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File 15503525325.jpg - (10.14KB , 303x166 , stier.jpg )
1792 No. 1792 [Edit]
Can hubless cycles be the future standard?
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>> No. 1796 [Edit]
In what way are they more practical than the alternative?
>> No. 1820 [Edit]
Fixating on aesthetics takes less effort than learning to understand functionality
>> No. 1837 [Edit]
I thought this was some sort of joke until I looked up and found

funnily enough what I thought of as a possible disadvantage was listed as one of the first things on the page along with some others.
>> No. 1856 [Edit]
File 156314415936.jpg - (207.38KB , 2000x1125 , 20190721.jpg )
Just buy a e-bike
>> No. 1859 [Edit]
Might as well, it's about as useless as a hubless wheel.
>> No. 1861 [Edit]
Eh. They seem to have improved a lot in the past ten years. This year I have seen e-bikes on my street going probably 45km/h without pedaling, and apparently the range of them is pretty good nowadays.
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