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File 144825069512.png - (1.10KB , 521x29 , UP.png )
1365 No. 1365 [Edit]
What's your current uptime? Longest?

Post edited on 22nd Nov 2015, 7:55pm
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>> No. 1367 [Edit]
I shut down nightly so I couldn't say.
>> No. 1368 [Edit]
I'm currently at 5 days and 6 hours. I don't usually keep track of my exact uptime these days, but I know that they usually extend into weeks.
>> No. 1369 [Edit]
File 144825222761.png - (67.03KB , 781x352 , win5.png )
20 days and going strong.
Can't remember my record but it well over 60. Might have even been 80 but I'm not sure.
>> No. 1370 [Edit]
File 144997034816.png - (57.66KB , 777x346 , uptime.png )
make that 40
>> No. 1371 [Edit]
How do you keep from restarting due to updates?
>> No. 1372 [Edit]
I just changed the settings for the updates is all. I have it download the updates but don't install them until I say so. It's right in the control panel.
Mostly why I haven't upgraded to 10 yet, because that option isn't there anymore, and I don't want to "break" the system by disabling the update service entirely. It's kind of a petty reason but that combined with my laziness and apathy is enough to prevent me from upgrading.
>> No. 1394 [Edit]
Is it really good for the computer to be on for that long?

That being said I'm at 1 day 6 hours.
>> No. 1395 [Edit]
File 145465035764.png - (58.72KB , 775x344 , 80days_uptime.png )
No idea, but I've been keeping mine on for years, with plenty of power failures to make sure I don't keep my uptime. If it impacts it's lifetime at all, I'm sure it's very minimal. Just make sure you have good cooling.
I'd think the thing it would impact most is the hard drive, if anything. But of course that depends on what your machine is doing while idle.
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