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File 128997386820.jpg - (1.60MB , 2114x3008 , 1bde3e263a5d2b21e2720243f7383b89.jpg )
169 No. 169 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
yuri general
128 posts and 122 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 519 [Edit]
thanks a lot! gonna try to pirate bay it now (it seems there's also an OVA...).

great dumpings, broh; keep them coming.
>> No. 520 [Edit]
From what I've gathered, only the first game was translated, there are more then six now I think, they're all pretty short and people have said the only good thing about them, is the art.
>> No. 704 [Edit]
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>> No. 2482 [Edit]
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2394 No. 2394 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
This board doesn't seem to get much traffic, so I thought of an idea for a thread that might be fun for some.

I think we all have come across those H-Manga which we consider our favorites, and think "I wish everyone could read this". Maybe you haven't, but the general point of the thread is to post your favorites.


Shy and needy just makes this character all the more arousing.
11 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2423 [Edit]
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Have some more yan.

>> No. 2450 [Edit]
Is Kindle a good reader for my H?
>> No. 2475 [Edit]
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It's made for very small books, so it could be. I know textbooks are a shit to read on those things though.

I really liked this series.
Everyone looks so good when her hair gets messy.

>> No. 2481 [Edit]
What the... someone tell me I'm not the only one who sees her hair flashing green.

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1198 No. 1198 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
anyone ever seen any lain /h/?
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>> No. 1202 [Edit]
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>> No. 1203 [Edit]
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>> No. 1204 [Edit]
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>> No. 2420 [Edit]
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2412 No. 2412 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Now we must ponder the age old question: flat chest or big breasts?
9 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2427 [Edit]
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Left or right?
>> No. 2428 [Edit]
Right, although the size of left's boobs aren't quite at the level where I would hate them.
>> No. 2429 [Edit]
Right. I have the odd feeling that left's wouldn't look that great when exposed.
>> No. 2449 [Edit]
Right. I value cuteness over "sexyness".

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1761 No. 1761 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

A website with tere kas for your viewing pleasure
24 posts and 23 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 2445 [Edit]
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>> No. 2446 [Edit]
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romantic prelude
>> No. 2447 [Edit]
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>> No. 2448 [Edit]
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Last one.
Oh please let this game come out before I'm dead.;_;

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2424 No. 2424 hide watch quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Sorry I'm not better at drawing cock.
You can go back to the original thread now
>> No. 2425 [Edit]
I wonder if she had extra coarse sandpaper on the palms of her hands when giving it a handjob.

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479 No. 479 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
I hear good things about this game but I'm kind of scared to get it running since I'm not good with computers and it involves a bit of settings changes and stuff. Anyone have a basic guide to get it started, preferably one that involves as little system changing as possible?
7 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 600 [Edit]

Here's a thing that will set up and play VH (with the translator) with pretty much no work (just get the latest version of VH and follow the steps in the readme). Though, in my opinion, a crap machine translation isn't much better than no translation at all
>> No. 1196 [Edit]
can someone repost that last link? getting an error code, just "W" from ChiiTrans. Everything is set up according to the instructions, should be working. Win7
>> No. 2408 [Edit]
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Don't know if anyone's still in this thread. But I've tried countless times to get this game to work. Always gets shot down at some point.
Since I can not read Japanese, this is what the error looks like:

Any help would be much appreciated
>> No. 2411 [Edit]
Gave it a look.
For japanese people with japanese systems it seems reinstalling RTP2k will do the job.
But I suppose that's not the case, then you should uninstall RTP2k, and then reinstall it either using applocale(set for japanese) or with your system language set to japanese.
Here's the error message, if you want to check out by yourself "ファイル乗り物は開けません"

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1392 No. 1392 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
Saw this on one of my infrequent trips to /jp/ and thought you might be interested. After playing around with it for a while I can confidently say I am awaiting the full version.

>Cell shaded
>Girls and guys are customizable
>Body, club, voice, pitch, personality and sexual preferences can be modified
>clothing customizable
>25 characters in a game at once
>Can have a school full of girls, boys or both sexes
>Can switch between any character as MC
>Licensed middleware physics engine
>Made by Illusion, so Hongfire will mod it very quickly

