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File 168686032059.jpg - (311.76KB , 1393x1087 , 38a92f6228480c98b6637f40c6b3c8fb.jpg )
4962 No. 4962 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
For which waifu would you gladly become a cuckold? Personally, that would be Karin. Look at her, if she were to be looking at me like that, I would instantly obey any wish she wants, fuck, the thought of being submissive cuck to her makes me so excited. Gosh, I fucking love her so much.

12 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4980 [Edit]
I think the natural cycle of the body is somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks, usually ending in a wet dream.
>> No. 4985 [Edit]
File 169060357888.jpg - (73.68KB , 666x666 , __shinsei_kamattechan_drawn_by_gomennasai__85c8ec8.jpg )
There goes, uhh, 12 days? I blame whoever posted >>4982, dammit
>> No. 4989 [Edit]
File 169065040052.png - (224.58KB , 507x503 , Tomoko_Dogeza.png )
>I blame whoever posted >>4982, dammit
My apologies.
>> No. 4997 [Edit]
Went back to doing it regularly a while ago, sorry for giving only two updates

File 138179936285.jpg - (268.80KB , 771x416 , T&A.jpg )
3176 No. 3176 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Ok, /ns/, this is it. Time for the hardest decision of your life.

You can only have one.
Which one will it be?
Tits or Ass?
76 posts and 59 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4886 [Edit]
File 163542511456.png - (109.27KB , 263x260 , aa2.png )
Bobby Li
>> No. 4908 [Edit]
it depends honestly. usually i would go tits but the pic you put in the main post would make me say ass.
>> No. 4961 [Edit]
File 16861405824.jpg - (196.21KB , 951x1000 , 2b00.jpg )
Ass -nudtawut_thongmai & mad_kimo
>> No. 4992 [Edit]
File 169601931744.jpg - (252.80KB , 700x1400 , c6f6eed50be2275f0d42df34aa6464b0.jpg )
my answer might be a bit out there, but...
i'll take flat tits...AND flat ass!

File 169057206382.png - (514.96KB , 1366x768 , spnatipng.png )
4982 No. 4982 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Strip poker night at the inventory is a game where you play 5 card strip poker with many different characters. You can even make your own. The greatest thing about this game is the interactions between the characters. Depending on the opponents you choose they change, and they can be hilarious. But also, sometimes you can choose poorly and the interactions are not that funny. Pic related was a very funny game I had. It's a fun browser game to play.
>> No. 4983 [Edit]
I was thinking about this game the other day. I played this some years ago. It's pretty fun. Wonder if there are many new characters.
>> No. 4984 [Edit]
Too bad I have no idea how to play poker.
>> No. 4986 [Edit]
Nor do I. There's a small guide in the FAQ, but you can mostly just fumble your way around and still get somewhere. It's partly luck-based, as I understand.
>> No. 4987 [Edit]
It's not too difficult. Keep cards of the same value (say, two 4's) and get rid of the rest. If you don't have any pairs or greater, just get rid of your three lowest value cards.
That's my strategy.

File 129498640053.jpg - (95.15KB , 875x625 , 1294130736601.jpg )
896 No. 896 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
Tentacles? Tentacles.
48 posts and 44 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2490 [Edit]
File 132343175712.jpg - (254.05KB , 696x1000 , z37.jpg )
kirishima satoshi
>> No. 4923 [Edit]
File 166520520919.jpg - (828.23KB , 1600x1116 , Tako_to_ama_retouched.jpg )
You know the famous ancient The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife image? I realized I never looked up the translation for this before. Wikipedia has one, but it feels way too elegant.

Here's another one I found

>Octopus: “Wondering when to do the abduction, but today is the day. At least she’s captured. Even so, this is a plump, good pussy. A greater delicacy than even a potato. Saa, saa, sucking to complete satisfaction, then take her to be imprisoned in the Dragons King Palace.

>Sounds: “Zuu, zubu, zubu, chu!, chu! chu! Zuu, zuu! Fu, fu, fu, fu!”

>Diver: “This hateful octopus, fu, fu, fu, fu…rather, aa, aa..sucking on the surface of the inner mouth of my womb until I’m breathless, aa, eee, I’m coming! By that projecting mouth. By that projecting mouth the open vagina is teased. Oh! Oh! Are, are… What to do? Aa, yoo, oo, oo, oo, ooo, aaree, oo, oo good, oo, good, good, good, haa, aa, good, good, haa, good, fu, fu, fuu, fuu. Again! Yoo, yoo, yoo, yoo. Until now, although people have called me aa, fu, fu, fu, fuu, fuu, fuu…Octopus! Oo, fu, fuu, fuu. Why, why? Ee, ee, this, yo, yo, yo, saadeha, aa, aa, aa!

>Sounds: “Zuu, zuu, zuu, zuu, hicha, hicha, gucha, gucha, pichchu, chu, chu, chu, guu, guu, zuu, zuu.

>Octopus: “Say! How about the feelings of being entwined by eight legs?”

