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File 13570676276.jpg - (190.70KB , 640x709 , ghost-trick_iphone_watch2.jpg )
1101 No. 1101 [Edit]
I've been wanting to try programming or game making for a while now but I don't know where to start. I have a vague idea of what I want to make. Ideally, something like a point and click adventure game but rather than having an inventory it'd be more about how your actions affect the things around them. If you've ever played ghost trick I wanted to make something like that. I really enjoyed that games puzzles and I liked how a scene was being played out as you solved them.

But trying to emulate that kind of gameplay is too ambitious for a first try so maybe something closer to "I wish I were the moon"
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>> No. 1102 [Edit]
Making video games is difficult and learning any language is extremely tedious. The software I write nearly every day is what most people, myself included, would consider boring and the tedium is absolutely inescapable. It will more than likely take great resolve to do anything you have in mind today.

If you decide to program it yourself you should learn java and get comfortable with that. Java is a fine language for beginners and teaches useful OO concepts.

Assembly and Python are also excellent starting points for beginners, Python will teach almost everything a beginner should learn. It's easy to use and would make a great stepping stone if you want to later use a language like C/C++/Java. Python is great in and of its self and you can stick with it. Assembly takes a bit of effort to learn, but it's still by far the best way to really get to grips with programming, but I still recommend it less than Python and Java.

If you decide you aren't tough enough and programming is not for you, there are things like Wintermute Engine and Visionaire Studio that will let you make your game with little or no programming knowledge. They're really easy to use, so I hear, and they would suit someone with not so much time to invest in a hobby.

>Ideally, something like a point and click adventure game but rather than having an inventory it'd be more about how your actions affect the things around them.

That is a point and click adventure game.
>> No. 1794 [Edit]
File 155035300699.jpg - (63.20KB , 1019x571 , stier.jpg )
Try simple games first like this:
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