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File 130374324176.jpg - (38.12KB , 500x500 , internet_freedom_457935[1].jpg )
462 No. 462 [Edit]
This thread is computer/technology related, so /mt/ is probably the best place to post it.

Anyway, to the point. I've been hearing many rumours that the soon to come Windows 8 will have forced "Live integration", which means (you guessed it), forcing you to register on Live before being able to use the OS. From that moment on, I realized that Microsoft will either fail completely as a Software manufacturer or the oblivious masses will bend over. To my (almost expected) disappointment, it is the latter. The masses will accept this as they have done so far. I'm talking about the social networking shoved in people's faces everywhere. You can't go to a large website without seeing facebook and twitter links everywhere. Hell, even online gaming has turned into one big social network (see Steam, Xbox Live, etc.)

The question I pose is, what's next? Requirement to have your real name visible everywhere you post? Or maybe forced cloud computing? Web 2.0? Seems likely.

They're already putting tracking devices in smart phones:

And don't get me started on the backdoors they've put in proprietary software.

Well, this concludes my pointless post. Any thoughts?

inb4 conspiracy theorist
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>> No. 463 [Edit]
I would be surprised if we had ANY rights left that the constitution gives us. you know tolls on highways? unconstitutional. Income tax? unconstitutional. The shit that goes on behind closed doors of people with the power to do anything would make you vomit, and yet nobody does anything because nobody knows any better because they're trying to keep the common public dumb.

tl;dr, we haven't had any "rights" ever, and now they have new ways to take more rights away.
>> No. 464 [Edit]
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>Anyway, to the point. I've been hearing many rumours that the soon to come Windows 8 will have forced "Live integration"
The lesson to be learned here is don't use M$ Windows. GNU/Linux or other open source software is what all the cool kids use.

Here in Canada both the Liberals and Conservatives are supporting the tabling of bills that would require ISPs to surrender customer information to the federal or municipal police without the need for a warrant. I've taken steps to ensure that I have privacy once these laws are introduced. I've invested in a Alfa AWUS036H, a couple of RP-SMA 9dbi antennas, and a Linksys WRT54GL. If this bill goes through I'm going dark. There are enough wireless access points being broadcasted that I can readily establish pirate connections after cracking the wireless encryption (if there is any). Lucky for me WPA-Radius is an enterprise solution, and most people are content with WEP, WPA-PSK, or completely unsecured connections. From here all I need to do is utilize encryption and spoof a MAC address (and obviously not have an identifying host name) and I'll have a decent expectation of privacy online. The ALFA will be my primary wireless device, however the Linksys WRT54GL can serve as a nice Kismet drone for collecting information on nearby wireless networks and B.A.T.M.A.N. networking. I've also got the option of using a VPN, but that costs money.

The Internet is my fucking home. I dealt with it being swarmed with cancerous masses of newfags after the scientology bullshit, and I tolerated the countless notices of copyright infringement. But I am sure as fucking hell not rolling over and taking the seizing of my home lightly. Besides, Yuki would probably be disappointed if I did.
>> No. 465 [Edit]
I've already planned to kill myself once the internet is over.
>> No. 466 [Edit]
If that day arrives I'll abandon all technology and become a retro expertise for the rest of my life.
>> No. 467 [Edit]
I've always been kind of interested in open source software, this just gives me a much better reason to use it already.
>> No. 468 [Edit]
I've always said that within 5 years all that will be left of the internet is facebook and youtube. The internet is the only thing keeping me alive thanks to games, anime, manga, hentai, etc... and once I can no longer access those things I'm going to eat a bullet.
>> No. 469 [Edit]
Welp, good thing I was planning on going with Linux when the time to install an OS on my computer comes around again.

And of course shit like this makes me wish people would wake up and realize what's going on, but that will never happen.
>> No. 470 [Edit]
>I've been hearing many rumours that the soon to come Windows 8 will have forced "Live integration", which means (you guessed it), forcing you to register on Live before being able to use the OS

Do you have a source that this is going to happen?
>> No. 471 [Edit]
When I told my sister about the iphone tracking thing she just said "not like i have anything to hide" and then went back to texting updates to facebook
>> No. 472 [Edit]
Like I said, it's only rumours. But looking at Microsoft's track record, I would not be surprised if they actually do that.
>> No. 473 [Edit]
I've thought about switching to linux but I'm a complete retard when it comes to computers so that probably wouldn't work out too well.
>> No. 474 [Edit]
File 130376144572.jpg - (17.83KB , 320x180 , suzumiya20haruhi20no20s.jpg )
The biggest hurdle for individuals migrating from Windows to a Linux distro is getting comfortable with the command line interface. I recommend starting with Ubuntu, and then moving to Archlinux once you've got the hang of things. After a while you'll find that typing a line into your terminal is pretty simple. Lucky for you there are always extremely helpful users bases for almost every linux distro. So long as you ask questions, research, and experiment you should be fine.
>> No. 475 [Edit]
I fucking hate that mentality.

I am also (relatively) technically impaired and I switched to Ubuntu successfully a few days ago. The installation is actually really quick and easy. Getting used to the way Ubuntu worked (how to install programs, manage packages, use the terminal etc etc) took a few days, but I'm starting to get the hang of it now. Though if you are anything like me, you ARE going to spend a day or two on the ubuntu forums at first. Oh and apparently the two latest versions of Ubuntu (10.10 and 11.04) are pretty buggy so getting 10.04 is recommended, but you should probably get a second opinion on the subject.

I wish I could understand half of that. Could you rephrase this for us mere mortals? Here in France we have some pretty retarded internet laws, so I'm really interested about learning more about how to bypass all this. Redirecting me to a tutorial or something is fine too.
>On March 1, the French government published a new regulation that mandates Web companies keep identifying user data — including username and passwords — for a year in case authorities need access to it."
>> No. 476 [Edit]

Is the good version 10.04 or 10.04.2?
>> No. 477 [Edit]
Use Aircrack-ng and a wireless adapter capable of rfmon or moniter mode (e.g. Alfa AWUS036H) to crack wireless encryption. Use macchanger to spoof your MAC address, otherwise your intrusion will have your computers serial number on it, which can be traced back to you.
>> No. 478 [Edit]
>Income tax? unconstitutional.
16th Amendment. Try reading the constitution sometime instead of just believing what Ron Paul tells you.
>> No. 479 [Edit]
You all might like Mint more. It's less hassleworthy than Ubuntu in ways
>> No. 480 [Edit]
Well, that amendment was passed in a questionable manner.
>> No. 481 [Edit]
File 130396940567.jpg - (19.69KB , 225x203 , 225px-Laughing_man_logo.jpg )
Surprise! You have no rights other than what the state and corporations permit you to have, or the rights that you guarantee yourself.
>> No. 483 [Edit]
Doesn't matter. Every time that argument's come up in the courts it's been struck down.
>> No. 484 [Edit]
I propose we turn this thread into sharing tips on keeping our freedoms in the coming foreclosures on
>> No. 485 [Edit]
paranoia general?
>> No. 486 [Edit]
That is a good idea. Here are some tips, which I think will be of some help (hopefully my suggestions aren't painfully obvious already)

1. Avoid social networking websites at all costs. If having an account there is a must (like for contacting co-workers, employers, etc.) put in as little personal information in it as possible.
2. Avoid all proprietary software as much as you can. There are many open-source alternatives to many of the programs we use in our day-to-day lives.
3. Install browser extensions such as NoScript to avoid potentially malicious/intrusive scripts on websites, and AdBlock Plus to prevent tracking.
4. If you are skilled enough with computers, switch to GNU/Linux or FreeBSD as your main operating system. They aren't as difficult to use as they appear. Often times it's a lot simpler than Windows, given package managers and such. If you're tied to gaming, partition your hard drive to accommodate dual-booting.
5. Avoid shopping online, especially at Microsoft, Sony and Amazon. The recent incident with PSN (the compromising of millions of credit card numbers) proves that such corporations don't care about their customers' data.
6. Always read the privacy statement before installing a video game to your console or computer. Often times it'll make you reconsider installing it. Trust me on that.
7. Jailbreak your smartphone if you have one. If you can't do it yourself, find someone who can do it for you. If there's no one to help you with that, sell your smartphone.
8. Avoid web browsers like Google Chrome, which have numerous backdoors to Google information theft. If you're used to the features, switch to Chromium (the open source version of Chrome). Having access to the source code can allow you to remove those backdoors if they're present in it. Or just switch to Firefox.
9. Avoid mainstream antivirus programs. They're closed source so for all you know, they could actually be responsible for the malware you're getting.
>> No. 487 [Edit]
In short, yes. ACTA's coming up soon, we'd best get our acts together.
>> No. 488 [Edit]
These are all good tips. I have a few more:
1. Keep two computers if at all possible, one running a normalfag Windows/Mac and one running a more secure Linux setup. Have some normal porn and sites on that PC to make it look normal, use the Linux for everything else.
2. Keep any questionable/pirated/otherwise illegal things on a physically hidden and encrypted external HD. Use it primarily with the opensource PC.
3. Don't use your own internet connection for illicit activity, if at all possible. Many wireless connections are left open, and many more are easily cracked. Buy some antennas and start thieving.
A word about darknets: Although they may help you be more secure, they aren't foolproof; many governments have found ways through them, and most of the software is experimental/in beta. They are also slow, but if the time comes they could become much faster with more users. Remember, at one point pirated anime and vidya had to be downloaded in chunks on Usenet. We can get through these draconian internet laws with minimal damage.
>> No. 490 [Edit]
If it gets to the point where I have to do any of that shit I'd rather just die, to be honest. I can barely scrape together enough will to get myself out of bed as it is, and if I'm going to have to live the rest of my life as some sort of paranoid criminal just so I can watch a few anime shows or fap to some hentai then fuck it, I'm done.
>> No. 491 [Edit]
Then you might as well have killed yourself at the beginning of the PC era and internet communication, because the second you create data using a programme which keeps its source code hidden from you, you're leaving yourself vulnerable to data theft on many different levels.
>> No. 492 [Edit]
File 130412342385.jpg - (330.06KB , 1024x1024 , keep-calm-and-carry-on.jpg )
Try not to look at it like that. After a while it would feel commonplace, and in all likelihood anti-censorship technology would advance. You could contribute to a great thing: Fighting a large plot to enslave free information.
>> No. 493 [Edit]
Let me just put it this way: I'm glad I could find a few reliable suicide methods before various laws ban such things from the internet.
>> No. 494 [Edit]
File 130412876449.png - (16.26KB , 128x128 , truecrypt.png )
Thoughts on TrueCrypt, anyone? Assuming you use strong passwords, hidden volumes, etc., is it really as secure as they claim?
>> No. 495 [Edit]
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The source code is extremely difficult to compile and (to the best of my knowledge) it hasn't been studied in depth by a team of programmers skilled in C, C++, and Assembly. Additionally, it's based off of the Rubberhose program, designed by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The moderation and administration of the Truecrypt website are also fascists, in the sense they ban you over asking for the source code.

There is the possibility it's a CIA program, however it's likely that the CIA wouldn't share this information with the FBI for use in their investigations otherwise it would blow their cover. There are also news articles showing the FBI's inability to crack a good password, cipher, and hash combination in Truecrypt however this could be disinformation.

Keep in mind Truecrypt is for disk encryption and not encrypting traffic. If you're worried about people having access to your hard drive, I recommend using LUKS/dmcrypt, a fifty character password, a 256-bit Serpent cipher, and a whirlpool hash algorithm (STAY AWAY FROM SHA-1 hashes. They were cracked a few years back.). I would speculate this would be very difficult to crack, although admittedly I'm not too knowledgeable about cracking encryption or hash algorithms.

If the government seized your computer, you would be better off detonating a thermite pack placed above your HDD (for awesomeness), or wiping your HDD with dd or bad blocks (eraser for M$ Windows users) before the partyvan comes to your door.

I'm not completely confident in my knowledge of encryption though, so if anyone sees a mistake please correct me.
>> No. 496 [Edit]
546 here, just wanted to also recommend that everyone have an emergency deletion program. If shit hits the fan or you know it will you'll wanna destroy anything incriminating. Also, if you can help it, back up all the encrypted external HDs and hide the backups in another area.
>> No. 497 [Edit]
And needless to say, never write down your "real" name on the internet, or anything that could identify you.
>> No. 498 [Edit]
An exception to this rule is if you would like to have some dummy social network accounts to seed misinformation. Doing that would be costly in time and effort, though, so you probably won't need to do that, especially if you're a shut-in or live a mostly solitary life.
>> No. 499 [Edit]
I have dban CDs and USB sticks lying a bit everywhere, so if anything ever happens it will be gone in minutes.

Assange worked on Truecrypt?
>> No. 500 [Edit]
>An exception to this rule is if you would like to have some dummy social network accounts to seed misinformation.
You guys are so silly sometimes.
>> No. 501 [Edit]
>If the government seized your computer, you would be better off detonating a thermite pack placed above your HDD (for awesomeness), or wiping your HDD with dd or bad blocks (eraser for M$ Windows users) before the partyvan comes to your door.
What about rubbing a strong magnet? Will it clear everything?
>> No. 502 [Edit]
If the government seizes your computer over loli cartoons or whatever you'd be better off killing yourself, since that seems preferable to rotting in a state prison for a month before you get beaten and tortured to death by the other inmates because a guard "accidentally" let it slip that you were a "pedophile"
>> No. 503 [Edit]
So true...
>> No. 504 [Edit]
It'd be best to fight the charge first. I posted some of the advice here, but if it came down to me being charged I'd end my life right off. By the way, I advise everyone to know whatever legal rights they have under their government.
>> No. 505 [Edit]
>legal rights

Hahahaha. The government ceasing to give a shit about rights (freedom of speech in this case) is the whole reason this shit is happening in the first place

Post edited on 4th May 2011, 1:18pm
>> No. 506 [Edit]
Like the guy who almost went to prison for writing that pedo book (it got knocked down to 6 months probation). Unless the book featured actual pictures of himself fucking children there's nothing illegal about it, but because "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" the guy gets punished by law for writing a book.
>> No. 508 [Edit]
The government hasn't given a shit about legal rights for those with less then 5 million in their bank accounts to bribe them with for over a century. They're just starting to attack the basic rights now because everybody is engrossed with facebook and celebrity worship and american idol and is too stupid to know they're loosing their rights. This kind of manipulation of the common public has been happening for millennia.

