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File 161562236535.png - (38.93KB , 370x320 , confused 1.png )
4814 No. 4814 [Edit]
Hopefully someone who likes said fetish might explain what they like about it to you as well. Except ntr-fags. You're not allowed on this site.

Post edited on 13th Mar 2021, 1:04am
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>> No. 4815 [Edit]
File 161562391873.png - (26.45KB , 600x600 , 12d79251d1c3d264916b2f4da9d837958266db26529bbf2eb8.png )
I don't understand that one guy on Pixiv who has a fetish for athlete's foot.
>> No. 4816 [Edit]
By that do you mean the foot of an athlete or the fungal infection?
>> No. 4817 [Edit]
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>> No. 4834 [Edit]
File 161792406461.gif - (828.27KB , 500x375 , 1457238161675.gif )
I really, really don't get the obsession with gross balding guys that weigh 300 lbs.

Also, what's up with scat? Are people actually attracted to poop???

I'm not sure I want the answer to these questions.
>> No. 4835 [Edit]
I used to think that was self insertion by fat ugly otaku artist.
I learned from discussions about it that some people like to see ugly things deface and destroy beautiful things.
I think there's also an element of hate for women in there too, and wanting to drag/knock them down a peg.
It's also possible some people might feel inadequate if the guy in question is some rich handsome alpha male, as if the act is unachievable for them because they'll never be 'that guy', so just as people watch tv shows about people who's lives are worse than their own to feel better about themselves, so too might people make porn with depictions of the most low class disgusting men they can think of so that they might think deep down "at least I'm not him, this girl might see me as a huge upgrade by comparison!"
>> No. 4836 [Edit]
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>Also, what's up with scat? Are people actually attracted to poop???
Yes. Since it's icky, it makes you feel weird, and people are sexually into that weird feeling they get.
This also answers your other question.
>> No. 4837 [Edit]
Got an example?
>> No. 4838 [Edit]
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I believe that the interest of ugly bastards all stems from a desire for self validation and intimacy from a submissive role's point of view.

I feel that social relations are the de facto form of validation of the self. Naturally, although not necessarily, we tend towards a biological need to seek confirmation of ourselves through others. This need, in my opinion, is the drive that makes us seek one another, even if in destructive relations. It confirms one's self of not only their existence, but also their own values' and identity when placed in relation to the other. More so than an end in itself, relating to others characterizes the means by which we fulfill the need of self validation.

Relating to others in a manner further from generic everyday interactions signifies intimacy and enables differentiation of the self from the amorphous social mass. A very strong form of building intimacy is having shared experiences. Shared experiences that are more meaningful, for whatever reason, are stronger as tokens of intimacy than less meaningful ones, and serve as more efficient means of self differentiation than common, socially acceptable and expectable experiences. One aspect of meaningful experiences is transgression of externally imposed limitations. When transgression is done conjointly, it implies trust, which implies intimacy, which again implies self validation and differentiation.

Individuals inherit culturally imposed limitations to sexual practices in the form sexual taboos. These don't have to be outspoken, legal, or even conscious limitations, but are generally inherited as shared common values. To transgress these, again, self validates through the perceived requirement of intimacy between parties.

This is where ugly bastard doujin come in. When reading fiction, the reader always takes a point of self insertion. With ugly bastard doujin, whether you choose to self insert as the dominant or the submissive role, you are still going to be seeking the same aspects of validation and intimacy. This is because the reader is led to experience that strongly transgressional situation of a shared experience. One attains the fantasy of submission or domination. This is not simply about the fictionalized act, but also the validation of one's own perceived values through media consumption. One then doubly affirms oneself, both in reality as consumption, and in fiction as simulation. The more transgressive to the limitations imposed on reality and fiction, the more this level of meaning reinforces itself.

What is essential for this to be true is the portrayal or suggestion of consent. Without this, the sense of conjoint experience of transgression just becomes an overpowering fantasy. Given that most male parts in this genre are abstracted through faceless males with little to no characterization, the focus ends up being mainly female- or submissive-role oriented. With this submissive-focus in mind, the suggestion of consent or agreement is done by all sorts of ways, like the form in which orgasm is depicted, the presence of heart in eyes or speech bubbles, hips moving on their own, coscience clouded by pleasure in the form of mind break, to name a few. If this agreement can be suggested, it implies the previously mentioned sharing of a trangressional experience, and the reader can then live vicariously through the fiction of being accepted by another despite all the implied restrictions saying otherwise.

