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1298 No. 1298 [Edit]
So I've heard with watercolor systems that the non-conductive liquids out there can eventually become conductive over time as the liquid will pick up minerals in the pipes and components they pass over. making them essentially pointless.
My question is, would this not also apply to mineral oil systems? Is it not possible to wake up one day after a few years and find your fish tank pc to be completely fried?
>> No. 1301 [Edit]
I don't think people have been doing this for very long, so I believe long term issues would be up to some speculation at this point.
>> No. 1304 [Edit]
You replace the liquids every now and then.

More importantly I don't think the people who do it do so for very long, because maintenance becomes such a huge hassle. Personally I think the whole concept is retarded.
>> No. 1305 [Edit]
>I think the whole concept is retarded.
What's retarded about dunking your computer in a fish tank full of oil?
>> No. 1312 [Edit]

it may be surprising to you, but the oil will protect the computer's innards from corrosion in addition to the massive heat dissipation.
you also don't need to clean dust bunnies out of the fans and heat sinks regularly.
>> No. 1313 [Edit]
It will also lubricate inside your CPU, reducing drag when electrons flow through the pipes. Faster electrons = faster computer.
>> No. 1399 [Edit]
Use distilled water?
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