No. 65 [Edit]
Enjoy your apps!
47 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
>> No. 114 [Edit]
also for textbooks and VNs.
And for drawing and making notes, if styluses work on them.
But apart from that, I've only ever seen people use them for web-browsing (which works far better on a real laptop/netbook) and playing simple games like sudoku and so on.
>> No. 115 [Edit]
I used mine so I wouldn't have to spend money on a graphics tablet.
>> No. 116 [Edit]
Tablets seriously need to be used for textbooks. But, as usual, Americans are leading the way in ass-backwards developments, reading smut novels and playing games on them. Seriously, nobody carries a bag around with sixty pounds of paperback novels. What you do see is students carrying six $200 books across campus.

Tablets would really help the education process and streamline textbook publication, as well as not punch the balls off of each students' bank loan and scholarship funds.
>> No. 117 [Edit]
I already carry a laptop with many PDF's I find for free online. Tablets are just a crippled PC.

Doesn't matter what they get used for, it will just be a toy.
>> No. 118 [Edit]
If my school had tablets they would all be stolen within a month. That or broken from the students using them as drums. It was like going to school with cavemen
>> No. 119 [Edit]
File 132984693420.jpg - (23.20KB , 490x505 , lenovo-thinkpad-x61-tablet-pc.jpg )
I understand that schools try to be modern with PDFs and such, but why choose to give students a tablet toy instead of a Tablet PC? One is a handicapped mess, the other is a laptop with a touchscreen. Why shoot yourself in the foot by giving them the limited gadget?
>> No. 120 [Edit]
then those students would have to pay to replace them, it should be that simple.
>> No. 121 [Edit]
that would probably be considered racist or classist or sexist or whatever the excuse of the day in america is.
>> No. 122 [Edit]
1.locked bootloaders
2.control maintenance

>Implying e-books are cheaper and more efficient and you can sell them after the semester has ended.
>> No. 123 [Edit]
>>667 Have you noticed that both "mattberg" and "angiulo" are displayed in lower case, despite being proper nouns? Looks like calling people on their real names is still an unsolved problem, despite decades of work on this issue.
>> No. 124 [Edit]
You're probably right.
>> No. 125 [Edit]

Pftfft shhhhh hahaha!
>> No. 126 [Edit]
what the fuck are they doing
>> No. 127 [Edit]
It's DLC hits the OS market!

At least I hope I'd be able to download a decent Windows 2000-style interface for $5
>> No. 128 [Edit]
All right, that is just stupid.

They just want everyone to stick with 7 then. Actually 7 still has the ability to make Microsoft a ton of money. Xp support is supposed to end soon, but companies are dragging ass to upgrade from xp.

The life-span of an OS is getting long now. A new version every other year doesn't fly anymore.
>> No. 129 [Edit]
File 133665415348.png - (171.71KB , 469x450 , 1336652002480.png )
silly Microsoft what are you doing with ARM ?
>> No. 130 [Edit]
It's such a disaster
>> No. 131 [Edit]
File 133786969891.png - (1.61MB , 1247x2878 , 1337864900997.png )
windows related
>> No. 132 [Edit]
File 13379304147.jpg - (318.79KB , 856x1702 , c28009626bddd5d82b0287e52962e47a.jpg )
They're trying to get the otaku!

Unfortunately it isn't going to work with how stupid Windows 8 sounds
>> No. 133 [Edit]
She's also not as cute as Nanami.
>> No. 134 [Edit]
File 133793338367.jpg - (354.94KB , 812x1180 , 9e5d0daf66a4ebc5eb76f49336896f8d.jpg )
I dunno, I have a thing for blonds, so I can't 100% agree with you, but Nanami-chan is undoubtedly cute.
>> No. 136 [Edit]
File 133793344937.jpg - (443.17KB , 850x1133 , Spoiler Picture.jpg )
Reminds me of Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z.

