Erotic Hentai 35 pictures:
I can't enjoy lewd pictures of characters after I like them enough and get to know them and their source material well enough. It just feels wrong for me. Does anyone else feel this way? It's not a significant problem or anything but it's strange that I should feel this way. I would post this on /ot/ for lack of lewd but this thread is about lewd images so I thought maybe it should be posted here.Post edited on 16th Dec 2017, 12:25am
>>4560 I see you're a man of culture. Barbarians driven by primitive animal compulsions into exogamy won't understand our sublime taste.
You are a good boy.
>>4612 Good boys finish last..
Fictional characters aren't real. Enjoy them however you like.
Anyone know any sources of good waifu erotic literature?
>>4483 Story of the Eye would heavily trigger 95% of /tc/.
>>4333 If you are interested in monstergirls, then you can try out touchfluffy tail.
Books are my solace.
>>4509 Text is plenty lewd. *HAWT*
Does the idea of a character being sexually active bother you or ruin the character for you? <- I thought this was cute at the time, but it's not the same after seeing them give a BJ.
Strong, indepedent woman.
Yes, it’s a turn off. Many why I rage quit Darling in the Franxx. It’s a turn off to bringing in the bad aspects of real life into anime.
>>4673 How bad was it? I didn't even bother reading about it since it appeared somewhat nasty, but now I'm curious.
>>4684 You will find better breakdowns on mal but from my point of view. In the future a boy and girl are needed to pilot a mecha. Boys and girls are living under the same roof but they don't know anything about relationships, they just know you need a female/male pair to pilot. One girl has horns and she a partner that rides with her after 3 times dies. One boy from the group manages to ride with her and survive, she is really frisky with him. One girl decides to start to paring with the antisocial guy, leaving his fat boy partner hanging. He ends up having to ride with a closet dike. Not much happens till she finds forbidden knowledge on babies. During a battle home base is destroyed and they are stuck fending for themselves. They start to get really intimate with each other. Girl with knowledge on procreation ends up sleeping with the bad boy. That is the last episode I watched because it was NTR at that point. It turns into irl relationships, which is probably why it is so popular.
Taimanin Asagi 2 Episode 1 - Episode 2 -
Fella Hame Lips Episode 1 - Episode 2 -
Hataraku Otona no Ren'ai Jijou The Animation Episode 1 -
Gakuen no Ikenie Episode 1 -
Dainiji Ura Nyuugakushiken The Animation Episode 1 -
Koikishi Purely Kiss The Animation Episode 1 - Episode 2 -
I wish all cute nurses gave bjs
Episode 01
the audio on this blows
<Ayu-Ayu> why can't real girls have dicks You know what to do.
>>3060 Haha
>>3060 OK: the balloon-like tunnel thing in that surprise futa pic, are there any real toys like that?
>>4532 yes, though they generally have been outclassed by all of the silicone products.
>>4536 I can't seem to find any. Where should I look? And how are they called anyway?
Bitches and whores.
Sluts and Brides
It has been bothering me for awhile so I might as well post it; these two look awfully similar. The one on the left was released earlier, I believe, which leads me to suspect the one on the right is maybe a product of not-so spontanious thought.
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