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File 132029193728.jpg - (19.95KB , 279x320 , ShinChanFoto.jpg )
2715 No. 2715 [Edit]
I have folder after folder of awesome from the last few years. It's a shock how time can fly by and how many pics one can accumulate. This is the first picdump I've ever done here, so let's get crackin.
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>> No. 2716 [Edit]
File 132029208937.jpg - (29.78KB , 419x520 , 1258062427994.jpg )
Shinji is so moe...
>> No. 2717 [Edit]
File 132029219021.jpg - (118.17KB , 550x550 , 1257538442919.jpg )
This is my serious face.

You think I'm joking?
>> No. 2718 [Edit]
End my torment already and post that one where he's in Lain's bear suit.
>> No. 2720 [Edit]
File 132032988380.jpg - (85.56KB , 484x644 , tumblr_lh3mpnTNnh1qh3fqeo1_500.jpg )
I'm actually speechless.
>> No. 2721 [Edit]
File 132033182933.jpg - (117.84KB , 700x498 , fca5638229f5d934eb09302.jpg )
B-B-Baka Shinji ._.
>> No. 2722 [Edit]
File 13203326716.png - (40.88KB , 600x830 , 2614%20-%20Asuka_Langley_Sohryu%20Neon_Genesis_Eva.png )
For the record I'd punch Kowaru and then get Shinji to play some Xbox 360 (^^,)
>> No. 2723 [Edit]
File 132033297983.jpg - (540.92KB , 1454x2000 , 1261500198268.jpg )
This one cracks me up for some reason.
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