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File 171946281988.jpg - (111.32KB , 832x1216 , 204.jpg )
5011 No. 5011 [Edit]
I'd like someone tell me the allowance of this image asap.

This girl facing to her master.
>> No. 5012 [Edit]
Replies: >>5013 >>5014
>> No. 5013 [Edit]
Wait, you mean it's okay?
>> No. 5014 [Edit]
Replies: >>5015
I think he's asking if this is allowed.
>> No. 5015 [Edit]
Replies: >>5016
OP I'll assume in good faith that you aren't a native english speaker, and that you're the same person responsible for a few other posts today. The posts are near incomprehensible, perhaps you should try using machine translation software instead?

Post edited on 27th Jun 2024, 12:27am
>> No. 5016 [Edit]
Replies: >>5017
No worries, I have learned 2 languages. When typing in english I still finding the words that popped from my mind though. It's hard to imagining since I don't have people want to talk in english. I don't use software translator, it sucks. I just need proper grammar and done.

I don't care my english bad, I just need to talk! Correction will be later.
>> No. 5017 [Edit]
> I don't use software translator, it sucks
They don't suck these days, especially not for english. At the very least please consider using something like GPT to correct your grammar.

It's not really possible to converse if no one understands what you're saying.

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