How about some logos and stuff? The sort of things mormies wouldn't recognize unless they already knew it's source material.
Ideally in good resolution with transparency preserved by the way.
In honor of our new board, I'm going to go through my SZS folder. Keep in mind that while I have plenty enough to keep this going on my own, anyone is welcome to join.
>>1344 >>1528 Matoi is perfect. I hadn't watched this whole series until a couple of months ago though.
>>5955 Ah, Inu Curry you're so moe~
>>5956 A fair part of it is SHAFT's touch (love it or hate it), but the Manga ending was stunning on its own.
I find it sad that Japan made a faithful adaptation of Starship Troopers before the West did. I find it even more sad that the West's animated series while much more faithful still had a MASSIVE lack of power armor. Anyhow let's try to have an Eastern take on Western fiction thread, or an ST dump if you like too.
>>4716 Love how the orbital drop and the capsules are just as well detailed as they were in the book.
Only going to post this pic and one more since they're all low in quality production drawings and sketches. IF you want to see the rest go here
Irulan a best!
Have a free laughing elf girl.
Best kind of elf girl there is.
Let's see your best Tohno-chan meet-ups.
>>2359 me the fat jew in the back
TC in a nutshell
I still have this.
On Tohno-chan it's summer every day.
Glorious. I suddenly have an urge to make a chan for nothing but amassing summer pics.
Looking for a folder of anime reaction gifs/pics
Got bored and made gifs of things.
Not what you're thinking.
>>5460 >Not what you're thinking. No but it sounded like it.
I like images of lolis hugging pillows. Problem is I can't find very many, so I would like to propose a loli pillow hugging thread.
Can I sleep with ulhyk ihyt
Dumping my Heartcatch pics of the Erika variety.
Oh, and if anyone would like to request other characters or a general heartcatch thread, I have lots more.
this is a great thread, Erika is the best. >>635 I saw this one before, didn't save it, and now I finally see it again, thanks!
Lain screenshots incoming
>>4660 I actually prefer the DVDs for this reason.
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