Shit, this has to be the largest gathering of people with working eyes, we should start the revolution.
>> No. 509 [Edit]
Haha "the revolution". Revolutions only work if the people are behind it, and the American people are dumb as fucking bricks. They will cheer on the government destroying society as long as they can still access their facebook pages, and any rational arguments or actions will get spun by the media so much that they will seem like pure evil.
>> No. 510 [Edit]
I have more or less none in my country. The mafia oligarchs decides that I should live - I live. The next day they can decide I shouldn't, so I die when the day comes. At least I don't have to read a long book of "rights" like you people in the "free world" do.
>> No. 511 [Edit]
It's still best to fight, just to be an asshole; it'll raise their bills, especially if you drag it out, and you just might get off free.
I feel for you. Why would they cut you off, might I ask?
>> No. 512 [Edit]
where do you live at
>> No. 513 [Edit]
>> No. 514 [Edit]
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I'll just leave this here.
>> No. 515 [Edit]
File 130570251374.jpg - (95.77KB , 333x365 , richard-stallman-2005-chrys.jpg )

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.
>> No. 516 [Edit]
Fuck you Richard Stallman. You and I both know I was talking about the OS in its entirety and not just vmlinuz.
>> No. 517 [Edit]
It's well-known kopipe.
>> No. 518 [Edit]
Corporations like Microsoft, Apple and Google can only give you crap because you let them. At any time you could simply stop using their stuff, then their choice is to either give you more privacy or not to make money with you. The only ones you actually can't do much about as an individual are governments, but even those have their limits.

Even today you could use your transparently developed OpenMoko phone to pay in decentralized and anonymized Bitcoin currency for your new Linux PC. Hopefully soon you can even hook that PC up to an unregulated Netsukuku-style distributed WiFi/cable hybrid network that spans the continent. It's just that most of us simply choose not to do any of these things.
>> No. 519 [Edit]
Nice example on how you can roll with your phone. How about email? Hotmail, gmail and yahoo mail seem to be some of the more populare services available for free, each covered by major corporations. What do you propose would be a more sensible choice for someone secureity minded? Input from anyone else would be nice too.
>> No. 520 [Edit]
The best way would likely be buying a domain, re-purposing an old computer and running a mail server such as sendmail from your home. While you're at it, you might want to set up web, irc, ssh servers and whatnot. Maybe even a public ftp server for our community or something like that. There's lots of cool things to do with a so-called home server.

If you're asking for public services, how about hushmail? Sure it's not the best choice but it's far more safe than the ones you mentioned.
>> No. 521 [Edit]
File 130644491848.png - (255.56KB , 1157x928 , yacy_screenshot_searchresult.png )
as for alternatives to corporate search engines like Google, there's YaCy, a p2p search engine:
>YaCy is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. When contributing to the world-wide peer network, the scale of YaCy is limited only by the number of users in the world and can index billions of web pages. It is fully decentralized, all users of the search engine network are equal, the network does not store user search requests and it is not possible for anyone to censor the content of the shared index. We want to achieve freedom of information through a free, distributed web search which is powered by the world's users.
>> No. 522 [Edit]
I don't want my internet activity to be tracked, so I installed: Beef Taco, BetterPrivacy, Ghostery and HTTPS Everywhere in Firefox. I also switched from google to duckduckgo. Any other addons I should look into?
>> No. 523 [Edit]
A nice website with lots of tests to see if your ISP is throttling your connection.

There's also this tool here:

Encrypted Google:

Use freeware software whenever possible.
>> No. 524 [Edit]
Upload speed
2.7 mb/s

Download speed
11 mb/s

Network latency: 63 msec round trip time

Jitter: 1.1e+2 msec

I don't know if that's good or not
>> No. 525 [Edit]
Finally put Linux on an old box of mine. It's Xubuntu (Ubuntu with Xfce), but I ended up botching Xfce somehow; a terminal window comes up instead of the desktop, taskbar, etc. Thankfully, I figured out how to install Fluxbox, and now I'm using it in the meantime while I try to see how I can fix Xfce.

I'm not sure what all I can do with this computer since it's very old, but I'll learn how to use it in the meantime in case the need for it arises.
>> No. 526 [Edit]

>avoid shopping online

But then, how would I fuel my otaku hobbies?
>> No. 527 [Edit]
In terminal type "startxfce4".
>> No. 528 [Edit]
Today's main topic of discussion on the internet is the same as this old one's.

I'm planning on downloading everything I can and storing it on a hard drive as fast as I can before the Internet turns to shit. Best to be prepared.
>> No. 529 [Edit]
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any good usenet for my anime? Also I have been thinking would anyone be interested if we could organize a Tohno-Oneswarm group to share files with eachother? tips on other oneswarm groups would be appreciated.
>> No. 530 [Edit]
>How long will internet freedom last?

As long as there is a country that doesn't give a fuck what other countries think, mainly Rushka and Rushka minors. Child Porn distrubution and Botnet managment is a major source of income for them, if they started playing by anglosphere rules they'd go from 3rd to 4th world country status.

as for privacy, such a thing has never and will never exist.
>> No. 531 [Edit]
from my understanding what happens in Russia they just "polute" political oppositions blogs,articles and forums with pro-goverment opinions,am I right?
>> No. 532 [Edit]
I don't know how relevant this is to this thread, but I just found a Linux distro that was made for the paranoid: Tinfoil Hat Linux. It's used for encryption, offering GPG and PGP. The creators went all out to make a secure environment, and the IMG is so small it can be burned onto a floppy.
>> No. 533 [Edit]
If SOPA or ACTA goes through, or SOPA is porked into other bills, I have a few people with me and we're going to make a nation on an island in the Caribbean, with a long term goal of being a censorship-free data haven.

If and when that happens, everyone here is welcome to join in.
>> No. 534 [Edit]
>SOPA - Stop Online Privacy Act
You're kidding me. This is even being considered? Streaming would be considered a crime? You don't even come into possession of anything! It's like watching TV!
> "To promote prosperity, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation by combating the theft of U.S. property, and for other purposes."
And what's with this mission statement to back such a name? It's... it's... I can't think of the word. I'm going to get a nice big external hard drive and start downloading everything I enjoy and burning disks like you guys. When privacy becomes only a myth, we should set up a filesharing site in the hidden web, or set up an invisible, private network between ourselves so we can share what files we have.
>> No. 535 [Edit]
My bad, my bad. It's Stop Online Piracy Act, not privacy. I misread.
>> No. 536 [Edit]
You mean like what people already do with stuff such as anime that gets licensed in the west?
>> No. 537 [Edit]
The Stop Online Privacy Act bill is coming soon enough, only it will be called something else. Like the "Protect Our Freedom Act". In fact, this bill itself could serve that purpose well enough. With the power to take down or cut off access to any site with a minimum of legal process involved, the government or interested corporations will be able (legally at least) to take down sites for any reason whatsoever with "piracy" as the excuse. Fortunately, there are still people in Congress who don't seem to be whores to the entertainment industry who are opposing this bill, and even if it passes, the hope is that the president will veto it. Obama desperately needs the young vote for next year's election, so this seems likely.

Still, the trend is obvious. George Orwell told us we were headed this way, but nobody's listening, and they won't until it's too fucking late.
>> No. 538 [Edit]
I can't help but wonder if we are overreacting to all this. Do we really need to get into cryptography and controlling every little packet we send out like Interpol is after us? The worst we occasionally come across (assuming we aren't visiting shady sites) is a script kiddy or an opportunist who will probably give up if we have some strong basic security. Unless we are trafficking CP, why become frightened at finally realizing we have no privacy online? Why bother with all this trouble? I don't agree at all with the way our information is traded like cards, but that's just how it is. Most companies aren't going to use the information for blatantly malicious purposes against us. The occasional proxy, a secure search browser, and common sense should be more than enough for the humble nobodies who aren't carrying government secrets, right?
>> No. 539 [Edit]
>Unless we are trafficking CP,

2d loli is already considered CP in some places, so we kind of are
>> No. 540 [Edit]
Most of us like loli and are insane by certain definitions. If the FBI is reading this im not into loli okay
>> No. 541 [Edit]
I've only heard of a handful of cases where someone was arrested for just lolicon.
>> No. 542 [Edit]
A handful is more than enough. Under US law, it only takes one case of a successful prosecution to create a precedent.
>> No. 543 [Edit]
More tips, I guess.

I use Arch Linux as my primary OS on all my computers, and only boot into Windows on my desktop to play games that don't work to my satisiaction in WINE or a VM (which is most of them, unfortunately). Arch expects you to be prepared to learn, so for those looking for a more gentle introduction Debian or Xubuntu isn't bad. For search engines, I primarily use DuckDuckGo, and someimtes Ixquick or Scroogle. I run all the major browser plugins (noscript, adblock plus, ghostery, beef taco, https everywhere, etc). I also do adopt the policy of turning adblock off on sites that use ads that respect my privacy (DDG being the foremost). Even though most of us don't have much money, it's important to support what you care about before nobody does.

Until an open source phone is out, I've taken to pulling the batteries out of mine whenever I go outside. I like to have it just in case I need to make or take a call for sure, but every minute your phone is on it is being used as a tracking device. Needless to say, I don't use a smartphone.

Those are just changes I've made in the last few months, so it isn't that hard.
>> No. 544 [Edit]
There probably are more than you have heard of. I only recently found out that people have been prosecuted for the possession of 'virtual child porn' here in the Netherlands. One successful, one unsuccessful (the unsuccessful one was manga I believe). It's only a few cases in just the Netherlands in the past three years, but the government has been making the definitions of child porn more and more vague in the hope to prosecute more people for this. Right now it totally depends on how disturbed the judge is by the material, but they are working on making it easier, so I don't think they shouldn't worry a little.
>> No. 545 [Edit]
>it's important to support what you care about before nobody does.

truth words
>> No. 546 [Edit] are taking new members now
>> No. 547 [Edit]
Hey, guys. I need some advice. I just found out this address ( has been connecting to my computer in some manner for some time when I sniffed my network (the destination was my IP address and the source was the aforementioned one). I looked it up, and it turned out to be owned by Google. Going to the .net address took me to Google encrypted. I searched the address and didn't find an exact match (the first two letters were switched): Should I be worried or is my ignorance causing me unnecessary worry? If I should be worried, what should I do?
>> No. 548 [Edit]
Regarding security purpose extensions in firefox/iceweasel, I personally run ABP, NoScript, https-Everywhere, BetterPrivacy and Ghostery. Aside from the obvious first 3, I gather that BP handles super-cookies and ghostery web-bugs. The trouble is collecting what extensions trumph which threat and not, and of course at what extent. Super-cookies sounds scary when I read about it, so I'd be reluctant with replacing or removing BP before researching it properly. I have no idea what web bugs do, so I don't really know about ghostery being redundant or not. Upon considering additional or purely differential extensions, Beef Taco comes to mind. What makes this one different from the other anti-ad extensions, and doesn't it somewhat conflict with ghostery to begin with? I must admit I have trouble figuring out the purpose of this extension. Any other initiatives I should consider in a purely browser oriented context (aside from proxies)?

In ABP I run with EasyList and EasyPrivacy, vanilla. Come to think of it, is ABP a purely cosmetic enhancement of your browser experience, or will it actually help cut off data collection?

Well, I mentioned proxies earlier, and I must admit I don't find the concept to be as bulletproof as some make believe. You are entirely reliant on the trust of your proxy provider, right? I hate saying it, but using free web proxies for anonymizing purposes comes off as a free lunch to me, and the free lunch is a lie as it goes. Ny all means, free web proxies are great for evading various filters, be it regional or intranet specific, and whatnot. Kind of the same deal with ssl-ish encryption, I believe. Then there's relays... What I find more interesting is the I2P - the concept of dynamically randomizing network traffic among a number of peers. Kind of resembles P2P, but with an entirely different application. Though I have yet to research the cons, so I'm obviously not deciding on anything yet. Being on the fence is oh so much more comfortable in its own peculiar way.

I don't know, I don't know. Being paranoid is tough.
>> No. 549 [Edit]
Aww, I imagine sniffing your own connection must be like viewing one of those pedo/rapist maps in your own area, as a slightly worried parent or girl; you'll wish you never knew unless you feel confident enough to do something about it. All I can say is block all the things. All the things block. Things block the all.

I read some user reviews from both free users and paying customers, and I thought to myself: nope. I actually was in the market for a new email domain, but I went for zoho. It's not perfect, but it won't ever be unless you're your own provider.
>> No. 550 [Edit]
Is Netsukuku even functional? The last update was two years ago and all that can be downloaded is the "obsolete" C version.

Shit, what's wrong with Lavabit? I just signed up...
>> No. 551 [Edit]
Internet freedom and anonymity will always exist. It just shifts around to different places. These days you've got overlay and onion networks like I2P and Tor, in the 90s you had pseudonymous remailers.

Of course, using your regular internet will always be open to anyone to exploit, no matter how many little software firewall programs you run or whatever. And on top of that, LEA or your ISP can always watch whatever you do.

Post edited on 12th Dec 2011, 3:31pm
>> No. 552 [Edit]
Take it for what it is: a handful of user reviews. Some are new, most are old, so it might be doing better now. Either way, I didn't feel like taking the risk. I was just about to sign up too, but then I thought about the wording of >>1238, and figured something wasn't right about an email provider - several years in the business - closing registrations.

I don't know, email is not my thing.
>> No. 553 [Edit]
That's really creepy and I have no idea. Do you have Google Chrome or Toolbar installed, or any Google products?

>I gather that BP handles super-cookies and ghostery web-bugs.

>The trouble is collecting what extensions trumph which threat and not, and of course at what extent. Super-cookies sounds scary when I read about it, so I'd be reluctant with replacing or removing BP before researching it properly. I have no idea what web bugs do, so I don't really know about ghostery being redundant or not.
There is a lot of overlap among the privacy extensions. Web bugs are cookies or javascript placed into web pages to report back to some sort (like Google analytics, Quantcast, etc). ``Super-cookies" are objects placed on your hard drive by the flash plugin, and what's worse, browsers typically do not clean these in the same way that normal cookies are cleaned, meaning they could be on your computer and uniquely identify you for months or years. BetterPrivacy takes care of these. Ghostery has an option to delete flash cookies on browser exit, but I prefer using BetterPrivacy to integrate them into the ``Clear Private History" dialog. Flash cookies are occasionally useful too, like save files for single-player flash games.

>Beef Taco comes to mind. What makes this one different from the other anti-ad extensions, and doesn't it somewhat conflict with ghostery to begin with?
Beef Taco is pretty neat. It doesn't block anything at all. What it does is place somewhere around a hundred cookies in your browser profile. Reputable ad networks allow you to ``opt out" of tracking by placing specially formatted cookies on your computer. Typically you do this by visiting a website and clicking a button, but it would be a real hassle to manually opt out of said hundred-plus ad networks, not to mention the fact that your browser would clear the opt-out cookies if you weren't careful. Beef Taco automatically places these cookies on your drive and restores them should they get cleared (as a result of you wiping all your cookies, for instance). It works similarly to Ghostery, but in a different way.

