Get out your Zony cameras, it's time for some parody products and businesses! Post em if you got em!
now that's amusing.
I get the feeling this show will have a lot of this.
>>6043 What the hell? Is that for real? carl's jr is a real place, not a parody. I'm shocked to see it would show up in an anime as product placement. Most people I talk to online have never heard of the place because it's primary located in the western side of the united states. Why a brand like that would be sponsoring an anime is beyond me. They'd be better off expanding to the rest of the US. Really, what the hell...
>>6045 It shocked me as well.
>>6053 that just looks to me like a regular snickers
>>6065 Real product placement can be interesting too. Don't see much of it in anime after all.
>>6045 I might be mistaken, but I believe they recently opened some stores in Japan. Being shown in anime would be a great way of drumming up business.
0/10 job spelling anything close to Johnnie Walker
What would the "O" stand for?
>>6737 Maybe they serve ostrich instead of chicken
>>6125 This is just normal product placement. You find exactly this sign next to every 7 Eleven.
>>6740 That's not a bad idea at all.
Not exactly product placement, but sorta fits here also.
>>6035 It's weird looking back at this after WcDonalds became an official thing.
I'm not sure what brand "Johnny's" is referring to, but pretty sure it's a parody. It's from the third episode of Toradora, but appears in other episodes too.
>>7401 Denny's probably
>>7401 >>7406 It's "Jonathan's".
>>7415 It's got that Chinese knockoff smell to it.
>>7415 Inside winklesoft internet browser.
Episode 3 from Yuyushiki
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