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File 135565969647.jpg - (578.35KB , 1263x1803 , SaHa_Crowded_Train_02.jpg )
2916 No. 2916 [Edit]
Post what you last fapped to.

Expand all images
>> No. 2918 [Edit]
File 135566091051.jpg - (213.10KB , 901x1280 , a873962a1dc88ead66b509b593fc86a0.jpg )
Is this only for doujins or is it for anything?

I'm not sure if this is an actual doujin or just a fake page for one, but I ended up finishing to this one out of the 20-30 images I was fapping to.
>> No. 2919 [Edit]
File 135569818164.png - (348.85KB , 850x637 , sample_572ff3451ba23f2e8c0a580c5697725d.png )
>> No. 2948 [Edit]
Anything so long as it fits the rules of this board.

Mikasa is da best
>> No. 2954 [Edit]
File 135638174267.jpg - (364.46KB , 1110x1600 , 13.jpg )
>> No. 2967 [Edit]
It's by ookuma nekosuke, and it's a real doujin.
I haven't been able to find 3, but I've found vols 1 and 2 of that just by searching around.
>> No. 2968 [Edit]
File 135808870324.jpg - (470.77KB , 1000x800 , 1358080022684.jpg )
>> No. 2969 [Edit]
File 135809336473.jpg - (1.17MB , 1275x1800 , 007.jpg )
Its noice, its un-ew-usual.
>> No. 2970 [Edit]
File 135817837979.jpg - (508.93KB , 1200x1665 , 000a.jpg )
This was certainly one of the best doujins I've ever read. I highly recommend it.
>> No. 2973 [Edit]
File 13585309408.jpg - (880.35KB , 1075x1600 , 005.jpg )
I can't be the only guy who thinks this girl is ten billion times more hotter in glasses mode.
>> No. 2974 [Edit]
File 135861081929.jpg - (447.09KB , 967x1400 , e0af3912aed485fedb203ac1204c12d2.jpg )
I like everything in this picture.
>> No. 2981 [Edit]
File 135912312293.png - (617.56KB , 1105x1600 , Honey_Dip_080.png )
Didn' actually fap to this page, but the whole doujin was pretty funny.
>> No. 3010 [Edit]
File 136553691463.jpg - (664.63KB , 1125x1600 , 1364633447178.jpg )
[Royal Koyanagi] Sei Penalty Gakuen Goku

came buckets

the entire collection of Royal Koyanagi
>> No. 3039 [Edit]
Pisu Hame.

Wasn't really my thing at the start, but I ended up not being able to stop with it. Not quite sure why, considering there was a lot of stuff that I wasn't into. Maybe it was the art style, but god damn man. 16 chapters, too.
>> No. 3041 [Edit]
File 137311270842.jpg - (210.60KB , 1230x1000 , Dell.jpg )
Last thing was Yui Toshiki's art.
>> No. 3046 [Edit]
File 137314227238.jpg - (500.38KB , 800x1132 , no10638459.jpg )
Does this count?
>> No. 3109 [Edit]
File 137742999574.jpg - (156.90KB , 728x1000 , y4.jpg )
<- I like the shiny
>> No. 3168 [Edit]
File 138140611367.jpg - (91.53KB , 850x609 , zn.jpg )
I like DP. Dragon Punch!
>> No. 3196 [Edit]
File 138232115267.png - (245.54KB , 583x990 , tumblr_mumpdblCIy1srmv7zo1_1280.png )
>> No. 3411 [Edit]
File 140212125140.jpg - (54.72KB , 800x560 , yShadrs.jpg )
>> No. 3471 [Edit]
File 140244793152.png - (297.43KB , 405x600 , HONEY by Oyatsu (mk2).png )
>> No. 3480 [Edit]
File 140431625536.jpg - (485.58KB , 1102x1600 , 014.jpg )
Damn this girl is so meltingly hot.
>> No. 3481 [Edit]
No regrets.

