No. 5020
I was reading "Akume Hime To Otaku-Kun No Doku Ringo" [lit: The orgasm princess and the otaku's poison apple] which lead me to a moment of deep introspection.
For one, I only now bothered looking up the etymology/reason why "akume" means "orgasm"; apparently it derives from the the english word "acme" (zenith) via greek akmḗ (top).
Up until now I had hilariously thought its use in tags like "akume beam" was to be parsed as "Acme™ beam" (as in the fictional Acme corporation), which kind of made sense to me considering that such a device is probably something they'd create. Of course Acme corporation itself comes from the same root (no doubt ironically), I just sort of never connected the dots since these days "acme" is a bit rarer as a generic noun.
Also interestingly the original (untranslated) work has an english subtitle "The OtaCir princess can't take another bite", I have no idea what OtaCir means here ("otaku circle")? [Although why even bother with an english subtitle for an untranslated work?]. The fan translation uses "The Orgasm Princess Can't Take Another Bite" which is sort of a mismash between the two but I like the original title's "poison apple" metaphor a lot better.
Anyway that's not the part that made me ponder. At the end the author has an afterword where he muses on the nature of eromanga:
>As such, the premise of the story this time is to take the playful ignorant desire of 'I want to try having forced orgasm" and thoroughly stomp that innocence into the ground. And since I stress on providing the entire process, I've once again spent an incredible amount of time drawing a ridiculous number of pages. I do sort of regret it. Almost as much the heroine of the story regrets ever asking to try out forced orgasms
>...Perhaps my eromanga are just a reflection of myself? I think up some dumb idea that I want to try out, and I'm super excited for it, not thinking about what comes next when I get to that point
>So my wish for all of you that are here reading my manga is to walk away with this feeling 'I'd never, ever want to try this myself, but damn does it sure turn me on."
>That is the world of eromanga: A place where we can spread our wings as far as our imagination takes us. But do keep in mind that this is still fiction. In the real world, keep those wings closed. It's a promise, alright?
And paired with the fairly meta plot-line of the work, is sort of an unexpected jolt back into reality. Now I really feel sad for the heroines of the story, and wish the thing had a happier ending (and the ending wasn't really even the most cruel in the genre)... Maybe I'll just stick to light stuff from now on, at least maguro shining's stuff still allows me to get the bdsm fix in without feeling guilty about it.
Post edited on 13th Jul 2024, 7:45pm