Beep Boop Bip
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No. 1595 [Edit]
there are so many nerds out there getting super rich off bitcoin lately, does anyone worry that there will be an anime shortage when they spend all their winnings?
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>> No. 1596 [Edit]
Wow, that has to be some hard shit.
>> No. 1597 [Edit]
I think it's safe to say this is shit posting.
>> No. 1598 [Edit]
I remember thinking I should buy 100 bitcoin when they were still around a dollar or two just to see what would happen. Oh well.
>> No. 1599 [Edit]
I got that same idea but for all the worthless offshoot coins that were worth like 0.003 cents each. People told me I was retarded and I was tossing my money away. I figured it would be a fairly safe bet as 100 of each coin would only cost a few bucks and they might go up in value, if not no big loss.
The hard part was/is finding out how to actually buy any of those coins. The only site I found that worked for me was but they're dead now. They had a very limited selection but I was able to use a phone app to convert coins I bought to those other worthless types. Now the $40~ I invested is $1,500 and climbing. My only regret is not getting more.
>> No. 1600 [Edit]
File 151272314113.png - (1.42MB , 1000x1415 , fa47909b4af0c31635235de208debb4a36280f59.png )
Please do not post nsfw images outside of /ns/. I removed the file from your post. Thank you.
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