This is a jxl file. You probably can't see it, cause you need to change browser flags first for chrome and firefox(nightly). Wider support is in the works. More info: edited on 7th May 2022, 9:33am
Jpeg-xl? Sorry, never heard of it:
>>7350 I don't know why you're celebrating. This is purely due to Google wanting push their own formats. Imagine celebrating any better technology being killed off because you hate change that much. Decrepit, old man mentality.Post edited on 30th Oct 2022, 9:50pm
>>7351 I doubt the poster to whom you're replying is jubilant, but rather merely making a joke.
post all the pics you have about cyberpunk (I'm talking about the genre not the game)
kowloon city
donnt know where this pic comes from
>>7283 Tried, was harder to implement than I expected
I figured we could all have fun with this.
Let's post pictures related to the current month or season, starting with October.
What kind of girls look best with guns and why is it nerds armed to the teeth?
>>7196 (Nearly) flat chests and guns--the best.
Sometimes anime have bizarrely well detailed food. Lets share!
Delicious thread.
Do you know any other comfy imageboard like by chance. And general lain thread
Post cute girls.
Post em
What's this?
>>6892 sponsors of the anime that plays between the opening and the rest of the show for tv releases.
>>6893 I think it's normal to have the sponor shows again at the end, but I'm not sure if it's a thing still. It used to be. Removing sponsor screens became the norm for fansubs a lifetime ago so it's been a while since I've seen any of them.
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