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File 155789720048.jpg - (78.60KB , 1280x1280 , s-l1600.jpg )
1842 No. 1842 [Edit]
What are some unusual peripherals you've come across?
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>> No. 1843 [Edit]
File 155790068840.jpg - (858.99KB , 2757x1449 , kinesis_keyboard_trackball_by_hweller_2014-11-07.jpg )
The vertical mice as seen in your image are supposed to be pretty ergonomic. I haven't had a chance to try them but I really want to.

The recessed ergonomic keyboards are another thing that's supposed to be really ergonomic but looks a bit funky at first glance.
>> No. 1853 [Edit]
File 155848819577.jpg - (51.21KB , 591x442 , 1411866592236.jpg )

Unless you constrain that to unusual and useful/functional, you'll find a lot of stuff made from shitty ideas that failed for clear and deservedly obvious reasons.

As for one that I thought was weird, but turned out to be immensely useful: the horizontal scroll wheel on a madcatz RAT mouse.
I just wish the quality of the mouse matched the price tag, because it was very hard to learn to live without it when I switched to a more normal mouse that would last longer than year before it starts to fail.


and here I thought DVORAK keyboards went extinct a decade ago....
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