>In ABP I run with EasyList and EasyPrivacy, vanilla. Come to think of it, is ABP a purely cosmetic enhancement of your browser experience, or will it actually help cut off data collection?
EasyList might not cut off data collection, but EasyPrivacy will. Ghostery is essentially a specialized version of ABP with the added feature of cookie protection, so there's overlap here too.

>Well, I mentioned proxies earlier, and I must admit I don't find the concept to be as bulletproof as some make believe. You are entirely reliant on the trust of your proxy provider, right?
I agree. I'd rather pay for a VPN than trust a free web proxy for anything confidential. They are decent for hiding traffic or evading censors, though.
>> No. 554 [Edit]
I'm >>1260, I wasn't sure how long a post I would be permitted to make.

Regarding privacy add-ons, I probably run an excessive amount, but I don't really see the value in running less for areas in which there is overlap.

Adblock Plus with EasyList and EasyPrivacy - Blocks tracking JS and generally makes the internet less painful
Beef Taco - sets opt-out cookies for all major tracking services
BetterPrivacy - deletes flash cookies whenever I delete normal cookies
Cookie Monster - I use this to manage the whitelisting of cookies on a per-site basis, similar to what NoScript does with scripts. Very few sites truly need to set any cookies, but nearly every site wants to set at least a couple, sometimes dozens. I block all cookies I haven't whitelisted.
Ghostery - Blocks trackers and known tracking cookies. The former is also done by EasyPrivacy, and the latter isn't needed as I use Cookie Monster
HTTPS Everywhere - forces HTTPS on sites that don't request it by default
NoScript - More oriented towards security, although I suppose it may also block tracking js as well.
RefControl - Manages which sites are sent the HTTP referer header. This is a header in the HTTP protocol that sends the current site the address of the last site you were on (when clicking links and such). Few sites actually need this, and I'm not comfortable with all sites having access to this information.
UAControl - RefControl for the User Agent header, which is essentially the version of browser that is being used to access the page. This has some legitimate uses for webpages, but can also be used to uniquely identify users, particularly those running unusual setups.

Looking back on this list, I probably don't need all of these, and there is overlap. I don't notice any slowdown of my browsing though, and once I have whitelisted the sites I most frequently visit, it isn't a great inconvenience to me. The downside is that for sites that do make heavy legitimate use of tracking, such as online stores, I sometimes end up using a mostly vanilla Chromium install, but that isn't a great hassle either.

As a minimum for those mostly just concerned about tracking that don't want to work around occasional site breakage, I would suggest ABP with EasyList and EasyPrivacy, Beef Taco, BetterPrivacy, Ghostery, and HTTPS Everywhere. I've never seen any of these add-ons break a site, and you don't need to manage whitelists if you don't want to.

I was actually waiting for Lavabit to open, because I want to stop using Gmail, but I agree there's something a little creepy about them. There is something that made me decide not to use the service for now.

In their privacy policy:
>On a final note, the Lavabit e-mail servers do record the IP address used to send an outgoing message in the header of an outgoing e-mail. Because of this, it is possible for the recipient of a message to identify what IP was used to send a message.
I can understand why they do this, but this ruins the anonymity I'd be using the service for. Likewise I can't trust Hushmail ever since the incident where they handed out cleartext copies of supposedly encrypted emails to US government officials. It can't be helped.
>> No. 555 [Edit]
I uninstalled Chrome a few days back. That address was showing up when I had switched to Firefox. I don't have anything else from Google. Created a hosts.deny file and set it to ALL: ALL and that seems to have solved the problem.

Concerning Lavabit, they seem to record the least amount of information. ZOHO, for example, records your OS and can access your contacts (you create on their service). With Lavabit, using a paid account prevents their own employees from being able to get into your email. My main concern involving email is the provider snooping around in it.
>> No. 556 [Edit]
Anyone know of effective methods to prevent fingerprints from being given away? Those scare me a lot.
>> No. 557 [Edit]
I do not seem to fully understand your question but to my knowledge only criminals have registered fingerprints. Maybe you should use anti-DNA gloves or burn your fingertips ......♪(´ε` )

Or a VPN and dedicated privacy options tools
>> No. 558 [Edit]
First off: you're brilliant, thank you for your comprehensive reply.

I've now added Taco, Ref- and UAControl, and most importantly - cookie monster. I'm a big fan of NoScript's controls, and I always found firefox' built-in cookie control to be lacking, but somehow it never dawned on me that there ought to be a NoScript-ish kind of cookie filter - so Cookie Monster should be perfect. I kind of knew about the user agent function in html, as with the referrer, but again, it never dawned on me that this shit could and ought to be blocked - which it rightfully should, no matter its functions. This is reason why hold this thread - and its contributors - in so high esteem.

Thank you for your input, and I agree that it's better to play it safe with your security extensions, when you can. I have actually tested the memory impact a few of my go-to extensions have, and very few of the security oriented ones are noteworthy in that respect. The convenience focused extensions are the ones to be vary off, in my experience; especially stuff like pagers, image viewers, download managers, etc. I admit I'm a bit anal about my memory usage, even if I have an exsessive ammount of it - relative to my workflow.

Hell, I'll just toss out the rest of the extensions I use on Firefox/Iceweasel:
- DL Statusbar
- Greasemonkey
- Image Search Options
- Menu Editor
- Session Manager

One thing I love more than installing software is uninstalling software, so let's talk about that. I've recently disabled Speed Dial (I'd remove it altogether if it wasn't for my moderately comprehensive setup of it), SkipScreen and 'Save Image in Folder'. Speed Dial is actually quite meaty, and it only saves me a few button presses, and I've moved on from relying on its GUI functions. I've come to dislike fetching junk via file hosters, otherwise SkipScreen is a must. The savimginfldr thing is useful if you like saving images effectively without cluttering your default dl folder(s); otherwise it's just another spot in your context menu. Extensions I might remove, aside from those disabled, are DL Statusbar, Ghostery, Greasemonkey and Menu Editor (that leaves me with imgsrchopt and Session Manager + the rest of the security extensions on the whitelist, if you're keeping score). Again, with DL Statusbar I've somewhat moved on from relying on its GUI functions, and keep it mostly for its option to keep downloading even if you close the browser; that might change as I (hopefully) move on from downloading big files via DDL altogether. Greasemonkey hasn't been of much use to me lately. Instead of relying on scripts to make certain sites bearable to browse, I have rather just quit browsing them. Feels good. Some scripts will terrorize your RAM, and other create security holes, not to mention site breakage and invalidation. Ghostery because of overlap with other extensions, as have already been established, and Menu Editor because of the punity of the convenience it yields. I'll refrain from talking about extensions I've already removed - they are unworthy (relative to my current workflow)! I'll leave with a final reccommendation - Session Manager. Its comprehensiveness and sophistication makes my blood flow ever so more intensively in certain places. It helps me keep web pages in seperate sessions rather than bookmarking everything or keeping all of it in the current session. The bonus is kickass history management, encryption and backup.

>> No. 559 [Edit]
No one will rightfully store your fingerprints unless you're a criminal, as >>1264 states. No one will use information on where you leave your fingerprints to any effect unless you're a suspect of criminal injustice. "Digital fingerprints" on the other hand, not so happy-go-lucky. Domain owners will store information on where you leave your sorry trace on the internet. Domain owners may use the information of your digital traces no matter who you are for whatever purpose, of which may very well be malicious to your privacy - no matter how irresponsible beliefs you may advocate.

Unlike the real-world, most of us are not content with browsing local intranet alone, so we ought to think and act accordingly; but you can very well disregard it - that's the beauty of free choice. The ugly of free choice is your intention to shit up this thread, as is my intention to shit on your post. Deal with it, and maybe I'll do too.
>> No. 560 [Edit]
If real fingerprints I have heard of situations where you have to request that they dispose of your finger print records if it turns out you were innocent. If I recall it was in Britian.

If Digital use this
>> No. 561 [Edit]
Sorry, I assumed people would know I meant digital because this thread was about internet privacy. Thanks for the advice.
>> No. 562 [Edit]
Well fuck me, I thought you were being satirical. Just to let you know, I'd delete my reply (>>1266) had I allowed cookies from this site at the time of posting it, but I didn't - so I can't. I'm kind of frustrated that I had to come off as an aggressive idiot for no good reason. I'm sorry.

But really, you wouldn't have to hazard such a diffuse question had you just read the thread. Luckily, the rest seem to be way more sympathetic than I am. I'm still sorry, so please forgive my rudeness.
>> No. 563 [Edit]
Is there a mention of digital fingerprints amongst this useful pool of esoteric information? I didn't see anything and that's why I asked.

It was ultimately my fault, I suppose, for still not learning to not assume things. You're good.
>> No. 564 [Edit]
What you refer to as "digital fingerprints" is more correctly described as data packets your computer sends upon requesting access to various domains on the internet. Such packets can contain trackable data. Certain Firefox extensions offer simple tools to help mask certain properties of said data, as described in post >>1261, among others. If you're dead serious about anonymity on the web, you'd be well served by researching "VPN", "I2P", "anonymizer", "onion routing" + +
>> No. 565 [Edit] reading stuff..censorship useful links and stuff
>> No. 566 [Edit]
Couldn't you just change your MAC address from the CLI using ifconfig? Or is this not as effective?
>> No. 567 [Edit]
will Tohno be forced to censor now?
>> No. 568 [Edit]
>We are an occurance rather than a group; a siphonophoric organism transmitting its genome through memes and imitation rather than through rules and regulations.
>> No. 569 [Edit]
Toasters have IP addresses
>> No. 570 [Edit]
we are so doomed
>> No. 571 [Edit]
I've had a chance to use Lavabit for a couple of messages now. It receives email just fine but sending mail with an attachment is slow and somewhat unreliable. With Thunderbird I have yet to successfully do so; from my web browser I have failed once out of three times. Sending just text works fine, though. Other then that I have no complaints. I'm pretty happy with it overall. I plan on upgrading to a payed account to help support Lavabit.
>> No. 572 [Edit]
For those of you looking for privacy related extensions, I would recommend RequestPolicy, it's similar to Noscript but it stops sites from even requesting something from a different site. It also stops sites from automatically redirecting you, so it's great for URL shorteners and whatnot.
>> No. 573 [Edit]
Thanks for the tip, it's on board. I had to back-track a little in the releases because of lacking compatibility with 3.x. Hopefully the author haven't totally abandoned version 3.

Any tips whatsoever is greatly appreciated.
>> No. 574 [Edit]
>> No. 575 [Edit]
they start again on the 21st.

>Update.... Or not. Despite the fact that Congress was supposed to be out of session until the end of January, the Judiciary Committee has just announced plans to come back to continue the markup this coming Wednesday. This is rather unusual and totally unnecessary. But it shows just how desperate Hollywood is to pass this bill as quickly as possible, before the momentum of opposition builds up even further.
>> No. 576 [Edit]
SILC is a secure chat service that can be used with Pidgin. I switched to it and in the process probably lost all my internet friends.
>> No. 577 [Edit]
Oh man, just when you think you're using all the privacy extensions that exist, you learn of another one. This is really neat.
>> No. 578 [Edit]
I know, right. This one reveals so much bad and lazy web design, when you realize half the stuff on certain sites aren't even hosted there. I was told hot-linking is bad.. "not if ur a web designer lol". Well, it certainly helps my favored-site-selection process.
>> No. 579 [Edit]
Here's a list of phones with the Carrier IQ spyware added for your convenience. Motorola and Verizon users need not worry.
>> No. 580 [Edit]
On cellphones: My phone (E-2370) apparently mostly consists of open source code (software side). And it's non-smart. That should be good for something, right?
>> No. 581 [Edit]
If you have something to worry about, 2012 will be the year that brings us telescreens, Comrade. You should be fine.
>> No. 582 [Edit]
SOPA voting was supposed to be yesterday, right? Any news on it?
>> No. 583 [Edit]
>> No. 584 [Edit]
SOPA's been tabled by Congress until the holiday recess ends.
>> No. 585 [Edit]
>> No. 586 [Edit]
Perhaps people will *finally* wake up now to the reality of their beloved social website; but I doubt it. Oh what am I saying, that implies people actually give a damn about their privacy.
>> No. 587 [Edit]
I think that that kind of stuff has been known about for a while now, though, it's not going to stop normals from using the site, like you've said. Even the owner of the site called the users idiots once or something.
>> No. 588 [Edit]
they're banning because they have little tolerance for laziness, not that i think it's not over the top.
>> No. 589 [Edit]
File 132501800443.jpg - (42.45KB , 400x305 , TSA_choice.jpg )
TSA to start searching ground transportation

Next thing you know they'll come right into your house once a month and demand to touch your balls.
>> No. 590 [Edit]
fuck this country, I'm moving to Mexico.
>> No. 591 [Edit]
I live in a fucking corporate police state. When is this going to end? When is someone going to get the fuck up and stop this shit from happening?
>> No. 592 [Edit]
>> No. 593 [Edit]
The chances of anything happening in the foreseeable that will change TSAs regulations in security checks is not likely at all.
>> No. 594 [Edit]
I would really, really, love to switch to something like Ubuntu. I'm sick of Windows and all of Micro$oft's bullshit. I'm just worried that the games/emulators I use wouldn't all be compatible. Is there a reliable way around this, or anything?
>> No. 595 [Edit]
>Is there a reliable way around this
>> No. 596 [Edit]
There is a shit load of emulators on linux so you shouldn't have a problem there. The general rule is the newer it is the more unlikely you'll be able to play it. IMO playing older games is better anyways, because if it is good there is an array of sequels to choose from and you don't have to wait 5 years to play part 2.
>> No. 597 [Edit]

I thought this was very nice.
You can set up your own distro online, with whatever packages you want. It detects all dependencies for you as well.
If you want an extra package not in their repositories, you can just upload it there too. I built a pretty compact (270MB) general purpose system for USB booting on here. With X, AwesomeWM, irssi, mpd, and w3m open it was running at around 80MB of ram usage.