What is interesting from this, I feel, is mind break as a genre. It gives explicit attention to the turning point of meaning in the doujin. For example, in a generic rape mind break doujin, I would argue that, for many readers, the interest still exists in the same framework suggested above. One is still seeking the same feelings of unconscious shared experience and intimacy in a personal level. The necessary consent is suggested through the mind break. It implies a biological level of pleasure that would cloud and override consciousness. This may be opportunely interpreted by the reader as agreement, and thus trigger the feel of mutual intimacy that one, I believe, naturally tends towards seeking.

Within all of this, though, I feel that most of the self insertion in this type of doujin is made through a submissive point of view. This, I believe, is a hypothesis reinforced by the medium: male or dominant characters are mostly abstract whenever possible; male or dominant experiences are mostly ignored and undescribed; female or submissive points of view and experiences are explored and focused on. In general, male or dominant characters are without background or significant narrative meaning to their actions, commonly simply being the dominant agent for the story. The characters which suffer meaningful action, whose experiences are narratively meaningful and serve as drive from a starting point to an ending point, are commonly the female or submissive characters. The reader is thus impelled to follow the narrative through the narrative focus of, and thus relate to, the submissive part.

I believe that many readers within this genre are actually exclusively submissive themselves. This comes from, if anything, the same previously mentioned desire for validation and intimacy. Deprivation of social relations and intimate experiences, I feel, lead to desperation for intimacy and acceptance, which in turn lead to submissive behavior, possibly as a biological attempt of appeasing and signaling desire. This is particularly noticeable in 2D, given that the object of desire is intagible. This has a noticeable result when you see doujin: genres like loli, rape, humiliation, drugs, abuse and so on, I feel, are, despite common misconception, targeted towards submissive individuals that self inserted as the loli, as the raped, as the humiliated. Of course not all readers seek it this way, but I believe many, even if unconsciously, still do, perhaps most of the readers. Within such a framework, even without consent suggestions like implicit signs of pleasure or explicit signs such as mind break, the mutual agreement is implied by the readers themselves. And this is the case with many doujin out there.

So this is where I feel ugly bastard doujin end up figuring: they are a submissive-oriented method of simulating intimacy and self validation through narratives depicting transgressional actions as the means to increase the feeling of validation one gets from their fiction. I feel this explanation is able to explain all sorts of doujin genre, like monster rape, tentacle rape and bestiality. One may be suspicious of it due to its facility to apply to all sorts of situations, but I think that this is the result from it being the common root of what would otherwise be just considered degeneracy.
>> No. 4839 [Edit]
File 161799427667.jpg - (370.76KB , 850x1200 , sample_bb51c850640df5a6dd0f7b95d659dbee.jpg )
>When reading fiction, the reader always takes a point of self insertion.
>What is essential for this to be true is the portrayal or suggestion of consent. Without this, the sense of conjoint experience of transgression just becomes an overpowering fantasy.
Also wrong. It's not essential and there's plenty of examples of that which people enjoy. Guro and ryona being two extreme ones.
>male or dominant experiences are mostly ignored and undescribed
A lot, if not most, loli doujin focuses on the male's experience. Male perspective isn't that rare.
>I believe that many readers within this genre are actually exclusively submissive themselves.
Freudian-like guess-work. >>4835 got it right.
>> No. 4840 [Edit]
>Guro and ryona
I believe that the cases in which my explanations apply are on the genres I cited. These cases, or other genre, I wouldn't comment if are applicable or not.
>A lot, if not most, loli doujin focuses on the male's experience. Male perspective isn't that rare.
I agree that male perspective is included in some works, but I believe that to be a case of exclusion of submissive agency, making the notion of dictating thought be relegated to the dominating party. Perhaps there are cases in which that is not the case, I wouldn't know, although again, I do not think this is a catch-all explanation, but rather just a view for many doujin I've seen.
>Freudian-like guess-work.
I don't know Freud, can't say if it is or not, but sure, it's guess work. I imagine all hypotheticals about such a complex topic would be, after all.
>> No. 4841 [Edit]
>> No. 4842 [Edit]
So that's the way it is, huh...

