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File 132167227313.gif - (148.16KB , 900x542 , 1321593458715.gif )
2467 No. 2467 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Which one?
11 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2879 [Edit]
For her body type, 5 is about the upper limit for me. 9 and 0 have different physiologies altogether, so they really shouldn't be on the same scale.

The important point is that breasts don't exist in a vacuum; their beauty lies in how elegantly they complement the rest of the body.
>> No. 2881 [Edit]
>9 and 0 have different physiologies altogether, so they really shouldn't be on the same scale.

that's the joke
>> No. 3237 [Edit]
>> No. 3238 [Edit]
2, 3, 4. 3 is the ideal. 1, 5, 6, and 9 rarely. No thanks to 7, 8, and 0.

File 133161414085.jpg - (469.97KB , 1432x2023 , 1331609118795.jpg )
2644 No. 2644 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
would someone please help me to find this ?
i saw it on 4chan
help a fellow brohno
>> No. 2645 [Edit]
Use exhentai's file search.
>> No. 2654 [Edit]
File 133318387223.jpg - (288.92KB , 788x1153 , Concentratedlove05B.jpg )
is that abraham lincoln?

anyway, while we're asking for sauce we know we'll never get, has anyone ever seen the rest of this and if so, where?
>> No. 3216 [Edit]

File 13836459947.jpg - (248.58KB , 750x1060 , e8590ffadf7f94831b1d8298cb71fd36.jpg )
3206 No. 3206 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Netorare thread, post your NTR's

links and images I know you guys love this stuff
[spoiler]bonus points for pics of the waifu
>> No. 3207 [Edit]
File 138364626432.jpg - (72.47KB , 800x600 , 691006954cb4675b0344ac28b0780535.jpg )

File 131111192172.jpg - (30.33KB , 638x460 , c5a839420089b82331fe3f6b51efbdbf.jpg )
1889 No. 1889 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
627 posts and 626 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3163 [Edit]
File 137981482945.jpg - (309.64KB , 1026x756 , blond girls bathing nude in forset.jpg )
>> No. 3172 [Edit]
File 138167284223.jpg - (265.93KB , 800x935 , girl in thong bikini.jpg )
>> No. 3173 [Edit]
File 138167292634.jpg - (265.88KB , 1000x1414 , sling-like swimsuit on pink girl.jpg )
>> No. 3191 [Edit]
File 138218792471.png - (649.01KB , 1000x669 , 563a5cc9b8aad759baf7ec4567170339.png )

File 138208610017.png - (672.95KB , 800x1200 , 1374534840369.png )
3190 No. 3190 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

Does anyone know how to operate the Amu# flash games? Picture not related.

File 137809975531.jpg - (374.39KB , 980x1400 , 003.jpg )
3130 No. 3130 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This is some of his more tame work.
11 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3142 [Edit]
File 137810004190.jpg - (334.41KB , 980x1400 , 015.jpg )
>> No. 3143 [Edit]
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>> No. 3144 [Edit]
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>> No. 3145 [Edit]
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File 137738992753.jpg - (873.58KB , 1800x2400 , 1363417332340.jpg )
3104 No. 3104 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This turns me on.
3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 3111 [Edit]
What's the appeal of this? I can understand the figs, but why semen?
>> No. 3112 [Edit]
Semen is quite aesthetic, especially when applied to dolls.
>> No. 3113 [Edit]
File 137747858542.jpg - (230.81KB , 1065x1600 , 1377247559289.jpg )
I'm not sure. Animal instincts maybe
>> No. 3114 [Edit]
I'd imagine it's similar to seeing unrealistically large amounts of cum on anime girls in hentai. Or maybe some may feel that ejaculating or seeing semen on a fig is a closer medium for '3D on 2D' lewdness than standard hentai. Those are just guesses on my part though.

File 136206500324.jpg - (260.92KB , 1280x720 , 25662.jpg )
3209 No. 3209 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What's your favorite nukige?

Mine is probably Bishoujo Mangekyou 1. The game really hit the mark for me with the vampire loli, not to mention the great music and art.
I'm generally a fan of Happoubi Jin, and Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo ranks not far behind.
>> No. 3210 [Edit]
As far Happoubi Jin goes I like Classy Cranberry's.
My favorite is probably Hime to Boin though, doesn't get any more nukige than this.
>> No. 4933 [Edit]
Nukige, huh. The very word implies that you ejaculate and forget, no lasting attachment.

I will tell you about the game I'm playing right now instead, 孕神~はらかみ~ by CONCEPT. Is it a nukige? I guess, at least partially. Is it good? Seems pretty good so far. It united fast fuck with some girls and relatively more slow burning relationships with other girls, that it kinda grabbed the best of both worlds.

Why do I reply to 9 year old posts? Well, why not?

File 135777200984.jpg - (23.59KB , 993x1400 , 003.jpg )
2966 No. 2966 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

I don't think I've seen anything this funny since /ss/ showed me Leftovers last year.


File 12968646014.jpg - (946.20KB , 971x1369 , 16344839.jpg )
1046 No. 1046 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Socks are preferred but barefoot is also nice.
21 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2791 [Edit]
File 134341919365.jpg - (758.87KB , 1000x1354 , aaac35a6cdcc04a3875a05f7b6ec22e8.jpg )
>> No. 2832 [Edit]
File 134736115646.jpg - (182.82KB , 1057x1500 , arei.jpg )
>> No. 2849 [Edit]
More! >>2829
>> No. 2899 [Edit]
File 135371871058.jpg - (298.10KB , 1055x1500 , amalaficient.jpg )
Tiny socks and shoes

File 134975807675.jpg - (2.96MB , 2000x2781 , 005.jpg )
2858 No. 2858 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
do you like hot moms?

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