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File 134143577113.jpg - (69.07KB , 390x285 , LHC-higgs-boson-390x285_jpeg.jpg )
992 No. 992 [Edit]

Exciting stuff! Though on the off-chance that this doesn't mean I'll be driving a rocket-powered time machine by this time next year, I will be sorely disappointed.
>> No. 993 [Edit]
I know this is a big deal but I don't really understand why or what this will change. I wish I wasn't dumb
>> No. 994 [Edit]
Absolutely nothing for at least the next 50 years for anyone who isn't a physicist working with particles, probably.
>> No. 995 [Edit]
How many times have they said "oh we think we found it!" only for it to be a false alarm?
>> No. 996 [Edit]
Do you think when Peter Higgs goes to events and other places people who see him are like "HEY LOOK I FOUND THE HIGGS HA HAH HA" and he just shakes his head and wonders why he's still alive
>> No. 998 [Edit]
It's funny how this thing (LHC) cost well over 10 billion US dollars. Meanwhile, the economies and political systems across Europe are crumbling into pieces.

This better be worth it.
>> No. 999 [Edit]
10 billion US dollars is nothing compared to the money wasted on fighting a pointless war we can't afford.
but since when did the united states or it's people stop buying shit while in massive debt?
>> No. 1000 [Edit]
Shit I'd much rather that money spent on scientific research than dumb things like giving free money to leeches or fighting wars.
>> No. 1001 [Edit]
The short answer is yes. Its worth it

Economies rise and fall regardless if you fund science, you have better staying power if you do invest in future technology though. The countries that don't will fade
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