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File 155416469844.png - (514.05KB , 2658x1500 , adblockwhat.png )
1830 No. 1830 [Edit]
Anyone else seeing this message on the main page of tohnochan? It's an april fools joke right?
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>> No. 1831 [Edit]
File 155416500120.png - (261.19KB , 500x584 , 6aed70869eb728a781b01445dbcf1df1.png )
Nah it's legit. You don't know how much I need that 10 cents a day from ad money. I need it to pay the ten thousand dollar a month server costs. So if you would be so kind, please disable your adblocker so those porn ads can infect your system with malware.

also here, have a photo of a cute cat to manipulate your feelings and make you feel bad about blocking the ads. Please think of the kittens!

Yes it's an April fools joke, ads are aids and TC has none.
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