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1832 No. 1832 [Edit]
What do you think about companies and governments selling your genetic data? Is it invasive? Do you think there should be regulations when it comes to technologies when it comes to gene editing to prevent transhumanist bullshit?
>> No. 1833 [Edit]
If you voluntarily surrender information to someone you don't have any reason to trust and then it turns out that they were lying about why they wanted the information and they plan on abusing it, who is to blame? The people who get into positions of power are awful people, you were taught that from a young age. "Power corrupts" remember that?
If you go out for a walk into the swamp in the evening on a warm day in May and the mosquitos go wild on you because you didn't put on any repellent whos at fault? You can't blame a bloodsucker for trying to suck your blood and you can't blame corrupt authoritarian animals for abusing power, they're both things you're expected to be away of and protect yourself from.
They can't sell your data if they don't have it. As long as they never get mine they'll never be able to genetically modify a superior being because I'm the prototype of perfection.
>> No. 1834 [Edit]
That's the lowest effort bait I've read today.
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