This is a wallpaper thread. Feel free to contribute your favorites.
Man these are all really nice. I wish I lived alone so I could use them ;_;
>>3014 Someday anon... someday.
lol: you always file images with tag names? seems practical.
>>3071 Nah, I just keep the tags when I download them, then erase the direction part to differentiate from the ones I already posted.
I just love this artist's style.
>>2987 Found a version without the mask. Doesn't make it any less creepy though.
>>3433 That's a pretty cool idea for a floor. now I can't help but imagine a room with walls and ceiling like that.
>>3436 I find this work fascinating. Any further information you cna provide about it (artist/subject)? Thanks.
>>3439 If I was rich I'd cover my bedroom walls with LCDs so I can change the background whenever I feel like.
>>3441 This is the artist's pixiv profile
>>3442 I always wanted to do that. I just wonder if current displays won't make the room too hot or maybe the excessive amount of light wouldn't cause eyestrain though.
>>3444 I don't think heat would be that big of a problem, unless you live in a hot area. you could always build air vents behind the screens leading outside or something.
>>3443 Thanks!
I like big eyes and :D faces.
>>2758 is the girl on the picture Sayaka?
>>4581 She's "Madobe Nanami", the semi-official mascot of Windows 7.
Did any of you ever used this wallpaper (a full windows theme, actually)? I did during the shittiest days of my life and I just remembered about it. It was good.
>>5372 here's a fun and nostalgic wall that I used, back when I had a single monitor of that size. also, you should always use a custom windows theme, I recommend the default theme with all the sounds set to off.
>>5440 Looks neat, thanks
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