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File 153166044837.jpg - (3.39MB , 2340x3300 , Kafuu_Chino_full_1969724.jpg )
6758 No. 6758 [Edit]
wondering if any of you bros have wallpaper with ratios suitable for phone use. i want adorableness i can see everyday, anywhere i am

i will share to start with some of my favorites
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>> No. 6759 [Edit]
File 153166052412.png - (1.38MB , 1056x1494 , d4889b41e6197006fb47a6c3efc661bb8d04fbbb.png )
another one
>> No. 6760 [Edit]
File 153166058496.jpg - (7.39MB , 2894x4093 , Kafuu_Chino_full_2001916.jpg )
another one
>> No. 6761 [Edit]
File 153166069938.png - (7.13MB , 2446x3459 , 2016-08-28-856508.png )
another one

and yes, i like chino-chan...
>> No. 6762 [Edit]
File 153166356076.png - (2.95MB , 1750x2481 , 379ea3012e17a275a0b7c7f6785e3c19.png )
Tablet lock screen.
>> No. 6763 [Edit]
File 153166364066.jpg - (1.70MB , 2205x3161 , 7c14e02f69598185c8de967bd725f31f.jpg )
Tablet home screen
>> No. 6764 [Edit]
File 153166374182.png - (10.45MB , 4074x2802 , 346d270deaddf78ab33342ed7f6bcc54.png )
Phone lock screen is the right part of this one.
>> No. 6765 [Edit]
I already posted my phone home screen here.
I use the right part of the image again.

It's really hard to find good images with high enough resolution nowadays with the growth of screen resolution.
I think about picking up a 4K screen this year but nearly none of my images are big enough.
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