Post edited on 25th May 2012, 3:23am
>> No. 137 [Edit]
File 133793972542.jpg - (683.45KB , 941x992 , b1692a9bb83a2e5b559dd9b8180de85a.jpg )
Yeah, they look pretty similar. Maybe there's a slight chance that it's more than a coincidence since they both are related to the number '8'.
>> No. 138 [Edit]
File 133796550355.jpg - (29.86KB , 395x400 , slack.jpg )
Slackware-tan's the only one for me.
>> No. 139 [Edit]
File 133796690127.jpg - (593.09KB , 1920x1080 , silverlight tan beach.jpg )
Silverlight-tan never got me to get silverlight so this isn't gonna work on me either!
>> No. 140 [Edit]
File 134461078049.gif - (444.63KB , 240x180 , Gabetroll.gif )
>Valve’s Gabe Newell says that Windows 8 is a ‘catastrophe’ and that developing their games and platform for Linux is one way to ‘hedge against that eventuality.’
>> No. 141 [Edit]
They've been calling the shitty new UI "Metro" this entire time, but a few days ago they had to change it because of a copyright dispute. Considering it's 2 months until release it's pretty funny it went unchecked for that long
>> No. 142 [Edit]
Also now it's just called "Modern UI", which is just stupid.
>> No. 143 [Edit]
>> No. 144 [Edit]
As someone who has been dualbooting XP & various flavors of linux for a good ten years, this seems like a welcome change to me. I've hated everything Windows has done since XP (I fucking hate 7, for reasons I don't want to get into here), but this seems a big enough change that I wouldn't mind at least trying it. I'm all for simplicity, and if this means it has to look more like a tablet, I don't mind. I don't get this sort of misplaced elitism. If a new desktop metaphor comes along that is more efficient and simpler than the other one, there is no sense in clinging to the old one, and I say this as someone who hates change. It's also ironic to see people posting 'time to switch to linux' when the "tablet" paradigm has been taking over lately there too (Unity & Gnome 3).
Now I'm not saying that Windows 8 is good or even better than its predecessors, I just think it's silly to condemn it without even having tried it just because it looks like a tablet interface. It just seems to me like many people are simply afraid of having to relearn how to use their computer(s).
>> No. 145 [Edit]
>that is more efficient and simpler than the other one

you can't have more than one app window open at the same time and people could literally not figure out how to shut it down. it's a mess
>> No. 146 [Edit]
How about no windows.
>> No. 147 [Edit]

>According to Taiwanese trade paper DigiTimes, the top two netbook manufacturers, Asus and Acer, have at long last abandoned the inexpensive, low-powered netbook.

>Asus CEO Jerry Shen has reportedly confirmed the end of production for Eee PC netbooks, the trailblazing netbook brand that started the whole netbook craze.

>Windows 8 almost ensures the death of the netbooks, with its 1024-by-768-pixel screen resolution requirement. (Most netbooks have a 1024 by 600 pixels resolution on their 10-inch screens.)
>> No. 148 [Edit]
The reasons to love windows 8 just keep piling up...
>> No. 149 [Edit]
File 135006664038.png - (438.63KB , 1116x648 , 1350054949854.png )
>> No. 150 [Edit]
I'll take 8!
>> No. 151 [Edit]
/fa/ggot movement
>> No. 152 [Edit]
more like bowel movement
>> No. 153 [Edit]
File 135051300625.gif - (1.54MB , 480x270 , 1341523129078.gif )
dude why would you use cure piss that's so mean
>> No. 154 [Edit]
They're going to be printing money with that shit.
>> No. 155 [Edit]
File 135773317173.jpg - (428.48KB , 644x910 , 1357732719948[1].jpg )
Fuck whoever did this, I'm pissed.

What the fuck. Reverse image search pictures of Peace and you get that bullshit.
>> No. 156 [Edit]
Windows eit wery gud
>> No. 157 [Edit]
That's was so informative. I really learned a lot about that product and why I should buy it from watching that advertisement.
>> No. 158 [Edit]

Hehe, pissed.
>> No. 159 [Edit]
Microsoft is expanding with exciting magical new features for advertisers!

