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File 132642575495.png - (56.75KB , 219x250 , e0319545a7053f1fef936f231aceeeb8c24caf98.png )
3571 No. 3571 [Edit]
Alright, commoners, get ready for a Mako-hime-sama dump.

I'm not doing any pornographic ones due to religious reasons.
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>> No. 3572 [Edit]
File 132642606654.jpg - (70.64KB , 650x838 , 000f8abff45342c1e57c110137eab4933a58ffd6.jpg )
>> No. 3573 [Edit]
File 132642607179.jpg - (44.16KB , 470x500 , 1a13da4abc5d1930dd05f145697c687eed382d7e.jpg )
>> No. 3574 [Edit]
File 132642607635.png - (29.73KB , 450x350 , 4a4974ef9c1da0cf21dc2ea5f6463ebb22f29fca.png )
>> No. 3575 [Edit]
File 132642608455.jpg - (36.19KB , 300x300 , 4e2a7d1dc9d544ae0104a7981332ed0a22a71c58.jpg )
>> No. 3576 [Edit]
File 132642608937.jpg - (179.85KB , 775x1000 , 5a4642d3d10b7d49f13c7068c53763ba537388ae.jpg )
>> No. 3577 [Edit]
File 132642609663.jpg - (206.79KB , 1024x768 , 5ae1520dfc037bbb8a660fe3fcdf9f4cf9350f34.jpg )
>> No. 3578 [Edit]
File 132642616518.jpg - (102.70KB , 730x800 , 6bf5453dac28d0710bbc6927588bef7178dbad42.jpg )
>> No. 3579 [Edit]
File 132642617282.jpg - (95.46KB , 400x404 , 6d08cc5c177628d398695c05a7302c1e9f54353e.jpg )
>> No. 3580 [Edit]
File 132642617868.jpg - (53.34KB , 433x531 , 6f89be643020f4dcf17aa50a65704d6391a111bc.jpg )
>> No. 3581 [Edit]
File 13264261851.jpg - (73.71KB , 600x600 , 7de29166d1b873a1cb1d4f1289ced3d73a5d7b9d.jpg )
>> No. 3582 [Edit]
File 132642626882.jpg - (216.59KB , 1024x768 , 7f51e7c297b1d61316c5a55c042a687a1083e740.jpg )
>> No. 3585 [Edit]
Not sure if there is any demand for this content, but if there isn't, I'd rather not just waste server space with more of it.

Note on religious reasons item:
1: I'm passively shinto.
2: I don't worship any living human as a kami, god, or other spiritual deity.
3: Because of the importance of Mako-hime's grandfather and her relation to him, being the most important living figure in Shinto, I therefore find it taboo for myself to post lewd images of a characterisation of her. It would be like being catholic and posting comics of the pope's relatives in a gang bang. Out of respect for her lineage I refrain (Also, she's also a real person, so such content would fall under international slander laws, and though I doubt I would be prosecuted I don't want to encourage slander on anyone, this is the main reason, actually).
4: I don't discourage or hold any emotion towards others bringing in such content.
>> No. 3586 [Edit]
Nobody asked, but fair enough.
>> No. 3587 [Edit]
My fun facts for the day.
>> No. 3737 [Edit]
Shinden, do you know enough about Shinto as a "casual follower" to answer a question or maybe more? How does Shinto interact with the world? By that I mean, you know how other religions push away from the world and strive to be purified of it? From my current understanding, Shinto aims to allow man to live harmoniously with the world rather than get away from it by paying proper respect to the kami and living a virtuous life in light of the spiritual side of existence.
>> No. 3760 [Edit]
Personally, if you've got it, I'd like to see more of her...
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