This is a bit off-topic, but I think I could at least somewhat appreciate it if there didn't seem to be a trend for artists to saturate their works with more and more gross freaks the longer they continue to make new stories. I can't tell if it's just trendy among artists or if there's really that big of an audience to demand such works. I hope it's just a fad. There's a lot of artist that I've liked who seemingly have transitioned to just making ugly bastard, NTR, cheating, and rape stories, which... Saddens me.
>> No. 4843 [Edit]
>There's a lot of artist that I've liked who seemingly have transitioned to just making ugly bastard, NTR, cheating, and rape stories, which... Saddens me.
I've noticed that too hence why I brought it up before in another thread. Unfortunately it seems that there is an audience that demands it although I can't put a statistic on how big they are. Works with those themes seems to sell pretty well on dlsite from what I've noticed but I'm only speaking of doujin eroge and those tend to be nukige of which those themes are naturally common.
>> No. 4844 [Edit]
Gosh, I was completely not expecting it to be that athlete's foot.
>> No. 4845 [Edit]

At the risk of sounding like I'm projecting, I've seen a -lot- of hate for women online.
The idea is that women are born into a life of luxury and comfort. They don't have to work if they don't want to and get a free ride both by society and the opposite sex. They're pampered and never have to get their hands dirty, especially now that no one expects them to do their fair share in a household (cooking cleaning child care ect), because those things are now considered demeaning and sexist. This while men have to struggle and suffer in various forms all their life, and if they're lucky they get the privilege of supporting one of these leaches, who can and likely will use the male for all he's worth, then discard him like trash to then do the same with the next. On top of this, women need not put any effort anymore into their appearances or anything else to attract a mate, but still expect men to be perfect in every way. Even a handsome nice and charming guy has a good chance of being used and discarded by an ugly nasty woman in this world of ours.
As such, I think it makes sense that people would make porn that flips things around in which ugly nasty men are the ones using women, treating them like nothing but disposable sex toys and tossing them out like garbage once they've filled that role. In other words, the women in these forms of porn are getting a taste of a gender role swap as seen from an angry male. It's like revenge and irony mixed together.
>> No. 4846 [Edit]
I think people who are into foot stuff find more detail the better. Giving them athlete's foot might simply be one way of going about that.
What one might find gross, they find all that more arousing. I think smells also play a large role in stimulating those with this fetish, and I swear I can almost smell the stink coming off images like those.
>> No. 4847 [Edit]
Seems like a lot of what makes a person comes from their perception or misconception of their stimulated senses. Ultimately humans are still little more than machines enslaved to their senses.
>> No. 4848 [Edit]
I think it's all a lot more primal than you make it out to be. To make sense of it we have to take a step back and not look at it from an anthropocentric perspective. Females are physiologically different from men and have throughout history been dominated, the same is true in the animal kingdom. There are instances where the dominant role is reversed such as in certain insects but ultimately it's all due to sexual dimorphism. The modern perspective on the whole gender issue is just another example of evolution at work.

Post edited on 10th Apr 2021, 1:51am
>> No. 4849 [Edit]
Sure, but it's one thing to dominate them, it's another to humiliate, degrade, and make them suffer as we might see in these works.
>> No. 4850 [Edit]
That's very well written. Almost feels sacrilegious to have such good content on /ns/ (although on the flipside, I wouldn't mind if /ns/ turned into a defacto place for discussing "philosophy of porn").

> genres like loli, rape, humiliation, drugs, abuse and so on, I feel, are, despite common misconception, targeted towards submissive individuals
From a sample size of n=1 (myself) I agree that this is about 75% true, but even in a case where you're not self-inserting as the submissive role you're still trying to simulate that feeling of desire and acceptance. In the case of humiliation/rape, the other party's acceptance is implicitly born out of necessity (they can't exactly refuse when they're tied up). That is, unable to seek validation and acceptance in the 3D world perhaps they don't imagine themselves being able to find mutual acceptance in the 2D world either, so they place themselves in a situation where the other party is forced to accept (or at the very least, acknowledge) the dominant self-inserter.
>> No. 4851 [Edit]
It's full of bs and assumptions stated as facts. People don't have to "self-insert". They can passively observe. I can't stand it when people tells others how they REALLY feel as if they know them better than they do themselves.
>> No. 4904 [Edit]
File 165185760156.webm - (3.91MB , 869f5424_ラブドールにされるアリス.webm )
>> No. 4931 [Edit]
Ability to rape anyone you want without consequences or even resistance, just like timestop. Pretty easy to understand the appeal of, imo.
>> No. 4937 [Edit]
That and also it's a way to write a sex scene with the girl not being a trollop seeking sex.
>> No. 5033 [Edit]
For what it's worth, I think with NTR most people tend to ignore or sideline the perspective of the one being ntr'd, so at that point it's effectively something like corruption. I have not read any ntr but I assume that a big part of the focus is given to that taboo corruption by pleasure that's enough to lead to betrayal, and the feelings of the one being ntr'd are either minimized or glossed over (otherwise it would just be sad and no one would read it). At least that's the way it is with many doujins focused on hardcore bdsm, where they kind of brush aside any actual possible suffering by just assuming that it's all interpreted as pleasure.