This is MAGNITUDES times faster than working to build your own system in slackware. I've not found a way to switch out Kernels using this site (in case I wanted a BSD kernel or something else), but stuff like SElinux tools are readily available.

pic kind of related. They also run virtualization to try out your setup on their computers before you download and try it out.
>> No. 598 [Edit]
File 132512275791.jpg - (109.07KB , 800x600 , deskderp.jpg )
Forgot pic
>> No. 599 [Edit]
Here, I'm considering installing Ubuntu so I can choose to boot either it or 7 at startup. Are there any downsides or stability issues with this? And one question, after partitioning the hard disk, can I access the files on one partition from the other partition using the other OS?
>> No. 600 [Edit]
Hey now, I know your intentions are good, but planting seeds of false expectations isn't the way to go. Hell, the go-to application for everything windows compatibility on GNU/Linux isn't even an emulator. You *might* have luck with uncomplicated (read: old) games, but there's no guarantee whatsoever. The best way to play games on a linux system is to play linux compatible games. There's a good deal casual stuff, arena shooters and modern indie games to choose from. Keep an eye out for indie bundles, as the featured games tend to sport premium system compatibility. The only other glimmer of hope worth mentioning, as far as I'm concerned, is Desura's yet-to-be-released linux version of their game client. If you want to convert to GNU/Linux - do it. If you want to do specific - unsupported - tasks, then dual boot. It's a compromise; either take it, leave it or give up certain prospects of your current situation. If you want to have it all, then you'll have to play the waiting game.
>> No. 601 [Edit]
So long as you install the OS that is the newest last there will be no issues setting up a dual boot. Ubuntu supports a lot of hardware so it should work out of the box. If you want to be absolutely certain, just check online. Ubuntu can accessread all Windows filesystems, but Windows cannot read Linux filesystems. There's probably a program allows you to read ext3 and ext4, though. Macs are the only machines I've come across that are a real pain to get Linux working right.
>> No. 602 [Edit]
I'm using Windows 7 right now. So I should be safe to install the latest x64 Ubuntu from a disc/USB? When installing, it lets you configure dual-booting related stuff and the size of partitions, correct? Confirming all of this while I finish backing up anything worthwhile, just in case.
>> No. 603 [Edit]
I was more thinking console emulators, dosbox and mame.

I believe there is an ext3 drivers for windows.
>> No. 604 [Edit]
Yes, Ubuntu is very user-friendly. There's an option to dual boot that let's you, if memory serves, drag to decide partition sizes. Oh, no matter what the OS may say, a swap partition is optional. They're only useful if you are low on memory. I make one just because it's sorta like tradition, however.
>> No. 605 [Edit]

Thanks for the information. I've been meaning to get around to doing this for a long time. I'll be installing it tonight, shouldn't take me too long to learn anything I have to.
>> No. 606 [Edit]
Good luck, sir. A good advice is to print out some general linux cheat sheets beforehand. Very handy to give you a feel of how to interact with the terminal.
>> No. 607 [Edit]
File 132514813153.png - (47.54KB , 1280x1024 , cli.png )
CLI commands that could be useful.
>> No. 608 [Edit]
File 132514817095.png - (270.95KB , 708x1982 , 1317035658375.png )
Some other image that can also help you out.
>> No. 609 [Edit]
File 132514819469.png - (297.19KB , 1142x656 , 1317037963493.png )
A quick run through of useful programs.
>> No. 610 [Edit]
File 132514825590.jpg - (551.83KB , 996x3019 , 1320548679530.jpg )
If you're interested, you can set up a mail server in your own home. Lavabit seems better though. This does seem like a good project.
>> No. 611 [Edit]
File 132514832222.png - (2.43MB , 2700x2700 , Linux system.png )
If you're having trouble thinking of where to look for furthering your understanding of your system und linux.
>> No. 612 [Edit]
But how do you rename a file you ask?

mv filename newname

also add this to your .bashrc, it will is an easier way of extracting files and memorizing it all :
>> No. 613 [Edit]
>It's too much
>Isn't learning Japanese

Stop discouraging yourself, anon-kun!

Post edited on 29th Dec 2011, 7:48am
>> No. 614 [Edit]
that is what the man pages are for, memorizing is lame, let the computer do as much work for you as it can. That is what computers are for.

Not to mention you'll never be able to memorize it all anyway, it is just too much.
>> No. 615 [Edit]

Or you be around it enough and keep doing it enough to memorize it! It'll come naturally after that.
>> No. 616 [Edit]
What are the real benefits of Ubuntu, excluding the fact that it doesn't have anything to do with Microsoft. I have so much set up and customized on Windows 7 right now, I'm not sure if it's worth the switch until I somehow get forced out of 7.
>> No. 617 [Edit]
It's an out of the box working version of linux.
Very user friendly if you're coming from windows, so it eases you in.

Customization is much more in depth when using linux. I've not used windows much, but what do you mean by customize?
read around these

These are the most apparent things when using linux that stand out.
>> No. 618 [Edit]
Since there are even less Linux users than Mac users, Linux has almost no malware. You can go through the internet in God mode.
>> No. 619 [Edit]
Even if malware does start to come out, the people I've seen who switch to linux are so paranoid, that even if malware did start to creep in, countermeasures have been in place long before anyways.
>> No. 620 [Edit]
When I said customization, I was referring to getting it and any applications I use to look and work the way I'd like, without too much hassle. I don't suppose you know a good site to start, as far as learning how to use the things that would make the switch to Ubuntu worthwhile?

One of the programs I really don't want to switch out of is foobar, but there are probably reasonable alternatives.
>> No. 621 [Edit]
Malware - the way we know it - just doesn't work on a Linux based systems. It relies on principles not present in anything GNU/Linux. That's not to say a Linux box can't be cracked into - it can, just not by viral malware (unless users fail miserably at security patches).
>> No. 622 [Edit]
I've never heard this before. Are you talking about how Linux organizes files and is real strict about permissions?
>> No. 623 [Edit]
I think he speaks of the permissions.

But it is not true about linux being malware proof, the weakest link in any digital security is the human operator. Most home linux users have access to the root account, so someone could just make a trojan that requires you to be in root to install.

As for things that install themselves and take advantage of software vulnrabilites, linux makes that a little harder because of the wide range of distros and how they each do their own thing, somethings being compiled one way others not, different versions etc,, but you could just target 1 distro then you'd do as well as could be expected.

Puppy linux for examples always runs in root, without a doubt a security risk.
>> No. 624 [Edit]
Oh, god. I feel so awkward and uncomfortable after switching OS.
>> No. 625 [Edit]
You get used to it quickly.
>> No. 626 [Edit]
You'll get used to it. And remember: the community is your friend! If you run into a problem, there's a good chance someone else ran into the same one and solved it. This holds especially true for the sizable Ubuntu community. Once you know your way around the GUI, I'd immediately begin learning the CLI.
>> No. 627 [Edit]
He'll probably end up using cli a lot after a while. There are many DE's and WM's he can use that all work differently, with keyboard macros you can change around. Only cli stays constant across all of it, given you're using the same shell and all.
>> No. 628 [Edit]
>> No. 629 [Edit]
>The Church of Kopimism is recognized by the state of Sweden
>> No. 630 [Edit]
File 132700895731.jpg - (46.97KB , 550x399 , 1327004756897.jpg )
>> No. 631 [Edit]
Oh God dammit.
>> No. 632 [Edit]
That's what they get for hosting their shit in the US. They should have picked a less oppressive country to do business in.
>> No. 633 [Edit]
It will be great in the future when all internet content-related jobs have moved to Sweden and the US slips downhill even further.
>> No. 634 [Edit]
Puppets on a string

>The site’s founder Kim Dotcom and three others were arrested by the police in New Zealand at the request of US authorities
>> No. 635 [Edit]
Typical of New Zealand. They have a history of sucking USA cock.
>> No. 636 [Edit]
luckily as the US gets weaker and weaker, more countries will be less likely to bow to them.
>> No. 637 [Edit]

Here we go again.
>> No. 638 [Edit]
attacks like these are always so embarrassing. Tip: the RIAA, DoJ, MPAA, etc.. don't give a shit if their little public website goes down for a few hours. the only reason they even have them is so nobody else can own "" and fill it with horse porn
>> No. 639 [Edit]
>> No. 640 [Edit]
>Hi. We have no records on you.
Feels good.


In response of all this file hosting bullshit I've canned my MF account. I had a few uploads posted on /mp3/, I apologize for the inconvenience that may follow, ie. nothing. Doesn't really matter to me personally as I've long moved away from http-based downloading. It just so happened that MF was a decent site to upload content for others, just as youtube and misc. image uploaders are. Neither has anything to give me.
>> No. 641 [Edit]
On the other hand, if/when they catch the Anon kids who attacked their websites, they can accuse them of terrorism. And now that the NDAA is law, they can put them in prison indefinitely without charge if they so wish. So yeah, it was a stupid move of them to make.
>> No. 642 [Edit]
[UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_11_[h264-720p][FAD88B78].mkv (364.37 MB)

Thank God all I download is unlicensed anime, manga, doujin music, VNs and h-games. The normals are the ones who have to really sweat if things get bad.
>> No. 643 [Edit]
>Hi, Pirate!
>[seismic] Sweet Mami (Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica).zip
And no one ever gave a fuck about the lonely quiet guy downloading an obscure Japanese indie porn game based on a Japanese cartoon about magical high school girls.
>> No. 644 [Edit]
you gon get v&
>> No. 645 [Edit]
File 132727046798.jpg - (50.54KB , 1013x586 , 1327269495410.jpg )
Filesonic sucked but this is sad.
>> No. 646 [Edit]
I guess they got scared shitless after what happened to megaupload.
>> No. 647 [Edit]
Apparently lots of copyrighted material (like anime episodes) also have been taken down from streaming sites...

Post edited on 22nd Jan 2012, 2:39pm
>> No. 648 [Edit]
Damn, I can't download loli anymore.

Now I'm going to have to rape real children.
>> No. 649 [Edit]
That always makes me laugh.
>> No. 650 [Edit]
I'm hearing that Fileserve is gone too.
>> No. 651 [Edit]

The page itself isn't gone, but all the files I was downloading are erased now.
Damn, I had only 2 more links to go...
>> No. 652 [Edit]
Only allows you to download things you've uploaded yourself. By this point the only file hosting services that aren't dead or committing suicide are MF and RS.

I'm sure this will all either blow over or new sites will rise to take their places, since obviously filesharing is very important even for non-piracy reasons

Post edited on 23rd Jan 2012, 11:46am
>> No. 653 [Edit]

MF is the only one I use regularly
>> No. 654 [Edit]
I would occasionally use FS and FSo to download hentai that didn't have good torrents, but yeah MF is what I use mostly. Still, some subbers relied on money from FS and the like to fund their operation, so I'd expect to see lots of donation drives and site ads until a new fileshare standard is set
>> No. 655 [Edit]
This is all a very unfortunate escalation of the problem. I only hope they won't start messing with torrents any soon: TPB, Hongfire, Nyaa... can you imagine?
>> No. 656 [Edit]
Although I can't imagine why they would want to mess with Nyaa or TT, I can certainly imagine them shutting themselves down, out of fear if a big torrent host was to get taken down.
>> No. 657 [Edit]
Hongfire stopped filesharing months ago
>> No. 658 [Edit]
>>1494 7chan and whatnot still upload shitloads of loli there and there's those torrent. Still a funny joke though
>> No. 659 [Edit]
thepiratebay was sued rto hell by European MAFIAA last year, one admin was V&, and it was ovederturned as the judge was in league with European MAFIAA.
>> No. 660 [Edit]
File 132762941490.png - (99.93KB , 1102x734 , hhh.png )
Trans: We're losing most of our old privacy policies because obviously you dipshits don't care whether we're watching you or not. Hell, we probably already know everything about you anyway. Why not share a little more? It's not like it matters at this point.
>> No. 661 [Edit]
That was a disaster on many levels, not only for TPB. The best part is that the site will be up for as long as they have their secret cave available for storing the server.
>> No. 662 [Edit]
I don't want to believe Google is evil, even if I know they have my personal life backed up on their servers. I don't want to feel the paranoid urge to purge Google's presence in my life even if I know they are everywhere online.

I have a Droid that is PROUDLY powered by Google. What should I do? Get rid of it? It's impossible to take Google out of a Droid without breaking it. I already lost contact functionality in trying to do that. And even if I did go through that hassle, what for? Google might as well power the web. They claim to keep your person only within their own hands, prostituting the less personal information to the highest bidder. I don't want to sound like an idiot and say "What does it matter?" Instead I'll ask what's the point? It's slowly getting to where you have to be with either Google or that really really really gay site I use to talk to my normalfag friends onto get full functionality.
>> No. 663 [Edit]
I need some kind of guide to make my life as private as possible while still using Google.
>> No. 664 [Edit]
use tor and don't make an account with google or it's affiliates.
>> No. 665 [Edit]
to get full functionality in what reguard?
there are plenty of other search engines out there.
and who the hell really 'needs' any crappy social networking site?
>> No. 666 [Edit]
But Google is the best search engine by a long shot. DDG is the only other search engine I'd even consider switching to but its results are nowhere near as accurate as Google's and it crawls webpages at a much, much slower rate.
>> No. 667 [Edit]
I switched to DDG as my primary search engine. Still occasionally have to !g something though.

There is scroogle.
>> No. 668 [Edit]
It's just as you say: either you're with google, or you're not. If you want google's features, you use google; if you don't, you use something else. Google may simplify your life, but at what cost? That depends on how much you value your privacy and how much you trust one company to keep it private. The answer should by itself determine whether you should keep using google or not. We can't answer it for you.
>> No. 669 [Edit]
File Internet_Cafe.pdf - (268.61KB )

Internet Café

>Use of anonymizers, portals, or other means to shield IP address
>Are observed switching SIM cards in cell phone or use of multiple cell phones
>Suspicious communications using VOIP or communicating through a PC game


Post edited on 2nd Feb 2012, 12:30pm
>> No. 670 [Edit]
what would America be, without insane amounts of paranoia and witch hunts?
>> No. 671 [Edit]

You can't be serious...
I guess all those fucking bills that are being hammed down every single day by corporations, just trying their damnest to fuck you over didn't ever happen. If we were in some kind of genocide camp, you'd call everyone a conspiracist loon right till the moment you got gassed. "huuur, look at these paranoids! guvment gonna get you huh? hahah"
>> No. 672 [Edit]
I think he's calling the government paranoid
>> No. 673 [Edit]
That I was.
we as a nation have gone through this same bullshit before with communism.
It was stupid then and is stupid now.
but people don't care, they don't care about all the rights and freedoms they're losing because of government fear mongering.
and although >>1537 misunderstand my comment, he's right in that many people will indeed just keep sucking the government's cock forever, and if they do ever realize what's going on, it wont be until it's already to late.
>> No. 674 [Edit]

Both this little call to arms and the comments make me feel some sort of odd twinge of regret and sick pleasure at the recent events. Mostly the comments. I don't want any of these sites going down just as much as anyone, I'd guess, but it irritates me when people act like some sort of almighty savior or feel like every time a site gets shut down it had to be some sort of huge overstep by the government or whatever. It usually is, but shit like Anonymous >>1468 is both embarrassing and frustrating for me to observe. I guess specifically I'm irritated at the PROUD TO BE A PIRATE attitude in the comments, like it means anything.