>> No. 3482 [Edit]
File 14043440349.png - (491.82KB , 900x1125 , 796afeb0cf2c63cb2fb9f9df3f88fb4d.png )
>> No. 3501 [Edit]
File 140704679768.jpg - (85.22KB , 600x600 , ySection.jpg )
Front AND Back
>> No. 3666 [Edit]
File 141688248627.jpg - (144.55KB , 600x600 , 2CL.jpg )
>> No. 3800 [Edit]
File 142498471633.jpg - (239.55KB , 1400x787 , z20150226.jpg )
>> No. 3805 [Edit]
File 142637107774.png - (504.50KB , 635x903 , 45517600_big_p1 - C87サークルカット.png )
>> No. 3838 [Edit]
File 143057218917.jpg - (838.17KB , 1280x1664 , paladamn.jpg )
>> No. 3889 [Edit]
File 143676912897.jpg - (578.25KB , 1200x1668 , 018.jpg )
>> No. 3890 [Edit]
I love this doujin
>> No. 4084 [Edit]
File 145317875275.png - (526.64KB , 799x599 , 0.png )
It is done.
Married women.
What have i become.
>> No. 4085 [Edit]
File 145317908379.jpg - (105.71KB , 1080x829 , 0.jpg )
>> No. 4086 [Edit]
File 145317917448.jpg - (145.57KB , 1280x720 , 0.jpg )
>> No. 4087 [Edit]
File 145318272085.jpg - (127.67KB , 1006x1200 , 0.jpg )
Nighty night.
>> No. 4110 [Edit]
File 145444248988.png - (522.47KB , 799x598 , 0.png )
>> No. 4111 [Edit]
File 145448077781.png - (784.29KB , 799x599 , 0.png )
"Can cum multiples times."
Don't make me laugh.
Was this a lie too?
>> No. 4120 [Edit]
File 145482391248.png - (1.21MB , 1025x765 , 0.png )
>> No. 4126 [Edit]
File 145500258629.png - (881.64KB , 1022x573 , 0.png )
Just started 館 ~官能奇譚~.
>> No. 4131 [Edit]
File 145517284443.png - (1.05MB , 1023x575 , 0.png )
Keep your Valentine's Day.
Like counting the number 0.
Still means nothing anyway.
>> No. 4139 [Edit]
File 145533334712.jpg - (120.49KB , 1280x1024 , c20160213.jpg )
Second Impact
>> No. 4140 [Edit]
File 145534775326.jpg - (57.30KB , 800x484 , 0.jpg )
>> No. 4141 [Edit]
File 145534990240.png - (921.61KB , 1021x573 , 0.png )
>> No. 4153 [Edit]
File 145603259054.png - (860.90KB , 1024x576 , 0.png )
館 ~官能奇譚~ end.
>> No. 4156 [Edit]
File 145617178252.jpg - (140.30KB , 500x700 , 0.jpg )
Didn't know the 2nd volume was out so i couldn't resist when i stumbled upon this.

神曲のグリモワール THE ANIMATION 第二章「強欲の魔導書」
>> No. 4171 [Edit]
File 145629989798.png - (1.53MB , 1274x716 , 0.png )

>> No. 4172 [Edit]
File 145638346389.png - (854.00KB , 1279x718 , Spoiler Picture.png )
>> No. 4212 [Edit]
File 145854424182.jpg - (113.46KB , 850x1063 , c20160321.jpg )
Easter Bunny
>> No. 4222 [Edit]
File 145909347728.jpg - (524.04KB , 1000x1000 , 788587_-_Sailor_Moon_Tro_ami_mizuno.jpg )
>> No. 4237 [Edit]
File 146078769517.jpg - (893.31KB , 1350x811 , g20160509.jpg )
Faustsketcher 2016-04
>> No. 4259 [Edit]
File 146258333226.jpg - (153.10KB , 702x1000 , g20160528.jpg )
2016-05 HotMilk
>> No. 4299 [Edit]
File 146611207524.jpg - (243.02KB , 1200x1740 , 0001.jpg )
>> No. 4304 [Edit]
File 146630507938.jpg - (3.68MB , 2275x3230 , 1466271198373.jpg )
>> No. 4342 [Edit]
File 147146724144.gif - (903.66KB , 500x656 , 1471187659831.gif )
>> No. 4363 [Edit]
File 147393942469.jpg - (115.95KB , 543x1000 , 20160917.jpg )
Yui Toshiki
>> No. 4391 [Edit]
File 14787615596.png - (816.96KB , 850x1202 , 1478757144080.png )
Belldandy's beautiful vagina <3
>> No. 4399 [Edit]
File 148318375573.jpg - (174.94KB , 850x1022 , 20161231.jpg )
>> No. 4442 [Edit]
File 148555623677.jpg - (1.10MB , 850x1202 , sample_477f3d124c4f2d4fccf290ca5e1cbc94c23cdf9a.jpg )
>> No. 4864 [Edit]
File 162359567356.jpg - (104.80KB , 850x638 , 20210704.jpg )
>> No. 4865 [Edit]
File 162552336286.png - (12.74KB , 400x400 , dv0bu8-fc529ce1-062e-4ccb-b56e-84bb7311c70f.png )
>> No. 4887 [Edit]
File 163627786034.jpg - (154.58KB , 1400x845 , 20211114.jpg )
>> No. 4924 [Edit]
File 166703716848.jpg - (324.30KB , 893x1500 , aa.jpg )
>> No. 4925 [Edit]
File 166703721152.jpg - (293.35KB , 893x1500 , bb.jpg )
>> No. 4964 [Edit]
File 168692079221.jpg - (297.98KB , 1080x866 , 20230620.jpg )
oh yes
>> No. 4970 [Edit]
File 168830233364.jpg - (322.47KB , 1064x1500 , 2_toph.jpg )
Comic MILF
>> No. 4999 [Edit]
File 169910122060.jpg - (74.79KB , 1280x905 , 20231105.jpg )
CLeater 20231104
>> No. 5020 [Edit]
I was reading "Akume Hime To Otaku-Kun No Doku Ringo" [lit: The orgasm princess and the otaku's poison apple] which lead me to a moment of deep introspection.

