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File 149478867937.jpg - (127.67KB , 992x558 , 6atsSqb.jpg )
1521 No. 1521 [Edit]
What is WannaCry? Well, some little asshole wrote some code that exploits a hole in SMB within Windows. WannaCry, also known as Wana Decrypt0r, WannaCryptor, or WCRY, like other nasty ransomware variants, blocks access to a computer or its files and demands money to unlock it. Once infected with the WannaCry ransomware, victims are asked to pay up to $300 in order to remove the infection from their PCs, otherwise it is rendered unusable, and their files remain locked.

In general getting this on your computer sucks a sweaty ball sack. But hey, the fun's not over. This isn't like other ransomware. This one has a little surprise that comes with it. That hole in SMB allows it to actively hunt a network for other vulnerable computers. So it's contagious. That means all your friends at the coffee shop can join you in your misery.

So what can you do? Well if you're already infected, not much. Hope you have good backups, and I hope even more that you don't pay the fucking ransom. The last thing these people need is more money.

If you're not infected, well you have some options. First is get the update that fixes the hole. This will make you much less likely to get infected. However, with most of the planet banging on Windows Update right now, it might be a while. However, Microsoft does allow you to install from a stand alone patch.

Microsoft even released a patch for Windows XP SP3. "So what?" you say? Well, it was extremely generous of them to do so. Windows XP is a deprecated operating system. Microsoft was under no obligation whatsoever to release such a patch, but they did anyway.

Anywho...Below are direct links to the patches from Microsoft. Your best bet is to install these if you haven't already updated.

Finally, don't open suspicious emails, and NEVER EVER FUCKING EVER open an attachment you weren't expecting. You're welcome.

Windows XP SP3

Windows Vista x86

Windows Vista x64

Windows 7 x64

Windows 7 x86

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Windows 10

Windows 2003 x86

Windows 2003 x64

Windows 2008

Windows 2008R2

Windows 2012

Windows 2012R2

Windows 2016
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>> No. 1522 [Edit]
Wow, that sucks. It's a shame that somebody would do this, as is the fact that this exploit exists.
>> No. 1523 [Edit]
File 149498656944.png - (772.37KB , 800x800 , 1494986249268.png )
Remember to update windows folks
>> No. 1524 [Edit]
File 149499560355.jpg - (40.86KB , 700x700 , goodbye_xp_tan_by_cpuiceheart-d7dr8vd.jpg )
>Windows XP is a deprecated operating system.
>> No. 1525 [Edit]
She was a good girl.
>> No. 1526 [Edit]
pull the plug
>> No. 1530 [Edit]
She is a good friend! We must not give up on her!
>> No. 1531 [Edit]
Good on you for advising not to pay. Anyone who does actually pay still isn't gonna get their shit back. All it does is give em cash. Any infected pc should be considered gone and should be wiped and redone.
>> No. 1532 [Edit]
>Any infected pc should be considered gone and should be wiped and redone.
Some people I've talked to think it's possible for the encryption to eventually be hacked and for that to be released. This wouldn't be the first time such a thing has happened. So it may be worth packing away those hard drives just in case, if they have any irreplaceable data on them anyway.
>> No. 1536 [Edit]
File 149679870918.png - (645.59KB , 800x900 , 1417565155184.png )
>Some people I've talked to think it's possible for the encryption to eventually be hacked and for that to be released.

but it is. It will take about 317 years using a networked cloud of 300 computers brute forcing the code for each computer.
Which, due to how well encryption uses random numbers, will be a different decryption matrix for each computer hit.

In about 60 years or so, the processing power of computers and network cloud computing should lower that to a total of 200 or so years from now (including that 60 year gap)

100% possible. Just hope the code needed to decrypt your computer doesn't take two standard deviations longer than the average, else instead of your great great grandchildren hit age 30 and finding out what files you had encrypted on your computer, it will be their great grandchildren. Who knows, the bitcoin wallet with .003 bitcoins you had leftover from the silk road may be worth a few million dollars by then.
>> No. 1539 [Edit]
Most of my data is backed up on hard drives that are physically disconnected from the PC. When I do the backing-up I do it under Linux and then disconnect the HDDs again. Prevents shit like this
>> No. 1610 [Edit]
how does this image change when opened? what's that called?
>> No. 1688 [Edit]
File 152986643811.png - (32.52KB , 509x646 , rensenware.png )
There was a far higher proportion of fun and harmless viruses back in the day.
>> No. 1689 [Edit]
I don't see how that's either fun or harmless.
>> No. 1690 [Edit]
The author provided a crack that automatically cleared that score too, if I remember correctly.
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