I think those of us that know our way around the internet will always be able to find and share what we want, no matter what. I actually question the effects that widespread availability to everything for free has had on society and such. I'm not taking the propaganda that the RIAA and friends pumps out at face value, but I'm not completely discrediting the idea that owners of copyright should have methods and ways to protect it. TPB is impressive, though, really, the way they just continually manage to say "fuck you" to anyone that tries any sort of legal action against them.

If you think about it, the fact that such a website has been on the internet for nine years is just impressive, and it shows that we currently enjoy a ridiculous amount of internet freedom. Sure, it's eroding, but even if I woke up and it was entirely gone tomorrow, I'd feel like a fool not to be thankful for what we've had. Maybe it's only going to die from here on out, who knows, maybe we'll reach some sort of digital nirvana and copyright will be abolished. It's really an interesting time to live on the internet, and either way, I feel like in ten or twenty years I'll just be thinking about all the crazy shit that went down, positive or negative. I usually tend to make bold claims about the future, but I feel totally lost here and can safely saw
I have no clue. It's sickeningly thrilling but also frightening.

I hope someone finds this little rant interesting in some way, but typing it made me feel shitty.
>> No. 675 [Edit]
And sure enough, Nyaa's tracker is down. However, they are keeping the site up, and you can get peers just fine with DHT/etc.
>> No. 676 [Edit]
>> No. 677 [Edit]
Btjunkie is no more ;_;
>> No. 678 [Edit]
so, does this mean the internet as we know it is coming to an end?
>> No. 679 [Edit]
Why did they go down though? Pressure from America? Too costly to keep up?
>> No. 680 [Edit]
No way... this is getting really sickening.
>> No. 681 [Edit]
I fear the worst.
>> No. 682 [Edit]
I came across this project sometime ago..
>> No. 683 [Edit]
Yeah, this was the final nail in the coffin for me. This may all be nothing but a big scare, but I'll be damned if I take that risk. Time for some major hoarding.
>> No. 684 [Edit]
I've never even heard of btjunkie, but then again I only ever torrent anime and such so I don't really go outside nyaa and toshokan
>> No. 686 [Edit]
>unencrypt your harddrive so we can throw you in jail!
>> No. 687 [Edit]

TT/nya are only good for anime that has aired recently.

BTjunkie is where you went to find older anime that bakaBT blacklisted from being posted on their servers.
>> No. 688 [Edit]
>We've been fighting for years for your right to communicate, but it's time to move on.

I'm certain MLK said this, and the Magna Carta was just some phase.
>> No. 689 [Edit]
My bakabt backup is, usually.
>> No. 690 [Edit]
Google pays for your information, apply now for dosh!!/gadgets/news/2012/02/google-paying-users-to-track-100-of-their-web-usage-via-little-black-box.ars

Post edited on 8th Feb 2012, 2:26pm
>> No. 691 [Edit]
>Google offers the extension users a $5 Amazon gift card for signing up and another $5 gift card for every three months they stay with the program.
>> No. 692 [Edit]

junkie was a public tracker though. And for non-anime stuff, I generally had better luck finding stuff on btjunkie than on the pirate bay as well.
How did you get an invite anyway?
or is there a method of getting to the torrents without the need for a login similar to bakabt?
>> No. 693 [Edit]
You can apply. It's really easy, it's just a very basic filter to see if you'll actually use the tracker. I also have two invites to the site at the moment, so if anyone here is very averse to having to fill out that application and wants one, I can give one.
>> No. 694 [Edit]
What are the chances of it being accepted?
Most of the questions I can fill out and ramble on but the question about what kind of member am I , I'm not sure how to answer?
>> No. 695 [Edit]
Yeah, I was nervous too. I hate applying places. I've never heard of somebody being rejected, though. It's really just a very basic quality filter.

That question was weird to me too. I said that I'd probably hang out on the irc a bit, and that I always properly seed, and that I'd upload anything I had that wasn't on the site.

In reality, they're not going to stalk you based on what you say in response to that question, so just say whatever.
>> No. 696 [Edit]
File 132891683513.jpg - (167.09KB , 946x604 , konachan.jpg )
Konachan today...
>> No. 697 [Edit]
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, its always nice to have places like these.
>> No. 698 [Edit]
What's the best (or your favorite) music player for Linux? Or should I just use my foobar2000 with WINE?
>> No. 699 [Edit]
mpd + ncmpcpp
>> No. 700 [Edit]
I think it's called jukebox.
>> No. 701 [Edit]
Goodbye and thanks for all the books.

I'm glad that I got to experience the Internet before it was destroyed by Ford Drivers.
>> No. 702 [Edit]
What is the deal with the UN and interwebs?They seem to wanting to regulate or somethingproposition backed by Russia and China
>> No. 703 [Edit]
Needed to share this if you have a google account.
>> No. 704 [Edit]
Thank God the UN is the least effective organization in the whole fucking world.
>> No. 705 [Edit]
>On Feb. 27, a diplomatic process will begin in Geneva that could result in a new treaty giving the United Nations unprecedented powers over the Internet. Dozens of countries, including Russia and China, are pushing hard to reach this goal by year's end. As Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said last June, his goal and that of his allies is to establish "international control over the Internet" through the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a treaty-based organization under U.N. auspices.
>[author] Mr. McDowell is a commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission.
>> No. 706 [Edit]
Google sure is sneaky about their tracking:
>> No. 707 [Edit]
I've had enough of Google. I'm switching to startpage for searching, Lavabit for emails, Thunderbird for RSS, and completely blocking Google-analytics. I'll have to figure something out for Youtube/Recaptcha, but I guess I can live with those.
>> No. 708 [Edit]
Even though what Google did was pretty shit, I find it pretty funny how the mainstream media didn't want to talk about SOPA and PIPA at all, but the second Google (the biggest opponent of those bills) steps in something they are ALL OVER IT. It's just so blatant.
>> No. 709 [Edit]
File 133054658510.jpg - (95.94KB , 667x436 , drone_surveillance.jpg )
this is getting more hilarious by the minute. Not internet-related, but still:
>> No. 710 [Edit]
the future is literally half life 2
>> No. 711 [Edit]
>a hummingbird-like drone that weighs less than an AA battery and can perch on a window ledge to record sound and video.[...]equipped with imaging sensors, that weighs less than an ounce.

This is what worries me the most. Next thing you know they have bots the size of an insect that jumps in your dog or cat so it can spy you in your home. This is not good for my paranoia.
>> No. 713 [Edit]
jesus fucking christ how many times are people going to bring this idiot up
>> No. 714 [Edit]

There's been already 2 threads about this guy, they both got deleted.
>> No. 715 [Edit]
Can you give me an animebytes invite?

I puti n an application but they said they're at the max user cap, and I can't be bothered waiting. Email is in the thingy above.
>> No. 716 [Edit]
get paranoid a little more in visual style. I got and
>> No. 717 [Edit]
In the land of the free

>implying I download anything from EMI, Sony, Universal and Warner or by Disney, Sony, Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Universal and Warner
>> No. 718 [Edit]
Yeah I only torrent anime and hentai anymore so it doesn't affect me, and I only download music via DDL sites and those aren't covered under that. Sucks for normals I guess
>> No. 719 [Edit]
I hate the way "internet freedom" has become synonymous with "the freedeom to illegally download whatever I want"
>> No. 720 [Edit]
Please refrain from using things such as ">implying" from now on.

It is pretty stupid, and you can easily get your point across other ways.
>> No. 721 [Edit]
I got nothing in my test-drive, except for when I logged into my uni's intranet, which is only natural. Pretty useless for someone like me with a facist browser setup. Neat stuff anyway, but it's funny how they had a quote regarding how you'll likely be the product if you get something for free, when they themselves offered a "free" product. Now I'm not suspicious or anything, it's just humorous to me.
>> No. 722 [Edit]
>The U.S. intelligence community will now be able to store information about Americans with no ties to terrorism for up to five years under new Obama administration guidelines.

I'd be surprised if they delete it all.
>> No. 723 [Edit]
No big deal, they probably never deleted it in the first place
>> No. 724 [Edit]
Looks like internet posts can get you jailed in Britain
>> No. 725 [Edit]

>Stacey sobbed throughout the hearing and held his head in his hands when he was sentenced

What a gaylord
>> No. 726 [Edit]
File 13329604539.jpg - (58.08KB , 760x760 , go to jail.jpg )
>> No. 727 [Edit]
I'd like to see how you would hold up.
Going to prison is not to be taken lightly.

and getting sent there for a offensive comment online, shit, I'm at a lose for words.
>> No. 728 [Edit]
its a joke. he's making fun of the poor situation by insulting the man, who himself is getting sent to prison for insulting someone. come on now
>> No. 729 [Edit]
File 133338769726.jpg - (1.56MB , 1920x2168 , IMG_2758.jpg )
Might aswell post this.

>Deep web

Post edited on 2nd Apr 2012, 10:32am
>> No. 730 [Edit]
>> No. 731 [Edit]
I'm not finding the the directory to /Tor Browser/Data/Polipo

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
>> No. 732 [Edit]
Me neither. Could it be because the guide is somewhat outdated?
>> No. 733 [Edit]
Keynote - Jacob Appelbaum
>> No. 734 [Edit]
I doubt anyone will care this time.
>> No. 735 [Edit]
Thanks for posting this. I wasn't familiar with Appelbaum, or I just forgot. Cool guy.
>> No. 736 [Edit]
File 133457663249.gif - (137.86KB , 365x374 , stallmanalerta.gif )
Jews gonna jew.
>> No. 737 [Edit]
It's always funny to me to see Google put itself on the good guys' team in the battle for internet freedom/anonymity. After all they were the ones to start the datamining trend for real, with all its vast number of consequences - among them less internet anonymity, and with less anonymity comes less freedom. I realize this was the statements of only one co-founder, but I dare say that this isn't uncommon for them as a whole.
>> No. 738 [Edit]
evil corpirations you should not buy from.
>> No. 739 [Edit]
To My understanding many ISP in US are great partly owned by Hollywood entertainment companies..guess TPB would be considerd as a cyberthreat. Write to congress ameerikans.
>> No. 740 [Edit]
>> No. 741 [Edit]
>Write to congress ameerikans

Yeah that's not gonna matter, they don't care about what the people want. The only reason SOPA failed was because large tech companies with lots of money came out against it. They aren't doing that with this one
>> No. 743 [Edit]
File 133551325964.gif - (972.92KB , 312x213 , 1335492960912.gif )
House Passes Controversial Cybersecurity Measure CISPA
>> No. 744 [Edit]
the world would be a better place if TPB was shut down. unfortunately that isnt what this law is about.
>> No. 746 [Edit]
It's cute how people outside America still think that voters matter to constituents here. Unless we enclosed a fat cheque in the letter, we're basically told that we voted for them and should fuck off since we are just regular people. It happened to my mother when she wrote her letters to the state senate and to our federal senator.
>> No. 747 [Edit]
File 133554856185.png - (194.41KB , 554x439 , sigh.png )
Not our fault if you sold us all that 'home of the land, free of the brave' bullcrap man.
>> No. 748 [Edit]
Question for people who are moving their email over to Lavabit:
Can you create more than one address for one account?

By this I mean I could have one address like and another like and any email sent to either address ends up in the same account or inbox?
Thank you.

Also has anyone had any trouble moving Google Blogspot weblogs to Wordpress weblogs?
>> No. 750 [Edit]
I am not sure, I guess you could redirect the mail to one inbox. But it would risk your privacy security I believe. Would it not be easier to have one unified desktop mail program instead? (Thunderbird)

Oh and also
>> No. 751 [Edit]
due to data retention in my country I have started to explore TOR a little more.Found this my first halfhour(not much yet)

other stuff

>> No. 752 [Edit]
File en_comm.pdf - (92.99KB )

>pan-European framework for electronic authentication

You can totally trust us guise and not require you to use this on every device you use,data retention and MAFFIA are here to protect you. Totally Optional! It only applies to children,and not a full socioagram of your entire family


from the pdf
>In addition, the use of internet is expanding for the recruitment of victims of trafficking in
human beings and advertising their services, including children. It also provides an
environment where it is easy to distribute child abuse material. While this is not linked to the
use of the Internet by children, it is a problem that affects children as victims. According to
the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF), over 40 % of confirmed child sexual abuse URLs (by
location of hosting provider) are hosted in Europe and Russia. Child sexual abuse images are
now also being distributed online via other channels than websites (e.g. peer-to-peer
networks). Given the borderless nature of the internet and the fact that child abuse images are
illegal across Europe, action in this field is necessary at European level.

please somebody think of the children

so they essentially are going to apply this ID to every future citizen with the CP whip.
Starting with the schools from the ground up to labour.
>> No. 753 [Edit]
I just hope countries associated with EU will start to realize that they can object certain propositions without losing their membership/position. Sweden and Finland (I think) does it, no big deal. Reform your country into a police state, that's a big fucking deal. It's like East-Germany never happened, even as the consequenses pains the country - a country way up on the EU rank no less. It's funny, and scary, and sad.
>> No. 754 [Edit]
>> No. 755 [Edit]
It looks like it was inadvertent. Even so, this gives them great publicity on the run-up to elections. Let's hope they continue to be a thorn in the side of the established parties.

It's too bad we have such a stagnant party system here in the States, otherwise we'd be able to do what they're doing in Germany right now.
>> No. 756 [Edit]
File 133724575476.png - (143.33KB , 645x1035 , Arrests_over_anti-Semitic_remarks_on_Facebook.png )
Pirate Party are not a threat to the establishment. They're a bunch of spineless morons. They're only for free speech as long as that speech isn't politically incorrect.
Case in point: When one of their high-ranking members spoke out in disfavor of the laws against questioning the holocaust which Germany has, they immediately moved to remove him from his position:

We in Europe are on our way to becoming a society in which you can be imprisoned for having any politically incorrect thought at all, and the Pirate Party just doesn't have the balls to stop that.
>> No. 757 [Edit]
Your 'case in point' only proves that the given country is able to value ideology over power. That even a 'high-ranking member' can't oppose established ethical principals in said country is a good thing. This has nothing to do with censoring oppositional political parties in minority that are only guilty of fair play.

>We in Europe
Right, go ahead and feed the ignorant perception that a continent functions as a state.
>> No. 758 [Edit]

>Right, go ahead and feed the ignorant perception that a continent functions as a state.

Ever heard of European Union?
>> No. 759 [Edit]

The cultural and political differences between EU states is vast though.
>> No. 760 [Edit]
Yeah, how's that European Union working out for you guys?
>> No. 761 [Edit]
That sucks....but I remember mentioning that as a counterpoint when this german guy said "americans dont value free speech" to which I went "so what about those holocuast denial laws xD"

He responded "Actually, I'm okay with those". This was in the context of the wikileaks war on an irc.

