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File 172609523016.jpg - (327.58KB , 786x1100 , cdb2fe725780faa0dc726fa4c37dedf2.jpg )
5037 No. 5037 [Edit]
Do you like toys?

What kind do you have?

What's your experience with them be like?

What kind would you like to try but haven't?
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>> No. 5038 [Edit]
I've considered buying an onahole.
>> No. 5039 [Edit]
I don't have any strong feelings on them. Since I live with my mum, it's not really an option to get one. If I were to get one though, I'd get either one of those small, chip-looking vibrating things, that you put on your penis with a little strap or I'd get a normal onahole. I think I prefer the first one, simply because it's small, cheap and handy. Also you don't have to clean it and it looks pleasurable.
>> No. 5076 [Edit]
File 173334174366.jpg - (219.62KB , 908x730 , Absolutely_disgusting.jpg )
Who asked for a trap pic? OP is a literal fag.

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