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File 141789037626.jpg - (901.84KB , 726x946 , 1bcd27ad2a07ee94a66a7d1afd34a232.jpg )
1198 No. 1198 [Edit]
This might sound strange but I've noticed that I can almost feel when I have something copied to my clipboard. It's like it goes past simply remembering having something in there. Do you ever get that?
>> No. 1199 [Edit]
Does it make you feel hot?
>> No. 1207 [Edit]
When I'm done pasting something, I always clear my clipboard. It's a habit I developed out of paranoia some 12-14 years ago when I used the family computer to look up porn as a kid.
>> No. 1208 [Edit]
Yeah, I know that feeling. Had a few close calls a while back due to a similar situation as >>1207
>> No. 1235 [Edit]
Did you become the clipboard, op?
>> No. 1236 [Edit]
I became one with it.
>> No. 1243 [Edit]
Nah, I usually forget what I have saved to it and usually forget that I even have something there unless it's one of those moments where I get curious and just Ctr+V on some space to see what's on/in it.

Either way, I'd prefer to have something else as a super power rather than knowing if I had something saved in my clipboard.
>> No. 1322 [Edit]
I feel I could accidentally paste something somewhere I don't want to, so I copy random letters into the clipboard so that doesn't happen. Most often I copy "re" into it.
>> No. 1323 [Edit]
[Usubeniya (Usubeni Sakurako)] Homuhomu ni Buta o Miru youna Me de Mikudasarete Fumarete Ashikoki sareru Hon (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
>> No. 1328 [Edit]
That nagging feeling you get in the back of your mind and in your right arm? Yeah, I get it too, I'm guessing that my memory has become used to compartmentalizing that useless bit of information. At the very least it's helpful to have around at times. I would call it Phantom Clipboard Syndrome if it weren't for the fact that there is usually something in my clipboard when I get that feeling.

I'll find use for that later, thanks.
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