For one, I only now bothered looking up the etymology/reason why "akume" means "orgasm"; apparently it derives from the the english word "acme" (zenith) via greek akmḗ (top).

Up until now I had hilariously thought its use in tags like "akume beam" was to be parsed as "Acme™ beam" (as in the fictional Acme corporation), which kind of made sense to me considering that such a device is probably something they'd create. Of course Acme corporation itself comes from the same root (no doubt ironically), I just sort of never connected the dots since these days "acme" is a bit rarer as a generic noun.

Also interestingly the original (untranslated) work has an english subtitle "The OtaCir princess can't take another bite", I have no idea what OtaCir means here ("otaku circle")? [Although why even bother with an english subtitle for an untranslated work?]. The fan translation uses "The Orgasm Princess Can't Take Another Bite" which is sort of a mismash between the two but I like the original title's "poison apple" metaphor a lot better.

Anyway that's not the part that made me ponder. At the end the author has an afterword where he muses on the nature of eromanga:

>As such, the premise of the story this time is to take the playful ignorant desire of 'I want to try having forced orgasm" and thoroughly stomp that innocence into the ground. And since I stress on providing the entire process, I've once again spent an incredible amount of time drawing a ridiculous number of pages. I do sort of regret it. Almost as much the heroine of the story regrets ever asking to try out forced orgasms
>...Perhaps my eromanga are just a reflection of myself? I think up some dumb idea that I want to try out, and I'm super excited for it, not thinking about what comes next when I get to that point
>So my wish for all of you that are here reading my manga is to walk away with this feeling 'I'd never, ever want to try this myself, but damn does it sure turn me on."
>That is the world of eromanga: A place where we can spread our wings as far as our imagination takes us. But do keep in mind that this is still fiction. In the real world, keep those wings closed. It's a promise, alright?

And paired with the fairly meta plot-line of the work, is sort of an unexpected jolt back into reality. Now I really feel sad for the heroines of the story, and wish the thing had a happier ending (and the ending wasn't really even the most cruel in the genre)... Maybe I'll just stick to light stuff from now on, at least maguro shining's stuff still allows me to get the bdsm fix in without feeling guilty about it.

Post edited on 13th Jul 2024, 7:45pm
>> No. 5021 [Edit]
Also I laughed at this interaction on the artist's twitter (translated)
>I bought it on FANZA and read it. It's definitely... perverse... yet I ended up cumming.
>(author): Ultimately, that's the greatest compliment.
>> No. 5022 [Edit]
>apparently it derives from the the english word "acme"
Where did you learn this? The dictionaries that I use report that it came into Japanese via French acmé.
>OtaCir princess
>("otaku circle")?
Yes. Otasaa no hime refers to the girl in an otaku circle who's treated like an idol or princess for being a girl, a rare presence in a male-dominated space.
>[Although why even bother with an english subtitle for an untranslated work?]
I'm unsure why, but this phenomenon is actually fairly common.
>> No. 5023 [Edit]
Ah yeah you're right, it was introduced in Japanese via French (acmé), not English.

Thank you for the extra info.
>> No. 5024 [Edit]
File 172143299486.jpg - (224.19KB , 924x624 , __hiro_hidamari_sketch_drawn_by_e20__7d0417acc3d9d.jpg )
>> No. 5025 [Edit]
File 172283452069.jpg - (86.86KB , 850x1215 , __frieren_sousou_no_frieren_drawn_by_cacto_art__sa.jpg )
i wonder if the typo is intentional, to make frieren look stupid, or if its a mistake on the artists side
>> No. 5029 [Edit]
File 172499716690.jpg - (139.16KB , 320x240 , 121946782_p0.jpg )
>> No. 5040 [Edit]
Natsu to Jun by Jorori. If you want to a change from passionate yuri, you can try this author's works(*) for very passionate and loving hetero romance one-shot.

(*) Everything except two specific works which are the complete opposite and have themes of NTR and snuff. Is there a broader trend of authors suddenly flipping 180deg, going from very sweet to very dark content? The other example that always sticks to my mind is that TNSK, who drew the "public fuckmeat Takagi" character often featured in heavy bondage/ryona works, ended up being the author of ShippoNa. (And interestingly you can even buy a figurine of her, which feels a bit novel to me for a character like this).

