Parody product placment.
Get out your Zony cameras, it's time for some parody products and businesses! Post em if you got em!

Images that resonate with you.
Post some stuff that really speaks to you, calls out to you, that makes you stop to think or simply admire it.

Image Board Screen Shots
I don't know how interested others are, but I love seeing and recording stuff people write, especially about other boards.... |

Cirno Day
Happy 9th of September, Tohno-chan. I hope all of you guys have an ice day.

born to die, world is a fuck - type of picture
i have a few to start off the thread, but feel free to contribute. preferably otaku themed ones.

Suiseiseki image Dumps
Desu Desu Desu.

Girls and computers

Random pictures thread

/official tohno-chan photography thread/
I know we're a lazy bunch and we don't go out that much but I'd still like to propose you a photography thread a... |

Jigoku Shojo
Is anyone else fascinated with this series? It's my favorite.

No Subject
Post the inside of your PC. CPU: Ryzen 5 7600 GPU: RTX A2000 6GB Motherboard: B650I AORUS Ultra Case: Meshlicious... |

No Subject
This is a jxl file. You probably can't see it, cause you need to change browser flags first for chrome and firefox(nightly... |

cyberpunk pics
post all the pics you have about cyberpunk (I'm talking about the genre not the game)

pics I want to share
donnt know where this pic comes from

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tea time and sip thread.
I figured we could all have fun with this.

Monthly Thread
Let's post pictures related to the current month or season, starting with October.

gun girl thread
What kind of girls look best with guns and why is it nerds armed to the teeth?

Food porn
Sometimes anime have bizarrely well detailed food. Lets share!

No Subject
Do you know any other comfy imageboard like wirechan.org by chance. And general lain thread

Post Cute!
Post cute girls.

Post em

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You cannot escape my burning love! I'm going to hug you and you're going to like it! Post hugs!

How about a crossover thread, /tc/?

Kawashima Ami
So, since we finally have a proper dump board I'll celebrate it with a mini-dump dedicated to one of my favorite character... |

Ayu thread

Ellen Baker thread
I like Baker-sensei.

Kemono Thread?
Is Kemono allowed? Please say yes

Burg thread

Gendo pose thread
No matter if it's intentional or not, it all goes.

sparkly bubbly!

Images of Japan
I went to Japan and made a lot of pictures I want to dump some where. Feel free to dump your own pictures or images you found s... |

Winter pics
Share some winter images while it's the season

phone wallpaper
wondering if any of you bros have wallpaper with ratios suitable for phone use. i want adorableness i can see everyday, anywher... |

Post your favorite Gochiusa picsssss

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Good morning, Tohno-chan~ How about you post your favorite pictures of your waifu here? Now, before you say something like abou... |

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This is a wallpaper thread. Feel free to contribute your favorites.

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Disgustingly adorable pictures.

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ITT: (cute) couples. Everything goes but lewd things are not allowed.

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How is there not a Miku thread?

Miku .gif dump
I had to make an account just to download one image so I made it worth my time and decided to grab some stuff to share.


Ayanami Rei
hopefully Rei smiles beautifully as she does

No Subject
I shall now proceed to dump pictures of back alleys of Japan.

Anime icons, logos. and symbols.
How about some logos and stuff? The sort of things mormies wouldn't recognize unless they already knew it's source ma... |

No Subject
In honor of our new board, I'm going to go through my SZS folder. Keep in mind that while I have plenty enough to keep thi... |

No Subject
I find it sad that Japan made a faithful adaptation of Starship Troopers before the West did. I find it even more sad that the ... |

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Have a free laughing elf girl.

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Let's see your best Tohno-chan meet-ups.

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On Tohno-chan it's summer every day.

Anime reaction gifs/pics folder request
Looking for a folder of anime reaction gifs/pics

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Got bored and made gifs of things.

Pillow Hugging
I like images of lolis hugging pillows. Problem is I can't find very many, so I would like to propose a loli pillow huggin... |

Erika Thread
Dumping my Heartcatch pics of the Erika variety.

Serial Experiments Lain
Lain screenshots incoming

Japanese Theater/kabuki
Plays, theater, film set desgins, etc you name it. POST WHATRVER YOU HAVE PLEASE OR MAYBE GO LOOK FOR SOMETHING... |

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Drawr finds

Ryuuko appreciation thread

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Have you worshiped your loli frog-goddess today?

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I went for a bikeride today and took 3 pictures...dunno where else to post them. Nobody probably cares but meh, it's my fa... |

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Tea pots

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backgrounds and scenery

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watching for the first time in years

Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai GIF thread.

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There is an alarming lack of Touhou yuri here. Allow me to remedy this.

Holiday Thread

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Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita

Maria-sama ga Miteru
Surprise Marimite thread.

Daily Worship

眞子内親王 Mako-hime of Akishino
Alright, commoners, get ready for a Mako-hime-sama dump. I'm not doing any pornographic ones due to religious reasons.... |

No Subject

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Should I do a Nagato dump?

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I'm on a creepy-cute kick, I'll post the results here as they come to me.

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I have a ton of Detective Conan pics in my /a/ folder and Random pic folder. I'll dump a small portion of the pics in here... |

No Subject

Asuka Langley Soryu
Now that the mini-dump is finished it's time for the real deal. Time for my Asuka folder - it may not be the biggest colle... |

No Subject
I have folder after folder of awesome from the last few years. It's a shock how time can fly by and how many pics one can ... |

No Subject
So, I was watching The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya again and I realised that they did some really well done scenery/backgr... |

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Please provide some anime girls in Nazi uniforms.

Post some freaking Gendo!

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Mecha thread.

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Mahou Sensei Negima dump thread.

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Tomboys, they sneak into your showers when you least expect it.Post edited on 10th Jun 2011, 1:36am... |

Flash animations starring 2ch characters
Not quite sure where this belongs but this board supports .swfs, so here goes! ( ゚ヮ゚)

Aria Thread
Dumping general Aria pics, starting with Ai.

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I will never have these

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My Haruna folder is in desperate need of some pictures

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Aoi Hana images.

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This is an Iwasawa thread, for no particular raisan.

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Do you like Monster Hunter?