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>> No. 1799 [Edit]
Tryed playing this, thought it was kind of weak..
I think AG3 had a lot more content to it, I don't know if I didn't see it or not, but this game doesn't seem to allow much of any clothing customisation, it's all uniforms all the time from what I played, and all that is the different colors.
I found it cool you could pick who's in your class and play as a girl, I was playing it for a few hours in a all girl school as a girl, after doing so it made me think that the game might now allow yuri, becuase even some of the girls getting up to 120%, they'd go right back down to 0% if I hugged them or kissed them or told them I liked them.
The dialog system seems pretty crappy, with not much to say other then the same few lines over and over "remember to do your homework!", kind of reminds me how the last game didn't have anything to do with the girls other then hold hands and walk around.
I didn't realise until after an hour or so that hitting esc showed what the buttons do, which I was experimenting with before, to bad I didn't figure that out until after the character I modeled after my waifu grew to hate me and beat me up.
>> No. 1800 [Edit]
I installed it, but it gives an error on startup. >>1798 that thread said to download Character Maker, but I can't find anything like that anywhere...

edit: I found it now, but I don't know what to do with it... I put it in the game folder, but it gives an error too when I try to run it.

Post edited on 13th Jun 2011, 7:46am
>> No. 1802 [Edit]
Are you running Japanese applocale?

Yeah I would have to agree, it is nowhere near as good as it seems. Hopefully some mods come out that make it more interesting.
>> No. 2409 [Edit]
A bit of a slowpoke here. Downloaded it a few weeks ago, installed/played today.
I liked it. Sure, they took away a bit too many customisation options, like eye/hair colours. But I felt better than in AG3, where I would spend more time carefully crafting clothing sets and then tweaking each colour bit by bit than actually playing it, simply because it allowed me to engage in such obsessive-compulsive behaviour.
I haven't messed enough with the social interactions, but it seems pretty funny. It's quite easy to get sex even with high-virtue girls, but maybe that's because my current character is a highly-sociable, smart and athletic one. I still want to see what I can do playing less popular guys.
Oh, the soundtrack is quite good too. Mostly short loops, but it does the job. Have they published any info about it? I think I've heard a few of those musics anywhere else.
Also, if I just skip a phase of the day will the NPCs develop relation or anything? Sometimes I just want to get home and save the game, but I fear that skipping a whole day may depreciate some relations with NPCs.

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1061 No. 1061 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

1. No single thigh highs pictures allowed if there isn't at least some pantyhose visible somewhere.
2. No bunny suits allowed.
3. Spats allowed to a certain extent.

Because we're worth it.
139 posts and 139 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 1852 [Edit]
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>> No. 1853 [Edit]
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>> No. 1854 [Edit]
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my current desktop actually..
>> No. 2332 [Edit]
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1452 No. 1452 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]

It's shimapan time.
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>> No. 1818 [Edit]
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>> No. 1819 [Edit]
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>> No. 1820 [Edit]
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>> No. 2321 [Edit]
Hey thats not shimapan-

Oh. I see. Carry on..

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1821 No. 1821 hide watch expand quickreply [Reply] [Edit]
What are your fetishes? Include pics if you can!

I like:
-Black hair (long is good!)
-Black eyes
-Hair that fans inwards towards the cheeks
-All-girl's school uniforms
-Average looking bodies with average sized tits

To a lesser extent I like:
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>> No. 1826 [Edit]
Part 2 (warning, mentions real women, its just text though)

Wow man, that name tag fetish is pretty awesome. I liked how you even learned calligraphy to be able to make nice tags. How did you get into something like that in the first place? Whats the appeal in it for you, does it make you feel like you're the girl being fapped to, or like the girl youre fapping to is watching over you? How are you going to get off when you have sex with a real girl?"


Eh, I remember the first day of school in kindergarten and 1st grade, as well as field trips, I always couldn't stand wearing name tags. If I wanted anyone to know my name, I'd tell them if they asked. I've heard of "fetish by opposites" examples, where people have a fetish for something they hate, and this would have to be my best explanation. And it somehow evolved into this. And I like it this way. The only problem: at social gatherings where people wear name tags: I probably would wear one while feeling extremely aroused (run to bathroom stall, cum in 10 seconds or less) and embarrassed, and most likely take more than one if possible, to bring home and add to my fetish supplies.

The appeal in it is that I'm being watched over by the girl whose name tag I'm wearing while fapping, although I wouldn't say I'm fapping to her, per se. Unless of course I have a good amount of pictures handy, in the cases of some characters.

As for getting off if I have sex with a real girl, I'm hoping that I'll be satisfied enough to have myself inside a real vagina, to the point I can get off without acting on my fetish."
>> No. 1827 [Edit]
I would say that guy is weird but hey I get off on lolis being pounded by giant monster cocks so who am I to judge
>> No. 1829 [Edit]
>run to bathroom stall, cum in 10 seconds or less
I always wished I could do something like that on demand.
>> No. 1830 [Edit]
I can go from soft to cum in 10 seconds, but I need to be really turned on first. Also it takes me a while to "cool down"

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