I'm guessing it's related to how many mangaka start by drawing ecchi/hentai, and presumably use less-vanilla genres as a way to get more attention/income. It's certainly a testament to their creative skill that they can shift genres so easily.
>> No. 5041 [Edit]
File 172699083957.jpg - (359.28KB , 670x1005 , __asuna_and_asuna_blue_archive_drawn_by_cait_aron_.jpg )
>It's certainly a testament to their creative skill that they can shift genres so easily.

Writing erotica or just good smut mostly comes down to identifying key points of the niché and then leaning into those. Rape is terrifying and hurts for the victim but can feel empowering and manic for the perpetrator, so you emphasis those. Romantic yuri is slow, passionate and sensitive to the emotions of the partner, so you add more detail and monologues about that. Once you learn how to spot what makes this or that kink click, you can write about basically anything.
>> No. 5042 [Edit]
That's a good point, thanks for responding.

Also I was reflecting a bit more on the motivations, and probably a better hypothesis is that mangaka switch up genres to just avoid creative fatigue. Switching to a darker genre provides a "creative escape outlet", and without these temporary breaks to try new things the quality of the sweeter content would start to become blander.

In that light I think TNSK's decision to create a character of his own explicitly for the purposes of guro is sort of "noble", in the sense that he doesn't have to worry about "hurting" any other existing character that people may be attached to. And the character is explicitly designed for the purpose of being guro'd (since she regenerates all body parts), so it's also a bit "compassionate" in that sense.
>> No. 5043 [Edit]
[same anon as above and in 5042]. While I was thinking about the stuff in (>>5042) this doujin also came back to my mind as an example of a class-act author being "considerate" of the reader, while still drawing darker content. That philosophical note at the end was actually a stroke of genius. For one, it serves as a sort of "aftercare" to signal to the reader that the intent was to explicitly surface feelings of guilt for enjoying it, and to reiterate the fictional nature. And to me it did successfully serve the purpose of "stomp[ing] that innocence into the ground", since for better or worse I don't really care to seek out such "hardcore" bdsm content anymore [e.g. from Tsunakama, Mokataki, or Eto]. (I mean it's still hot in theory, but I guess I realized that those aspects that appealed to me could just be reframed in a more passionate way to remove any darker aspects without compromising on the eroticism.)

Anyway, are there any other works which try convey a theme and try to leave a thoughtful impact beyond the plotline or lewd scenes? "Believe Machine" might be another example, as it tries to probe around a bit at human-robot relations.
>> No. 5054 [Edit]
Ah not sure why I speculated when I could have just searched his tweets (he's certainly a prolific twitter user)

Searched for Takagi (高木), guro (グロ), and ryona (リョナ). Some notable posts

Apparently he has a vow to never draw nipples of any character other than Takagi (but he does love favoriting lewds others draw!). I thought he was joking at first but he makes so many references to it that I think he's actually serious about being cursed if he draws any other characters' nipples.
>わしは乳首券は高木さんにしか発行しない 妄想は妄想で楽しむ 人それぞれだけどわしの場合はそうなのじゃよ

While the masochistic Takagi consenually participates in the fantasies and so is OK for anyone to use for any purpose, no other characters should be harmed. Also he personally avoids cruelty, which he considers distinct from guro.
>高木さんは存在そのものが”同意のあるR-18G”だからなにしてもへっちゃらです 悲しいよりみんなハッピーなのが好き
>グロ耐性が高く性癖であるが残酷さに耐えられないメンタルっていうのが私なんです 多分仲間は数人いる

He is proud of being a pervert though but feels guilty over liking guro

I couldn't find any direct posts mentioning both Takagi & Shippo Na in a non-promotional context, but I guess the above accords with the hypothesis that it serves as a creative outlet and a way to draw sexual fetishes (either for practice or just fulfilling lust) without harming other characters you care about.
>> No. 5075 [Edit]
> are there any other works which try convey a theme and try to leave a thoughtful impact beyond the plotline or lewd scenes?
Shiawase no Amayadori. Afterword
>Those who offer shallow consolation words such as "You are not the only one that's suffering" or "The day will come when you will laugh about this" are all wrong. All you need is a beautiful woman who will take care of your needs and will have endless lesbian sex with you until you die: that is the ultimate truth.
>> No. 5079 [Edit]
File 173494889855.jpg - (204.01KB , 500x715 , b4a99e5bda19c601cd395ccbb06bb1c3.jpg )
>> No. 5080 [Edit]
File 17355868486.jpg - (460.80KB , 1200x1720 , squid girl sex.jpg )
I don't know why, but I find this doujinshi insanely funny, not only what she says, but also how she looks.

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