No. 4182
- (65.13KB
, 420x1000
, (Ecchi) Catgirl Maid Posing.jpg
Meanwhile, I resolved that question myself. My head turned out to be in a 1:8 proportion to the whole of my height. Taking the height of my head as a unit my legs, torso, and head are in a 4:3:1 ratio. My knees are in the midpoint of my legs, and my navel and the line of my nipples are on the 1/3 of my torso.
Also, it's ironic when people use the "bad_proportions" tag on Danbooru. No one complains about abnormally large eyes, or CLAMP's "noodle people", with inhumanly long and thin legs and torsos.
Post edited on 25th Aug 2012, 11:38am