Even if it is a fantasy I don't think it's healthy to consume too much though.
>> No. 5034 [Edit]
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With something like netorare you really have to distinguish between it and netorase. They're similar but very different. People equate both of them with being a cuck but it's not quite the same.

Netorare is almost more akin to a rape fantasy than cuckolding. Supposedly it's primarily enjoyed by women and that makes sense. A lot of those stories focus on some bored wife who gets seduced or raped by some sexually agressive, pervy male. She "doesn't want it" but is forced to give in via the power of her orgasm. The husband sometimes isn't even brought to awareness of the situation and there's always an element of "Sorry honey, he's just too good"

Netorase is much more in line with western conceptions of cuckolding. The guys in those stories know their wife is sleeping around and they enjoy and encourage it, sometimes even joining in themselves. Chastity, crossdressing, forced bisexuality, female led relationships are common overlaps. In these stories it's usually the guy who resists and gets drug deeper and deeper "against his will". The entire thing seems to come about as a mixture of natural sub tendencies + emasculation trauma + trouble accepting homosexual attraction. If you have these risk factors and get exposed to that sort of content it's like meth.

There's actually not many artists that make netorase content in Japan but it's been gaining popularity. Finding netorase content is kind of difficult at times because people label it all under netorare which isn't accurate.
>> No. 5035 [Edit]
Netorare might be bad but Euphoria...
>> No. 5057 [Edit]
File 173102309876.png - (2.05MB , 1624x2016 , 72c608b4a55d9e7018c6ca0e5f507d30.png )
I have a pretty hard time understanding the appeal of armpits.
Lots of people say that it's all about them being hidden non-taboo body parts in everyday life, their sensitivity, or odor. While I do get where the points are coming from, I'd argue that they look the least interesting of the fetishized body parts.
I already like feet a lot, which are often paired within the same fetish group, but armpits just don't do it for me.
Maybe it's the odor that puts me off? Unpleasant smell isn't really a turn-on for me, and I do only like feet for ways that aren't associated with their smell.
>> No. 5058 [Edit]
I can barely keep my seething disgust around people who enjoy the smell of armpits or whatever. Sweat's stink is atrocious. How is it possible to enjoy something so abominable?

Not meant as an act of offense, so please don't unsheathe your weapons.

Post edited on 7th Nov 2024, 4:06pm
>> No. 5059 [Edit]
File 173105750814.png - (11.89KB , 400x400 , bf42be451b1d5fbe0eec359e8f072ebb.png )
Natural pheromones emit a very appealing scent, which is a normal response for all mammals.
Sweat on the other hand is already gross by itself, and gets 10 times worse when mixed up with pheromones.
I don't wanna offend the armpit crowd either, but come on guys.
>> No. 5060 [Edit]
File 173109323863.jpg - (147.81KB , 800x800 , cute armpits.jpg )
from my perspective, ideally, an armpit probably wouldn't smell much at all--i'd hope the girl just showered or something--and sweat by itself doesn't gross me out, quite the opposite actually. sweat by itself doesn't have much of a smell i don't think, apparently it only emits a bad odor once it comes into contact with the bacteria on your skin and heat, so again, in my ideal, the girl would've just showered or something
tl;dr - i like armpits and sweat for similar reasons as to why 5057 likes feet, i just think they're erotic for no particular reason, not because of the smell (i guess if i were to psychoanalyze myself, i think it's a manifestation of my desire for physical intimacy and acceptance, and armpits are generally a part of the body a girl would be ashamed of, so being attracted to that part of the body would be like totally accepting every part of her, and when in conjunction with normal sex, makes the act that much more intimate to me. and sweat just makes the skin look shiny and wet, i guess it's just a dirtier version of how other people might be into a girl covered in oil/lube or water. i don't know, i used to be into paizuri like a normal person...)
>> No. 5061 [Edit]
People in this thread have been assuming the way their armpits smell is how any armpit would smell.
>> No. 5062 [Edit]
What are you guys eating to have your armpits smell that awful?

