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File 132910683759.jpg - (377.65KB , 1000x665 , 1329106479449.jpg )
3608 No. 3608 [Edit]
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>> No. 3609 [Edit]
File 132910688697.jpg - (375.73KB , 1000x665 , 1329106537641.jpg )
>> No. 3610 [Edit]
File 132910691827.jpg - (2.86KB , 126x95 , 1329106583227s.jpg )
>> No. 3611 [Edit]
File 132910696369.jpg - (3.70KB , 95x126 , 1329106629461s.jpg )
>> No. 3612 [Edit]
File 132910699528.jpg - (479.82KB , 768x1024 , 1329106707505.jpg )
>> No. 3613 [Edit]
Who the fuck did this?

He is my new hero
>> No. 3614 [Edit]
>> No. 3615 [Edit]
whoops i just posted tuhmbnails for two of them, sorry
>> No. 3616 [Edit]
Do you have the full versions of those two?
>> No. 3617 [Edit]
Back when I was a brash and young adolescent, I had a taste for graffiti.

I even met a few taggers, believe it or not. They were okay dudes, actually. That was a weird time in my life, though...

Anyway, yeah, this is pretty damn cool. Puts a smile on me face.
>> No. 3651 [Edit]
These are cool but not too well done in all honesty. Of course I couldn't do it any better but as I had some interest in graffiti/street art back in the day (around the time Banksy seemed to be the #1 topic on the net so... around 10 years ago?) and again, I can't say I'm impressed with them, I think some of the guys I used to hang out with could do a better job.

Still, pretty cool.
>> No. 3746 [Edit]
File 133031295523.jpg - (189.46KB , 500x375 , 6616799627_f6cacb6956.jpg )
Sorry, I got then from a thread elsewhere. I could only find this one off Google search.
>> No. 4127 [Edit]

I used to paint some with my sister. Though...never any cool 2hu stuff like this. It makes me miss it.
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