>Commentary: “Juices are flowing like hot water. Nura, nura, nura, doku, doku, doku.”
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No. 4939 [Edit]
Ah original source with context seems to be from https://shungagallery.com/hokusais-the-dream-of-the-fishermans-wife/
>> No. 4960 [Edit]
I don't know why but I have a thing for asian women X sea creatures

File 132325582233.jpg - (274.25KB , 504x701 , zswim.jpg )
2485 No. 2485 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [Last 50 posts]
65 posts and 61 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4470 [Edit]
File 14928340338.jpg - (122.77KB , 450x900 , 20170422.jpg )
>> No. 4476 [Edit]
File 149536782858.webm - (1.07MB , ojirunokoushaku madoka 03.webm )
>> No. 4490 [Edit]
File 149951813573.jpg - (112.44KB , 1000x707 , f24ce93d396f304b6976e9b9d3dfd760.jpg )
From https://goo.gl/8v2rWC
>> No. 4958 [Edit]
rip maid, thats bloody like 400k down the drain cause she ded

File 129468484877.jpg - (164.89KB , 800x600 , 1291366585765.jpg )
807 No. 807 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
101 posts and 92 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1491 [Edit]
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>> No. 1492 [Edit]
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>> No. 1493 [Edit]
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>> No. 4957 [Edit]
With the MegaUpload from >>963 long dead and a post so very not asked for, here's the source for anyone else who manages to come around this board


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4940 No. 4940 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Guys, recommend a manga to jerk off in the evening.
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4950 [Edit]
This isn't like other image boards, I agree that generic recommendation threads without any other information are utterly pointless. You might as well just pick something popular, since you give no other information to work with.
>> No. 4951 [Edit]
I think that would be best for all of us. This isn't "other imageboards".
>> No. 4952 [Edit]
What kind of image boards are they then?
>> No. 4953 [Edit]
I'm just joking around. Have a nice day, anon!

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4772 No. 4772 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Post any updates or news about h-related projects or translations that interest you.

Aomizuan is releasing a remake of Shounen to Chijo Onee-san-tachi no Shiawase H na Apart Gurashi sometime this October.
Link to original's cg:

A collab update will be released for part 2 of monster girl quest paradox and it'll be 12-15 hours long.

Last month, part 5 of Lucky Dosukebe! Zenpen's translation was released.

Hopefully this thread will be useful in exposing each other to things we might not have known about otherwise.

Post edited on 4th Oct 2020, 1:28pm
13 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 4880 [Edit]
File 163201831190.jpg - (96.71KB , 560x420 , 01.jpg )
Two new Maron Maron works have been uploaded.

This one is a game cg

This one is like a compilation, but pages 11 through 17 has content that hasn't been uploaded before.
>> No. 4896 [Edit]
File 164048415711.jpg - (93.82KB , 560x420 , 00.jpg )
Two new Maron Maron works have been uploaded

>> No. 4898 [Edit]
File 164204263167.jpg - (284.06KB , 1280x1790 , 1_v0ie3L7.jpg )
Do-M Tensei! -Otome Game no Sekai ni Mob Tensei shita Rival Reijou-tachi ga Do-S sugiru! was translated.
Unfortunately it's machine translation, but is considered "official" by dlsite. Beggars can't be choosers...

Ara-ara Mama to Seikou was translated
I'd say it's hanabi's best yet

Post edited on 12th Jan 2022, 6:58pm
>> No. 4900 [Edit]
File 164694902254.jpg - (172.25KB , 1280x1792 , 000.jpg )
Nakamura Regura has released a new doujin, which has been translated.


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1183 No. 1183 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Looks like pant.su is back up.

Good thing too, I almost finished my preparations to go out and rape real lolis.
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1189 [Edit]
I *Think* he is making fun of the people that claim drawn Loli is related to real child-rape.
>> No. 1191 [Edit]
and everyone else reacting in horror is a joke too. I think...
>> No. 1193 [Edit]
Yeah I was, sort of. I was somewhat implying that if authorities crack down on loli, people will go around and rape real lolis to placate their desire.
>> No. 4915 [Edit]

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338 No. 338 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
14 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 367 [Edit]
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>> No. 368 [Edit]
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>> No. 369 [Edit]
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>> No. 4205 [Edit]
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4714 No. 4714 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
So I had this dream today right. I was fucking kuroko, lovey dovey mating press position with all the kissing and shit. I asked her "Do you want it inside or outside?" . She said "Inside, I can just teleport out your sperm inside." , so I bust it inside of her. I don't know the time it takes for fertilization but she just lay there with my sperm inside of her. I asked if she isn't going to teleport it out and she said she doesn't feel like it. It can't be helped I thought since girls like the feeling of having cum in their wombs after all. But it got me thinking, even if zygote is formed can't she just teleport it out later? If it's too small she can just teleport the fetus out when it's more developed in an easy and relatively painless abortion. It's an extremely convenient ability I thought since it means I can keep giving her nakadashi without worrying about having a child. Then I drifted into a dream about how I become a serial killer and is on the run from the police but that's not important.
>> No. 4894 [Edit]
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I was in some kind of city, a main street and it was late at night. I wanted to go back home, but I didn't want to get mugged. So I followed a strange path with other anonymous people(I didn't look a them) that led to something like the great wall of china, but black and more like modern stone buildings chained together. It was snowing and frigid.

Towards the end, the path back was blocked multiple times by the other people. And there was tunnels or something too. I was going somewhere inescapable. On the other side, there was a narrow path made of gothic spires. Everyone else was gone. At the end was a large cliff shore of low and high, winding walls made of rough, multi-colored lime stone that reminded me of barnacles. I started to worry.

Girls appeared from somewhere. They were naked and touching each other and kissing. And it was in silence. Kind of peaceful, yet surreal. I approached a group of three and watched. Then I touched the nipple of one of them and they placed their hand on my face.

I kissed another one of them, and they stuck their tongue in my mouth and swirled it around. I thought, "being stuck here forever wouldn't be so bad". My groin then felt a moist, very pleasurable sensation, and I could tell that the third had begun sucking me off. Then I woke up.

I don't know what this dream meant, but it's probably not good...

Post edited on 16th Nov 2021, 10:59am

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