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File 142432821584.jpg - (137.49KB , 542x351 , 1375210098208.jpg )
1268 No. 1268 [Edit]
When will VR be good enough for us to (sort of) be with our waifus?
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>> No. 1314 [Edit]
If they are, then humanity is fucked
>> No. 1363 [Edit]
The manga that image was from was pretty damn good
>> No. 1373 [Edit]
File 145013205513.gif - (1.61MB , 400x321 , 1450123845733.gif )
Soon, my friend. That day is fast approaching.

But, for today... Today, you can be you're own waifu.
>> No. 1375 [Edit]
welcome to the future of anime...
>> No. 1376 [Edit]
I can really see Tesagure S5 being done like that. 100% overworked seiyuus doing full acting job and being thrown into MMD.
Give more 3 or 5 years after that and 3D idol groups like AKM-47 or whatever will only exist in 2D form. The only thing in the stage in concerts will be Miku-like holograms of their 2D representations, instantaneously animated from the 3D idols performing the routines in the backstage. It will be... quite unimpressive, actually.
>> No. 1377 [Edit]

so then...10 years into the future.... I can be the little girl singing and dancing on stage... being a wizard for 10 years will not be for naught!
>> No. 1407 [Edit]
The prices for the consumer versions of the rift and steam's htc are fucking insane. holy fuck
>> No. 1425 [Edit]
That's why I'm looking into advanced cardboard stuff until I get enough money to buy Vive/until they get out of beta. Still, not as advanced as GearVR, since phone+headset costs almost like Oculus.

I wonder what smartphone should I get having the cardboard VR in mind. Being a hikky I don't think it's a good idea investing a lot into a mobile device I would barely use for its primary tasks. At the same time I think that if I spend money at least I should get something that will be good for a while from now on.
Can't decide between LG G3 D855 and Nexus 5x, first one is cheaper, has better screen for VR and generally seems to pack a lot for its price, but is outdated, especially in terms of OS. The second has little memory on board (16 gb, won't even hold a movie in 3D), no card slot to compensate for that, low density 1080p screen, but it's the purest Android experience I can get and it looks quite neat (not that I'm going to show off to anyone, but I want to enjoy the looks of a device just as much as its functionality).
>> No. 1426 [Edit]
I've tried out a google cardboard style headset with my smartphone. I even bought a vr-one and managed to make it work with my phone. Wasn't that great of an experience. It's neat but far from ideal. For one the image quality is pretty shit. my phone has a 1920 x 1080 screen but images were extremely pixelated because of how much you're zooming into it while having it take up your full range of view. It was less pixelated with the cardboard style headset but that's only because it wouldn't take up the full range of view and instead was like looking at a floating screen in front of you. Another issue is framrates and connectivity. Because you can't stream large amounts of data over wifi all that well you can expect -very- low frame rates. Even with a usb cable connected I'd have to drop settings extremely low just to get more than 10fps, and by low I mean like animated gifs you see that are so low in quality they look like color blobs. It depends on the kinda content you're trying to stream too. I've got a pretty decent PC and my phone isn't that bad, but that didn't seem to really matter, but Simplistic low demand games seemed to work 'okay' though. The most smooth experiences I had were the ones using content that was being played off the phone itself not streamed. Even then the pixelated image and possibly other factors made it tiring to use for extended periods. I tried using a virtual cinema to watch an episode of yuruyuri and I was only able to make it half way in before needing to stop because of head and eye pain. At this point I'm hoping I can get a job so I can buy a HTC. Using my phone gave me a nice idea of what VR can be like, but it's a very basic and rudimentary experience.
>> No. 1456 [Edit]
I fapped to Miku and Haku in VR two days ago using this: It's based on MMD, using MMD models and animation, so it's like being in a MMD scene or video. I wasn't using cardboard or phone based VR, and I felt like I was really there with the character, so yes >>1268 VR is already good enough to at least let you feel like you're in the same physical space as your waifu.

Because the anime characters are life-scale in VR, the first thing I noticed was that the character's proportions were a bit unrealistic. Miku, or at least the Miku model in "Shy Miku", had really long legs, really small shoulders, and a small and skinny waist. Later on, when I got more used to the program and explored other scenes, the best part is getting really close to the character. That was definitely the most exciting part, getting close, and feeling that Miku is physically close while fapping to her.
>> No. 1457 [Edit]
Although it seems like this is still in the early stages, I am watching it with extreme interest.
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