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File 156982332281.jpg - (91.26KB , 1335x1021 , Lain Sweet Setup.jpg )
1896 No. 1896 [Edit]
I've used this site to try to figure out what is the best VPN to use:

I feel that I need to choose a VPN in a non-Five, -Nine or -Fourteen Eyes country, and one of those that come up as seemingly cheapest and best is Trust.Zone (, but it seems they have no refund policy. However, competitors like NordVPN has bad reviews for not actually refunding, despite claiming that they always will within a month (video about it (3DPD warning:

If anyone could give insight, or if I should choose something else, I'd be very thankful. I need this VPN very, very soon, so if you'd be able to help quickly, I'd very much appreciate it (I've kept procrastinating about it)...
>> No. 1897 [Edit]
I have heare good things about Nord VPN.

Why are you concerned about a refund? It's nice peace of mind for them to offer that service, but are you expecting you might need one?
>> No. 1898 [Edit]
I'm of the strong belief that advertising budget is inversely correlated (to an extent) with how trustworthy something is, so I wouldn't really be surprised if Nord VPN isn't already amenable to some federal interests. That being said, if you're just using a VPN for torrenting, browsing and such, then any of them will do.

Now if you have some particular need outside of general usage (legal gray areas, etc.) you should have a threat model in mind and go from there. I'm not sure if the urgency with which you need it is indicative of this, but if so you probably shouldn't be taking advice from messageboards.
>> No. 1899 [Edit]
It's only urgent because of upcoming law changes. And what I'm mostly concerned about is getting charged from speaking my mind, really. However, it'd important that the VPN I choose allows torrenting, also...
>> No. 1900 [Edit]
You're worrying me. What the hell is going on in your country?
>> No. 1901 [Edit]
I also want to know. I don't pay attention to news so now I wonder if I should be worried.
>> No. 1904 [Edit]
And what do you know, turns out Nord VPN recently suffered a breach in their network. I stand by my assertion that unless you have a specific need (bypassing government or geo-restrictions), then using a VPN for day-to-day browsing is pointless.
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