Presumably those laws are decently popular in Germany and there isnt much feeling or desire to remove them. Personally I disagree with those laws and can understand those who would get conspiratorially over that.
>> No. 763 [Edit]
>hurr European Union
Tells me how much you know about how unions, continents and countries work in terms of relation. Know of how each American state is different from each other - different working societies with different laws, cultures and such? Take that differential aspect and multiply its significance by a magnitude and you get the difference between each member of the EU. There are good and bad members, good and bad non-members, and everything inbetween. The quality of each European country's relationship with the EU is also but one aspect of the differentialities between each European country. The dynamics are so complex I'm not sure you would believe it no matter what I say or how I say it.

>how's that European Union working out
There's turbulence, do you not know? Actually, no one knows how it will turn out.
>> No. 764 [Edit]
I think we were both referring to how much more difficult holding together the EU must be as compared to the US or any other federal state. You seem to have misunderstood that.
>> No. 765 [Edit]
>> No. 766 [Edit]
I messed up my post, it was meant to be a reply to >>1952 and >>1977, not >>1959 - which I assume was your post. Sorry about that, my bad.
>> No. 767 [Edit]
The signs were there all along!
Mark Elliot Böse Jude Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984)
>> No. 768 [Edit]
File 134156603429.jpg - (62.66KB , 600x400 , enhanced-buzz-24569-1341498147-13.jpg )
>> No. 771 [Edit]
I hate this club of wealth.
>> No. 772 [Edit]

Youtube is forcing google plus for "healthier" discussions
>> No. 773 [Edit]
wow, you tube comments are indeed trash, but still, fuck that.
>> No. 774 [Edit]
>> No. 775 [Edit]
File The_Net_Delusion_The_Dark_Side_of_Internet_Freedom.pdf - (1.99MB , The Net Delusion The Dark Side of Internet Freedom.pdf )

It amuses and enrages me, when people assume the internet cannot be censored.
In fact, internet activity can be easily filtered, tampered with, eavesdropped, prosecuted.
>> No. 776 [Edit]
>> No. 777 [Edit]
So Google Toolbar is de facto spyware... I knew Google was evil, but this surprised me nonetheless.
>> No. 778 [Edit]

Pretty much everything Google is spyware or some form of data mining.
>> No. 780 [Edit]
>Groups Concerned Over Arming Of Domestic Drones

So they can't just monitor you 24/7, they can also kill you whenever they choose. That's... great.
>> No. 781 [Edit]

You make it sound like they'll start randomly bombing houses. I imagine such things would be used primarily, for example, high speed auto chases that put many lives at risk. It's no different than a SWAT team with a helicopter.
>> No. 782 [Edit]

>> No. 783 [Edit]
EU is enemy of my freedom with bluecoats and red.
>> No. 784 [Edit]
good privacy basics (tor)

>> No. 785 [Edit]
>WE can access and own whatever data we want
>> No. 786 [Edit]
Helpful Information from eff
>> No. 788 [Edit]
File 135362230891.jpg - (78.23KB , 797x107 , public_site_header_r1_c1.jpg )
good article about the oppression
>> No. 789 [Edit]
I was supposed to have posted this video months ago but i did not,so here you go!
Stay safe!

Jacob Appelbaum (Part 1/2) Digital Anti-Repression Workshop - April 26 2012

Anonymouth Drexel University
GNU radio
imsi ketcher
Mouse Jiggler
Life of others
Life is beautiful

Post edited on 23rd Nov 2012, 2:55am
>> No. 790 [Edit]
I guess ITU will never pass without americas conscent and it is for the better ,for them to be in controll than the UN.
But it really doesnt matter anymore when we all these social data harvesters..working for free. what do you think? will it pass?

cloud sucks general

And a here is interview with Julian Assange

book recomended
>> No. 791 [Edit]
How the ITU could put the internet behind closed doors
>> No. 792 [Edit]
Stumbled upon one paper of this researcher on wikipedia. He has some publications on the subject of tracking in P2P networks, most seem to be publicly available on his(flash, eww) website. Most are quite dated(2005ish), but still informative:
>> No. 793 [Edit]
File 135742141577.jpg - (70.17KB , 457x310 , american-flag-upsidedown.jpg )
Heroes speaking at The 29th Chaos Communication Congress (29C3) listen to their story.

Enemies of the State [29C3] Speaker: Jesselyn Radack, Thomas Drake, William Binney

Not my department [29c3] Jacbob Appelbaum


articles,just a handful

feel sorry for the american exchange students trying to reach FB..or TC

Post edited on 5th Jan 2013, 1:36pm
>> No. 795 [Edit]
Hackers take back The web

A short dokumentary about the Occupy movement making a mesh network(s) to the alternative of modern centralized internet with a rather interesting thought of the new world order and its future.
>> No. 796 [Edit]
In case you haven't heard:
>> No. 797 [Edit]
Too bad Reddit doesn't die with him.
>> No. 798 [Edit]
Would you say the same about Open Library and Tor, which he also worked on?
>> No. 799 [Edit]
He did not create or even really co-found Reddit. He had a company that merged with Reddit, and after Reddit was sold he didn't like it, and ended up being asked to resign. Co-founder was just a title that he was allowed to use because of the contract, but he what he really founded was Infogami.
>> No. 800 [Edit]
I knew there was something really weird about that claim.
>> No. 801 [Edit]
>> No. 802 [Edit]
Wouldn't it have been better for him to perhaps flee the country?
>> No. 803 [Edit]
On the run from the most powerful investigative bureau in the world for the remainder of your life, or suicide. And don't think that they won't chase you over borders. If I'm not mistaken, the NDAA also permits the US government to detain American citizens overseas indefinitely without trial.

When you've gotten into his position, your goose is cooked; it's all over.
>> No. 804 [Edit]
That is so unbelievably and idiotically pessimistic I can't take you seriously.
Who cares if they chase you? of course they'll chase you, It's still a chance, and there's no chance at all if you chose death.
I guess I should expect this kind of stupid mentality from people here. Suicide doesn't solve any problems, it's just a different form of running away, one you can't come back from.
>> No. 805 [Edit]
Sure, USA can technically come grab your ass anywhere in the world, but it is simply not feasible and cost-effective to do it for all but the handful dudes they really, really, really want raped. And even if you are among those dudes, your chances of surviving and evading pursuit are better than you'd think (see Bin Laden, and numerous other very wanted men).
>> No. 806 [Edit]

>I guess I should expect this kind of stupid mentality from people here

Could you cut this holier than thou bullshit out, because it's getting really fucking old. Fuck off if you hate it here so much, because sticking around a place you hate and crying about it is way worse than anything else on this site
>> No. 807 [Edit]
Sure thing.
>> No. 808 [Edit]
File 135845056939.png - (229.09KB , 637x596 , wat.png )
Apparently, I might be close of being kicked out from Youtube for the 3rd time.

Just, this time, they made me see a Happy Tree Friends video about it, stating that you can now longer even make videos of yourself jumping at the park to a live cover of a copyrighted song playing on your shitty cellphone. So I guess proper cleavage camwhoring trough webcams will be the only acceptable content for Youtube now.

I don't even live in the States. Did SOPA-PIPA actually passed? This is getting pathetic.
>> No. 809 [Edit]
You might not live in the USA, but YouTube/Google does and its ass will be on the line if it doesn't nuke copyright-violating content when notified (and even with their current nuking, they're still being sued left and right).

YouTube's current policies are already forced by current copyright law regardless of SOPA/PIPA.

Post edited on 17th Jan 2013, 11:43am
>> No. 810 [Edit]

SOPA did not pass if you had read the thread,the entertainment companies realized after they could instead just threaten Google and other for infringing copyright.Without any laws involved. Making it neccessary for stricter copyright policy on sites hosting content and linking hyper text links. CONTROL
>> No. 811 [Edit]
Eveything about copyright laws is pathetic
>> No. 812 [Edit]
what exactly is your problem with having laws to protect intellectual property?

that isnt what internet freedom is about.
>> No. 813 [Edit]
oh god
>> No. 814 [Edit]

Post edited on 17th Jan 2013, 2:40pm
>> No. 815 [Edit]

yeah I'm sure a guy who could say "whats wrong with IP laws, i dont understand" is gonna watch this, this is gonna be really fruitful. after this I'm gonna go engage in other worthy activities such as punching a brick wall until my hands fall off
>> No. 816 [Edit]
Move onto a site like blip that understands fair use
>> No. 817 [Edit]
Why do you think I linked to videos in the first place instead of writing out an essay?
>> No. 818 [Edit]
good point
>> No. 819 [Edit]
I don't know, suing children is one issue that makes them pathetic.

Another would be that they're literally attempting to sue so many people that there ISN'T ENOUGH MONEY ON THE PLANET to reach a settlement. They are literally right now actively attempting to sue people for more money than the entire planet has.
>> No. 820 [Edit]
>suing children
Don't forget babys who dance to copyrighted music playing on a radio.
>> No. 821 [Edit]
Man, he had really good ideals.

MIT had thousands of research documents, the research in which that was publically funded, and MIT/JSTOR was locking them all away where the public could not read them. Yes, he most definetly did break the law, but at least he got to die on the moral high ground.
He also helped create RSS, for sharing information, and the OpenLibrary, for storeing information. And Tim Berners--Lee talked at his funeral. I'll miss him.
>> No. 822 [Edit]
tc is not banned in China it seems and I thought we were contagious
>> No. 823 [Edit]
There's been a development about Aaron Swartz's suicide since >>2390

Here's a new informative link:

This really brings it all together and makes the whole situation make sense. He was probably involved with wikileaks and the CIA wanted to make an example out of Aaron like they did with Bradley Manning.

For the person who was saying that it's too pessimistic to consider committing suicide and the person who said that the US wouldn't chase you overseas, I still strongly disagree, considering the way Bradley Manning has been treated. They're going to chase you overseas if they think you potentially have critical government information that they don't want leaked and it's going to be a fucking shitty rest of your life if you don't get caught and a shittier life when you do get caught.
>> No. 824 [Edit]
Lately attended a lecture downtown by a law professor about just this issue. Well, it was really more about the broader issue of privacy rights in the 21st century, but still related.

Our privacy rights, such as they are, are defined in the 4th Amendment and indirectly in the 3rd (no quartering of troops), 5th (right to not self-incriminate) and 9th Amendments. The trouble is that none of these texts directly refers to privacy.

His conclusion was a 28th Amendment to the Constitution that legally defines the concept of privacy. He also admitted that it would be very fucking difficult to pass such an amendment through, given the current state of the world and the advance of technology. He still expressed a little hope, but I got the feeling that it was more to reassure himself than it was anything else.

The world is going to shit for us, especially for the youngest generations. What's it going to look like in fifty years? I pray I'll be dead by then.
>> No. 825 [Edit]
File 135940164545.gif - (570.18KB , 499x645 , 1335315333239553_animate.gif )
Meanwhile, on the internet...
>> No. 826 [Edit]
And dead people
>> No. 827 [Edit]
Youtube's slow as hell now, so meh.
>> No. 828 [Edit]
The correct reponse is to ask to watch her on the toilet. When she freaks the fuck out tell her she's not doing anything wrong and has nothing to fear.

Each human being should be treated with decency and that includes privacy of the kind of their choosing.
>> No. 829 [Edit]
File 136163046421.png - (115.42KB , 845x467 , copyrightalertsystem.png )
broadcast message for the american audience. Enjoy the show.

"The Copyright Alert System"

Six Strikes Officially Begins On Monday

"Kevin Collier over at the DailyDot claims he's got it on good authority that the "six strikes" system, officially known as the Copyright Alert System, officially kicks off on Monday, many months later than scheduled. For whatever reason, the organization behind the program, the Center for Copyright Information, has been insisting for some time that there was no official rollout date, and the various ISPs would be individually choosing when to turn on the random assortment of punishment mechanisms made available to copyright holders based entirely on accusations, not conviction or other proof. Apparently, what they meant was that everyone would roll it out in a single week, but on different days. Because that makes so much sense.

The ISPs—industry giants AT&T, Cablevision, Comcast, Time Warner, and Verizon—will launch their versions of the CAS on different days throughout the week. Comcast is expected to be the first, on Monday.

So, now we get to watch people get falsely accused, those with open WiFi suddenly have to fear bogus slow downs to their networks and other assorted collateral damage. Oh, and does anyone actually expect to see a sudden spike in "sales"?

Oh, and the Center for Copyright Information has put up a snazzy new website and video over some non-descript smooth jazz that I'm sure they licensed, and which practically screams the following basic message (note: message paraphrased): "Hey, we're just your friendly neighborhood copyright maximalists, out here trying to make friends and, oh, oops, we just wanted to let you know, in the friendliest way possible, that we think you're lying, thieving pirates, and we'd really like it if you stopped, or we might have to make your internet connection completely useless. But we don't want to have to do that, because we're all friends here, enjoying the internet. Isn't the internet great?"

Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Starts Monday

"The much-discussed U.S. six strikes anti-piracy scheme is expected to go live on Monday. The start date hasn’t been announced officially by the CCI but a source close to the scheme confirmed the plans. During the coming months millions of BitTorrent users will be actively monitored by copyright holders. After repeated warnings, Internet subscribers risk a heavy reduction in download speeds and temporary browsing restrictions.

During the summer of 2011 the MPAA and RIAA teamed up with five major Internet providers in the United States, announcing their a plan to warn and “punish” BitTorrent pirates.

The parties launched the Center for Copyright Information (CCI) and agreed on a system through which Internet account holders will be warned if their connections are used to commit copyright infringement. After five or six warnings ISPs may then take a variety of repressive measures.

Initially the first ISPs were expected to send out the first “copyright alerts” by the end of 2011, but for reasons unknown this deadline silently passed, as did the revised July 2012 and the December 2012 start dates.

But it appears that the wait is over now.

TorrentFreak learned from a source close to CCI that the system is currently scheduled to launch early next week, and we’re not the only ones. Another sign of the start of the program is that a few days ago the CCI launched their new website. This is where recipients of the copyright alerts will be directed to.

The website explains how the copyright alert system works and lists places where people can download and stream music and movies legally. It also lists details about the appeals process for people who want to dispute one of the warnings.

Unfortunately the new website does not give an overview of the punishments or mitigation measures that Internet subscribers will be subjected to.

We previously learned that AT&T will block users’ access to some of the most frequently visited websites on the Internet, until they complete a copyright course. Verizon will slow down the connection speeds of repeated pirates, and Time Warner Cable will temporarily interrupt people’s ability to browse the Internet.

It’s expected that the two remaining providers, Cablevison and Comcast, will take similar measures. None of the ISPs will permanently disconnect repeat infringers as part of the plan.