But I agree with >>5060 I like it precisely because it highlight intimacy in a non-sexual way. I actually like hairy armpits for that reason, it shows that she trusts you enough that she's comfortable being "as she is".
>> No. 5063 [Edit]
>What are you guys eating to have your armpits smell that awful?
eating a lot of fried foods or other junk foods makes your sweat and other excrement notably more rancid. an immediate example would be how drinking water makes your urine clear, whereas drinking soda makes it darker and gives it a much worse smell.
i can anecdotally say this is the case, at least for me and sweat; i sweat through my clothes while sleeping often and i noticed that when i was depressed and started eating fried foods way more, i'd have to take morning showers and wash my sheets/clothes far more often because i'd smell that bad when waking up. this wasn't a problem when i was eating baked meat and salads.
in short, please eat healthy!
>> No. 5064 [Edit]
File 173118201557.png - (1.83MB , 1478x1464 , d1f0e091fd7fcdba18d2bce8cea4f4e4.png )
5057 here, and I can confirm that most of your "psychoanalysis" applies to my footfagginess as well (with the exclusion of sweat, I like 'em squeaky clean). Notably how girls could be ashamed of both, intimacy, and the whole "erotic for no reason" thing. I do however wanna share how my degeneracy differs.
I personally see the intimacy aspect more with feet. Girls are unlikely to wear sandals in public for most of the year, whereas t-shirts are worn way more often and will plainly expose the armpit if the arm's raised.One needs to take off both her shoes and socks to expose the bare foot, which can be compared to undressing.
As for the eroticism, I don't get the attractiveness of armpits myself, it's just a bit of skin for me (sorry). There's something about the look of feet that just feels... lewd. There's a lot of stuff going on, a lot of elegant features to appreciate, with imperfections and often unattractive features of 3DPD excluded in 2D. It's just nice to look at.
Since you mentioned sex, I've never looked at the armpit sex stuff so I won't compare the two. I'll just say that footjobs look much sexier than handjobs and BJs, probably for the leg being involved, idk. Apparently the feel is supposed to be even better than that of a hand, since the soles have a different skin structure.
>> No. 5065 [Edit]
>I personally see the intimacy aspect more with fee
Note that the sideboob is an extension of the armpit area. So there is some inherent sexiness there, and the aspect of someone intentionally raising their arms to give you a peek is some sort of "flashing".
>> No. 5066 [Edit]
You are way too horny!
>> No. 5067 [Edit]
>my degeneracy
Tsk, tsk, there's nothing degenerate about appreciating feminine beauty. Don't let the Abrahamic brainwashing take over you
>> No. 5068 [Edit]
Really if you think about it, it's the people who can only get piqued by blatantly sexual things like ass/tits who are degenerate. Every aspect pure femininity is beautiful, not in the sense of wanting to jerk off to it but in the sense of wholesome appreciation and romantic love.
>> No. 5069 [Edit]
You do kinda have a point, although that's only a small part of the sideboob. Aren't most people attracted specifically to that 'pit'?
Nah, I'd say I'm way hornier for another fetish of mine
You guys have justified this fetish in the most genuine way I think is possible. I fucking kneel
>> No. 5070 [Edit]
I said you're way too horny as a way to project my own lack of fetishes. Lately I stopped caring about women as objects of desire. I hate that I still have to fap sometimes, but I've got plenty experience in nofap so I'll manage.

That is to say, just wanted to tease you perverts!
>> No. 5071 [Edit]
>Lately I stopped caring about women as objects of desire
I've felt the same. I had some sudden realization that sexualizing 2D girls in a lustful way is just not what I want. I treasure them and respect them too much to "debase" them in that sense. It didn't help that I had some dark fetishes.

I of course appreciate their beauty and don't mind the occasional ecchi, but I don't explicitly _seek out_ ecchi content for the purposes of fapping.
>> No. 5072 [Edit]
File 173128479184.png - (4.59MB , 2160x1215 , c2325c123382988e6e040228830d882e.png )
Could anyone explain the giant girl fetish? I imagine with large size women, it's a simple case of having more of the thing you like, maybe even swimming in flesh if it's a really big girl like jumping into a large beanbag. but when they're twice the size of godzilla? what the hell is that all about?
>> No. 5073 [Edit]
Maybe it comes from having a death wish?
>> No. 5074 [Edit]
I think it's rooted in submissive dynamic.

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