Computerworld - Talk about having things both ways! A few months ago in its "Scroogled" ad campaign, Microsoft was complaining about how Google uses your search terms and Gmail contents to deliver targeted ads. Now, Microsoft is touting how Windows 8.1 uses your search terms to deliver targeted ads, even when you're doing searches on local drives.

Do people at Microsoft ever talk to anyone outside their own groups? Does the Bing team need to be introduced to the Scroogled team? Scroogled? How about Bing-Bang-Bungled?

Windows 8.1 is still in preview, but when you do a local search in it, your results will include both local and Bing-provided hits. Microsoft will then use your search terms for targeted ads.

For Microsoft, this is decidedly a feature, not a bug. David Pann, Microsoft's general manager for the Search Network, wrote: "Bing Ads will be an integral part of this new Windows 8.1 Smart Search experience. Now, with a single campaign setup, advertisers can connect with consumers across Bing, Yahoo! and the new Windows Search with highly relevant ads for their search queries. In addition, Bing Ads will include Web previews of websites and the latest features like site links, location and call extensions, making it easier for consumers to complete tasks and for advertisers to drive qualified leads." He continued, "Our goal is to make search advertising easier for our customers, while providing the best consumer experience with the most relevant results for the tasks they are looking to accomplish."

It all sounds wonderful -- if you're an advertiser. I don't think it's what users expect from a "local" search, though. Sure, anyone who's paying any attention at all expects their every move to be tracked on the Web, but this is built into PC search. In a way, Microsoft is incorporating spyware into local search.

Imagine that you're a Microsoft competitor who uses Windows 8.1. Do you want Microsoft to know what you're searching for on your PC or corporate intranet? I don't think so!

I'm not saying that this type of functionality is unprecedented. Google has long incorporated that kind of capability in Android and Google Instant search. But it's a new move for Microsoft. Ever since its '90s antitrust trial, Microsoft has steered clear of incorporating Internet functionality in its Windows operating system. Twenty years on, however, with the PC on the decline and mobile devices and the cloud ascendant, everyone is integrating Internet services into their products, and Microsoft wants to do the same.

What sticks in the craw is that this comes so closely on the heels of Microsoft blasting Google for peeking at users' information for the sake of targeted ads.

Fortunately, you can turn this functionality off without much trouble. What you can't do in the preview -- but what you can do with any Web browser -- is pick a different search engine. If you want to use Internet search within Windows 8.1, it's Bing or nothing.

I don't know. Maybe people won't care. Goodness knows they seem indifferent to the revelation that the NSA is peering over their shoulders. Perhaps they'll be as nonchalant about sharing all their local searches with Microsoft -- even if Microsoft did claim to think that such activity was just awful only a few months ago

>> No. 160 [Edit]
>Windows 8.1 is still in preview, but when you do a local search in it, your results will include both local and Bing-provided hits. Microsoft will then use your search terms for targeted ads.

It's like Ubuntu, but without the option to opt-out of the advertising!

and the shitty "metro" design can't be changed either.
and the sidebar gadgets, which is rainmeter with less functionality 1000% more RAM consuming, also comes standard!
>> No. 161 [Edit]
File 137711678238.png - (92.54KB , 550x344 , 8407_Windows%20Logos_png-550x0.png )
I guess MS wanted to go back to their roots. I agree it looks terrible.
>> No. 162 [Edit]
I wish that I could turn back time
>> No. 163 [Edit]
File 137726786998.jpg - (371.12KB , 1024x1600 , ubuntu_guide.jpg )
German Government Warns Key Entities Not To Use Windows 8 – Links The NSA

>It allows Microsoft to control the computer remotely through a built-in backdoor. Keys to that backdoor are likely accessible to the NSA – and in an unintended ironic twist, perhaps even to the Chinese.

Original German article:
>> No. 164 [Edit]
kinda funny reading when the german police are known for injecting malware on windows computers through fake software updates.
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