Of course, there are plenty of ways for people to prevent being monitored by copyright holders. BitTorrent proxies and VPN services are the most likely option here. These services replace a user’s home IP-address with one provided by the proxy service, making it impossible for tracking companies to identify who is doing the file-sharing.

Also, those who download through Usenet, cyberlockers or other non-P2P services can not be monitored by the copyright alert system at all.

These circumvention options are not news to the copyright holders and the ISPs. CCI Executive Director Jill Lesser previously said that the main purpose of the alerts is to educate the public, and that hardcore pirates are not the target of the system.

TorrentFreak asked the CCI if it had any idea how many alerts would be sent out in the first few months of the scheme, but the organization didn’t want to make any predictions. We will find out more in the weeks to come. The same is true for the backdoor lawsuit option that was baked into the plan"
>> No. 830 [Edit]

Will this affect my ability to watch Japanese girl cartoons? Tell me so I know whether to care about this or not.
>> No. 831 [Edit]
Unless the MPAA or RIAA suddenly care about Yuru Yuri and K-On!, I really doubt it. Anime has always been mostly safe as long as you avoid stuff that's been licensed by FUNimation.
>> No. 832 [Edit]
>Anime has always been mostly safe as long as you avoid stuff that's been licensed by FUNimation.
yeah, and driving 150MPH into on coming traffic on a freeway is perfectly safe as long as you avoid hitting any cars.
>> No. 833 [Edit]
The american government won't ever give a shit about us watching fansubbed cartoons that will never even be licensed here. They're mostly just looking out for hollywood, since they're the ones who bought the politicians who pass these laws.
>> No. 834 [Edit]

I think he means more and more shows are getting licensed by FUNimation, and before they even finish airing in Japan.
>> No. 835 [Edit]
yeah, I doubt anyone will go to prison any time soon becuase they downloaded precure or something. just saying it's kind of hard to avoid 'licensed anime'.

Some sites like youtube are very anal about anime, and have a tendency to quickly delete OPs that people upload and flag their accounts, and sometimes fansubers get CDs and have to deal with copyright crap, but for the most part, no one really cares about anime piracy, except for fans of dubs for some reason.

>and before they even finish airing in Japan.
these days, many get licensed before they start airing
>> No. 836 [Edit]
Luckily, FUNi only licenses shit shows. I think we're good.
>> No. 837 [Edit]
>Luckily, FUNi only licenses shit shows. I think we're good.
I think you got that kind of backwards. most of the time the shows they don't license are highly niche things no one really cares about and things no one would pay to see anyway. if there's an anime coming around that people are looking forward to in the slightest, they're license it. but that's not to say they don't also seem down right random and insane at times when selecting anime. For example, Puchimas! was licensed, Idolmaster was not.
>> No. 838 [Edit]
Maybe I'm just out of the loop
>> No. 839 [Edit]
I just don't think anyone will really care if you download only subs. It isn't like there's an anime lobby trying to get Congress to draft legislation about anime piracy.
Same thing goes for music, I'd think; who is going to give a shit if you get the entire discography of some ridiculously obscure 1960's psychedelic-noise band? But download Gangnam Style and you go to jail.
>> No. 840 [Edit]
Here are a bunch of "secure" VPN providers but the thing to rememeber is not to have one that is resident in your country (far away from your country jurisdiction is recomended)

the list(do your own research,take precaution against north american providers)

Private Internet Access

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2013, 3:10am
>> No. 841 [Edit]
Thanks for posting this. Will be good for future reference.
>> No. 842 [Edit]
How much does having a VPN slow your internet down? I know it wouldn't be as bad as most open proxies, but it must have some substantial effect, right?
>> No. 843 [Edit]

it depends speed restriction,speed of your own broadband,how far the provider is but not by much,if many are using it (weekend,evenings)etc General stress on the network.

If you are using a good VPN there will not be any extreme variations only a slight difference ,upload speed is maybe something that may decrease. Higher encryption like OpenVPN(2048 bit) may be slower compared to PPTP (128 bit). PPTP have security issues that can unmask you.

slow download/torrent does not equal vpn is bad.

Open Proxies does not guarantee any missuse of your data nor encryption.

if you want to do speed test this vpn have a free trial (dutch/swedish)

If we are talking about torrenting I would recomend a seedbox and a private torrenttracker.

Post edited on 3rd Mar 2013, 7:26am
>> No. 844 [Edit]
Selected Papers in Anonymity
>> No. 845 [Edit]
File 136389194983.png - (129.02KB , 500x257 , cispa.png )

Send a message to your representatives asking them to oppose this dangerous bill

The objectionable provisions of CISPA include:

-viscerating existing privacy laws by giving overly broad legal immunity to companies who share users' private information, including the content of communications, with the government.
-Authorizing companies to disclose users' data directly to the NSA, a military agency that operates secretly and without public accountability.
-Broad definitions that allow users' sensitive personal information to be used for a range of purposes, including for "national security," not just computer and network security.

>Under CISPA, which government agencies can get your data? small list.

Executive Office of the President

Agencies within the Executive Office of the President:

Council of Economic Advisers
Council on Environmental Quality
Domestic Policy Council
National Economic Council
National Security Council
Office of Administration
Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships
Office of Management and Budget
Office of National AIDS Policy
Office of National Drug Control Policy
Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Office of the President
Office of the First Lady
Office of the First Children
Office of the Vice President
Office of the Second Lady
Office of the Second Children
President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board
President's Intelligence Oversight Board
President's Intelligence Advisory Board
United States Trade Representative
White House Office
White House Military Office

United States Department of Agriculture

Agencies within the Department of Agriculture:

Agricultural Marketing Service
Agricultural Research Service
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Economic Research Service
Farm Service Agency
Commodity Credit Corporation
Food and Nutrition Service
Food Safety and Inspection Service
Foreign Agricultural Service
Forest Service
Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration
Marketing and Regulatory Programs
National Agricultural Statistics Service
National Institute of Food and Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Risk Management Agency
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Rural Business and Cooperative Programs
Office of Rural Development
Research, Education and Economics
Rural Housing Service
Rural Utilities Service

United States Department of Commerce

Agencies within the Department of Commerce:

Census Bureau
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Bureau of Industry and Security
Economic Development Administration
Economics and Statistics Administration
Export Enforcement
Import Administration
International Trade Administration
Office of Travel and Tourism Industries
Invest in America
Manufacturing and Services
Marine and Aviation Operations
Market Access and Compliance
Minority Business Development Agency
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOAA Commissioned Corps
National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
National Marine Fisheries Service
National Oceanic Service
National Weather Service
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Patent and Trademark Office
National Institute of Standards and Technology
National Technical Information Service
Trade Promotion and the U.S. And Foreign Commercial Service

United States Department of Defense

Agencies within the Department of Defense:

Department of the Army
United States Army
Army Intelligence and Security Command
Army Corps of Engineers
Department of the Navy
United States Navy
Office of Naval Intelligence
U.S. Naval Academy
Marine Corps
Marine Corps Intelligence Activity
Department of the Air Force
United States Air Force
Civil Air Patrol
Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency
Joint Chiefs of Staff
J-2 Intelligence
National Guard Bureau
Natural Disaster and Disaster Help Program
J-2 Intelligence Directorate
Air National Guard
Army National Guard
America Citizen Militia
America Citizen Militia Intelligence
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
Defense Commissary Agency
Defense Contract Audit Agency
Defense Contract Management Agency
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Intelligence Agency
Defense Logistics Agency
Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Security Service
Defense Technical Information Center
Defense Threat Reduction Agency
Missile Defense Agency
National Security Agency
Central Security Service
National Reconnaissance Office
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Naval Criminal Investigative Service
Pentagon Force Protection Agency
United States Pentagon Police
American Forces Information Service
Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office
Department of Defense Education Activity
Department of Defense Dependents Schools
Defense Human Resources Activity
Office of Economic Adjustment
TRICARE Management Activity
Washington Headquarters Services
West Point Military Academy

United States Department of Education

Agencies within the Department of Education:

Federal Student Aid
Institute of Education Sciences
National Center for Education Statistics
National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance
Education Resources Information Center
National Center for Education Research
National Center for Special Education Research
National Assessment Governing Board
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Office for Civil Rights
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Office of Safe and Healthy Students
Office of Postsecondary Education
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services
National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research
Office of Special Education Programs
Rehabilitation Services Administration
Special institutions
American Printing House for the Blind
National Technical Institute for the Deaf
Gallaudet University
Office of Vocational and Adult Education

United States Department of Energy

List of agencies within the Department of Energy:

Energy Information Administration
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
National Laboratories & Technology Centers
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
National Nuclear Security Administration
Power Marketing Administrations:
Bonneville Power Administration
Southeastern Power Administration
Southwestern Power Administration
Western Area Power Administration

United States Department of Health and Human Services

Agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services:

Administration on Aging
Administration for Children and Families
Administration for Children, Youth and Families
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Epidemic Intelligence Service
National Center for Health Statistics
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Food and Drug Administration
Reagan-Udall Foundation
Health Resources and Services Administration
Patient Affordable Healthcare Care Act Program {to be implemented fully in 2014}
Independent Payment Advisory Board
Indian Health Service
National Institutes of Health
National Health Intelligence Service
Public Health Service
Federal Occupational Health
Office of the Surgeon General
United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

United States Department of Homeland Security


Federal Emergency Management Agency
FEMA Corps
U.S. Fire Administration
National Flood Insurance Program
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center
Transportation Security Administration
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services
United States Coast Guard (Transfers to Department of Defense during declared war or national emergency)
Coast Guard Intelligence
National Ice Center
United States Ice Patrol
United States Customs and Border Protection
Office of Air and Marine
Office of Border Patrol
U.S. Border Patrol
Border Patrol Intelligence
Office of Field Operations
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
United States Secret Service
Secret Service Intelligence Service


Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
Office of Health Affairs
Office of Component Services
Office of International Affairs and Global Health Security
Office of Medical Readiness
Office of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Biodefense
Office of Intelligence and Analysis
Office of Operations Coordination
Office of Policy
Homeland Security Advisory Council
Office of International Affairs
Office of Immigration Statistics
Office of Policy Development
Office for State and Local Law Enforcement
Office of Strategic Plans
Private Sector Office


Directorate for Management

National Protection and Programs

National Protection and Programs Directorate
Federal Protective Service
Office of Cybersecurity and Communications
National Communications System
National Cyber Security Division
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
Office of Emergency Communications
Office of Infrastructure Protection
Office of Risk Management and Analysis
United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology (US-VISIT)

Science and Technology

Science and Technology Directorate
Environmental Measurements Laboratory


Innovation/Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency
Office of Research
Office of National Laboratories
Office of University Programs
Program Executive Office, Counter Improvised Explosive Device
Office of Transition
Commercialization Office
Long Range Broad Agency Announcement Office
Product Transition Office
Safety Act Office
Technology Transfer Office


Border and Maritime Security Division
Chemical and Biological Division
Command, Control and Interoperability Division
Explosives Division
Human Factors Division
Infrastructure/Geophysical Division

Offices and Institutes

Business Operations Division
Executive Secretariat Office
Human Capital Office
Key Security Office
Office of the Chief Administrative Officer
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Planning and Management
Corporate Communications Division
Interagency and First Responders Programs Division
International Cooperative Programs Office
Operations Analysis Division
Homeland Security Studies and Analysis Institute
Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute
Strategy, Policy and Budget Division
Special Programs Division
Test & Evaluation and Standards Division

United States Department of Housing and Urban Development


Federal Housing Administration
Federal Housing Finance Agency


Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (HUD)
Departmental Enforcement Center
Office of Community Planning and Development
Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations
Office of Equal Employment Opportunity
Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
Office of Field Policy and Management
Office of the General Counsel
Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
Office of Hearings and Appeals
Office of Labor Relations
Office of Policy Development and Research
Office of Public Affairs
Office of Public and Indian Housing
Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities


Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)

United States Department of the Interior


Bureau of Indian Affairs
Bureau of Land Management
Bureau of Reclamation
Fish and Wildlife Service
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (formerly Minerals Management Service)
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (formerly Minerals Management Service)
National Park Service
Office of Insular Affairs
Office of Surface Mining
National Mine Map Repository
United States Geological Survey

United States Department of Justice


Antitrust Division
Asset Forfeiture Program
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
Civil Division
Civil Rights Division
Community Oriented Policing Services
Community Relations Service
Criminal Division
Diversion Control Program
Drug Enforcement Administration
Environment and Natural Resources Division
Executive Office for Immigration Review
Executive Office for Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
Executive Office for United States Trustees
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Foreign Claims Settlement Commission
INTERPOL - United States National Central Bureau
Justice Management Division
National Crime Information Center
National Drug Intelligence Center
National Institute of Corrections
National Security Division
Office of the Associate Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General
Office of Attorney Recruitment and Management
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of the Deputy Attorney General
Office of Dispute Resolution
Office of the Federal Detention Trustee
Office of Information Policy
Office of Intergovernmental and Public Liaison
Office of Intelligence and Analysis
Office of Justice Programs
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Bureau of Justice Statistics
Community Capacity Development Office
National Criminal Justice Reference Service
National Institute of Justice
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Office for Victims of Crime
Office of Legal Counsel
Office of Legal Policy
Office of Legislative Affairs
Office of the Pardon Attorney
Office of Privacy and Civil Liberties
Office of Professional Responsibility
Office of Public Affairs
Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering and Tracking
Office of the Solicitor General
Office of Special Counsel
Office of Tribal Justice
Office on Violence Against Women
Professional Responsibility Advisory Office
Tax Division
United States Attorneys
United States Marshals
United States Parole Commission
United States Trustee Program

United States Department of Labor

Agencies and Bureaus

Bureau of International Labor Affairs
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships (DOL)
Employee Benefits Security Administration
Employment and Training Administration
Job Corps
Mine Safety and Health Administration
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Veterans' Employment and Training Service
Wage and Hour Division
Women's Bureau


Administrative Review Board
Benefits Review Board
Employees' Compensation Appeals Board


Office of Administrative Law Judges
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Information Officer
Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
Office of Disability Employment Policy
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
Office of Labor-Management Standards
Office of the Solicitor
Office of Worker's Compensation Program
Ombudsman for the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program

United States Department of State

Agencies and Bureaus

National Council for the Traditional Arts

Reporting to the Secretary

Bureau of Intelligence and Research
Bureau of Legislative Affairs
Office of the Legal Adviser

Reporting to the Deputy Secretary for Management and Resources

Executive Secretariat
Office of the Chief of Protocol
Office for Civil Rights
Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism
Office of the United States Global AIDS Coordinator
Office of Global Criminal Justice
Policy Planning Staff

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security

Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation
Bureau of Political-Military Affairs
Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs
Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration
Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Economic, Energy and Agricultural Affairs

Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Management

Bureau of Administration
Bureau of Consular Affairs
Office of Overseas Citizens Services
Bureau of Diplomatic Security (DS)
Diplomatic Security Service (DSS)
Office of Foreign Missions (OFM)
Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC)
Bureau of Human Resources
Family Liaison Office
Bureau of Information Resource Management
Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations
Bureau of Resource Management
Foreign Service Institute
Office of Management Policy, Rightsizing and Innovation

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs

Bureau of African Affairs
Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs
Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs
Bureau of International Organization Affairs
Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs
Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs

Reporting to the Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Bureau of International Information Programs
Bureau of Public Affairs
Office of the Historian
Office of Policy, Planning and Resources for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs

Permanent Diplomatic Missions

United States Mission to the African Union
United States Mission to ASEAN
United States mission to the Arab League
United States mission to the Council of Europe (and to all other European Agencies)
United States Mission to International Organizations in Vienna
United States Mission to the European Union
United States Mission to the International Civil Aviation Organization
United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
United States Mission to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
United States Mission to the Organization of American States
United States Mission to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe
United States Mission to the United Nations
United States Mission to the UN Agencies in Rome
United States Mission to the United Nations Office and Other International Organizations in Geneva
United States Observer Mission to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
United States Permanent Mission to the United Nations Environment Program and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme

United States Department of Transportation


Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Federal Aviation Administration
Air Traffic Organization
Federal Highway Administration
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Federal Railroad Administration
Federal Transit Administration
Maritime Administration
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Office of Intelligence, Security and Emergency Response
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Research and Innovative Technology Administration
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board
Election Assistance Commission
Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Farm Credit Administration
United States International Trade Commission
United States Postal Service
Many More..
>> No. 846 [Edit]
If you are wearing a hat and jacket in the London subwaysystem during summertime you might be a TS suspect when smartcameras watching you.

Naked Citizens - World
>> No. 848 [Edit]
File 137206339747.jpg - (90.20KB , 580x387 , borowitz-snoowden-580.jpg )

"WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—The United States government charged former intelligence analyst Edward Snowden with spying on Friday, apparently unaware that in doing so it had created a situation dripping with irony.

At a press conference to discuss the accusations, an N.S.A. spokesman surprised observers by announcing the spying charges against Mr. Snowden with a totally straight face.

“These charges send a clear message,” the spokesman said. “In the United States, you can’t spy on people.”

Seemingly not kidding, the spokesman went on to discuss another charge against Mr. Snowden—the theft of government documents: “The American people have the right to assume that their private documents will remain private and won’t be collected by someone in the government for his own purposes.”

“Only by bringing Mr. Snowden to justice can we safeguard the most precious of American rights: privacy,” added the spokesman, apparently serious"
>> No. 850 [Edit]
File 137468594894.jpg - (53.34KB , 720x434 , Stop-Google-Glass.jpg )
Very related:

I'd normally be all up for anything on augmented reality, but the way this is been put to use...
>> No. 852 [Edit]
File 137604061118.png - (305.95KB , 826x1169 , lavavbitfuckingdammit.png )
Lavabit is now gone fucking dammit.

My Fellow Users,

I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit in crimes against the American people or walk away from nearly ten years of hard work by shutting down Lavabit. After significant soul searching, I have decided to suspend operations. I wish that I could legally share with you the events that led to my decision. I cannot. I feel you deserve to know what’s going on--the first amendment is supposed to guarantee me the freedom to speak out in situations like this. Unfortunately, Congress has passed laws that say otherwise. As things currently stand, I cannot share my experiences over the last six weeks, even though I have twice made the appropriate requests.

What’s going to happen now? We’ve already started preparing the paperwork needed to continue to fight for the Constitution in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals. A favorable decision would allow me resurrect Lavabit as an American company.

This experience has taught me one very important lesson: without congressional action or a strong judicial precedent, I would _strongly_ recommend against anyone trusting their private data to a company with physical ties to the United States.

Ladar Levison
Owner and Operator, Lavabit LLC

Defending the constitution is expensive! Help us by donating to the Lavabit Legal Defense Fund here

>> No. 853 [Edit]
If you care about privacy in your emails, you should be using encryption anyway.
>> No. 854 [Edit]
File 137694291492.png - (177.46KB , 840x931 , 1376937642841.png )
>> No. 855 [Edit]
File 138091678168.png - (144.61KB , 672x260 , 1380900132373.png )
how fucked are we ?
>> No. 856 [Edit]
File 138400579222.jpg - (27.99KB , 300x300 , youtube-sucks-yousuck.jpg )
OK, now Youtube won't let me post comments anymore, unless I link the account to Google+ they forced me to open and do so with my real name...

Man, this is pathetic. I remember when Youtube was so damned cool; I started watching so many interesting stuff there. Anyway, I'm just not commenting there no more, just leaching for the while. If anyone else know about some growing but still decent global video community, please let me know.
>> No. 857 [Edit]
Yeah it's fucking stupid. I'm a content creator on YouTube and I can't even reply to people in my comments anymore.

God what a fucking joke, I hate Google so much.
>> No. 858 [Edit]

make a new google+ account, perhaps through a proxy, with an iconically fake name, such as Dack Janiel or Ahmed Diejewse, or the first half of your youtube account name as the first name, the latter part as a the last. Then, (without using a proxy), log into the obviously fake google+ account, and then log into youtube and google with automatically link them for you, and now you have a fake account that can post comments.

a better thing to ask would be why the fuck are you posting youtube comments?
also, niconico is still alive and kicking.
>> No. 859 [Edit]
>why the fuck are you posting youtube comments?
to have fun with the funny, troll the stupid and salute the praiseworthy of course, what else? youtube comments could make for fun mini-threads sometimes. not anymore, though, with all those fugly real names and avatar pics there.

at niconico I always felt like a foreigner (maybe cause I am).

Post edited on 10th Nov 2013, 8:30am
>> No. 860 [Edit]
File 138774185494.jpg - (102.71KB , 890x295 , surveillance.jpg )
>> No. 861 [Edit]
So I kinda just found out about this:

Video of it if you don't want to read. 3DPD warning.

Typical government business.

Holy shit.
>> No. 862 [Edit]
Digression: Thanks to my receding anxiety I have been able to deal with this just fine. I still use an overly secure browser (because I haven't bothered to change it), but it's very nice to just use the internet freely without freaking out over things like this, as I normally would.
>> No. 1142 [Edit]
It's already almost gone. Once they ban TOR it willcbe completely gone.
>> No. 1170 [Edit]
And it would appear that TOR is compromised.
>> No. 1181 [Edit]
It's Tor not TOR
>> No. 1222 [Edit]
Do you guys know about.. Meshnet and CJDNS?
Check it out, it's quite awesome.
>> No. 1224 [Edit]
File 142074753424.jpg - (15.05KB , 200x207 , pirate-bay.jpg )
TPB on the line.
>> No. 1225 [Edit]
Sorry, thought it was just an acronym.
>> No. 1226 [Edit]
>a nuclear-proof data center built into a mountain complex near Stockholm.
Oh damn, even a nuclear war can't kill the pirate bay
>> No. 1229 [Edit]
A police raid on the other hand.
>> No. 1230 [Edit]
Police raids>all
>> No. 1231 [Edit]
They'll be back, they're like a phoenix.
>> No. 1232 [Edit]
There's already a thousand mirrors for the site up already. And thanks to DHT the torrents are still seeded and healthy. They've effectively made their job harder by killing the place.
>> No. 1338 [Edit]
OP here. I return 4 years later and the release of Windows 10 has so far been a malign fulfilment of all my apprehensions.

Stay strong, brohnos. There will be more Big Brother ahead, mark my words.
>> No. 1339 [Edit]
Explain. Also welcome back.
>> No. 1340 [Edit]

1. There's no way to disable automatic updates because key features of Windows 10 are now cloud-based. This means that inconsistencies between your locally-installed Windows 10 operating system and the cloud would render it unusable.

2. There's no way to disable Microsoft from reading Outlook emails and collecting keywords and using them to direct user-specific advertisements. Windows generates a unique advertising ID for each user on a device. This advertising ID can be used by third parties, such as app developers and advertising networks for profiling purposes.

3. There are ads, which Microsoft calls "app suggestions", in the start menu.

4. By default, when signing into Windows with a Microsoft account, Windows syncs some of your settings and data with Microsoft servers, for example “web browser history, favorites, and websites you have open” as well as “saved app, website, mobile hotspot, and Wi-Fi network names and passwords”.

5. When device encryption is on, the BitLocker recovery key for the user’s device is automatically backed up online in the Microsoft OneDrive account.

6. To enable Cortana, Microsoft collects and uses data such as your device location, data from your calendar, the apps you use, data from your emails and text messages, who you call, your contacts, how often you interact with them on your device, your music, alarm settings, whether the lock screen is on, what you view and purchase, your browse and Bing search history, speech data, your voice input, as well your name and nickname, your recent calendar events and the names of the people in your appointments, and information about your contacts including names and nicknames.

7. “We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to enforce the terms governing the use of the services".

8. Microsoft basically grants itself very broad rights to collect everything you do, say and write with and on your devices in order to sell more targeted advertising or to sell your data to third parties. The company appears to be granting itself the right to share your data either with your consent “or as necessary”.

9. And last but definitely not least, Microsoft regularly sends bug reports directly to the NSA.
>> No. 1341 [Edit]
I wonder if those kids in the Windows 10 commercial know theyre advertising the ugliest most ad-filled OS ever?
>> No. 1342 [Edit]
Soon I'm going to build a new, more powerful PC and use my current one with a linux distro
Then I'll put Windows on the new PC so I can use it for gaming etc without having to worry about anything important being spied by microsoft.
>> No. 1343 [Edit]
You do realize the concerns about privacy are about whistleblowers and journalists, right? Microsoft don't give a shit about weebs jerking it to hentai.
>> No. 1344 [Edit]
You think they won't come for you, but they will.

I live in a former communist country, I know how this shit works.

>Yeah, we're detaining those high profile counter-revolutionaries. You don't need to worry if you're not one, right?
>Yeah, we'll closely monitor intellectuals, educators, party secretaries and media personalities. You aren't any of those, so why care?
>Yeah, we detained one guy who was overheard in a pub, criticizing the Party. Yeah, he was a nobody, but for all we know, he could have been working for a counter-revolutionary! We can't be too careful!
>Oh by the way, we're deploying armed militiamen to patrol the streets and search random people's homes, regardless of who they are and whether or not they're suspected of anything. Why? What do you mean why? Are you a counter-revolutionary? I mean, if you aren't one, what do you have to fear?

Is it any wonder that at the height of the Cold War, the Soviet Union had a GULAG + general prison population of ~30 million? I think not.
>> No. 1345 [Edit]
Man why do people on other sites get so defensive when you say Windows 10 sucks?
>> No. 1346 [Edit]
There is HEAVY viral marketing for it, I'm pretty sure the majority of defenders are on Microsoft's payroll.

Of course, there are always some strange people who feel the need to defend monolithic corporations at all costs.
>> No. 1352 [Edit]

Why did they made it so shitty though? what was wrong with 7? why didn't they just made an OS just for tablets?

Why games still run on DirectX if its clear windows Hates games? (oh yeah, and productivity)
>> No. 1354 [Edit]
>why didn't they just made an OS just for tablets?
That's called Windows Phone and it's discontinued for a reason.

>Why games still run on DirectX
Because DirectX is an industry standard. DirectX was helping developers make games when OpenGL was in it's infancy, very poorly optimized and only used in the scientific community. You'll have a hell of a time getting any IT industry to switch from anything after it's already adopted something.

>if its clear windows Hates games? (oh yeah, and productivity)
You'll have to explain this part here. I'm pretty intimate with Windows and I don't remember seeing any kind of "killAllGames" service running in the background.
Though if you actually stop playing games you'll find Windows is actually pretty easy to be productive in. Well, at least 7 is. I never tried 10 but it does look like a clusterfuck.

2. Technically no, there's nothing stopping Microsoft from reading outlook emails. But they also don't actually look at your emails unless they can convince two of their own lawyers that they can. This is an internal promise.
4. These can be disabled. I'm aware Windows will still ping back to Microsoft even if these settings are disabled, but they don't actually send any data (no one knows why this happens, probably just stupidity on Microsoft's account)
6. I understand the privacy concerns with Cortana, but you have to remember, Cortana is not only a frontend to Bing, but it also improves itself by interacting with people and you yourself.
9. This is the dumbest point of all. Yes, Microsoft sends bug reports to governments and security agencies. Wanna guess why? You'll never guess. Okay sit down for this one it's gonna shock you. It's so they can make sure they, as government entities with very sensitive data, are not vulnerable to newly-found bugs before Microsoft can patch them. Or do you really expect Microsoft to just say "nope no security threats here" while some skiddie who just decompiled the latest security patch starts digging though all your bank data?

All your other points are valid. I'm not defending anything, I'm just clearing up FUD.
>> No. 1397 [Edit]
I wonder if OP killed himself due to sheer insanity.
Rest in peace.
>> No. 1398 [Edit]
yeah if you compare the posts from 2011 and now you really see the direction this all is heading.
Also this 2013 "speech" of edward snowden is really interesting.
>> No. 1443 [Edit]
Nope. I'm still here. Somehow.
I just wish my predictions were all that came true. Instead, the reality is so much worse across the board than anything I could imagine in 2011.

Also, thread necromancing commence!

>> No. 1450 [Edit]
A four year old thread that somehow has clung to life is so amazingly comfy.
>> No. 1451 [Edit]
That's pretty much half the threads on this site you know.
>> No. 1454 [Edit]
Whats even scarier is that they are spying overseas. So if your using a computer made by an Eastern company, and your some guy over in Kenya using that computer using a Kenyan ISP, The States are still spying on you, even if the Kenyan government had no agreement with The States.
>> No. 1808 [Edit]
Crazy that I'm the first to post since 2016
>> No. 1823 [Edit]
File 155364863026.jpg - (45.71KB , 800x800 , european_freedom.jpg )
It's over.
>> No. 1824 [Edit]
It is really unsetteling to see this thread going since 2011 (I have to be honest, I didnt read through all of it, but at least a big chunck), and seeing that it has worsend since then. Nearly all of the points I read have worsened individually or being outright shutdown. China banned VPNs in 2017, Netsukuku is a dead project now according to what I can gather, and the EU is seriously attacking free speech with Article 13. Add to that the drama around Facebook and Camebridge Analytica. And most normal people still dont care!
>> No. 1825 [Edit]
File 155372469124.jpg - (457.17KB , 900x2002 , x5Jw8G4.jpg )
>And most normal people still dont care
I've been thinking about this recently and I think the more normals use technology the worse it's going to get. It used to be that the only people really online (that is to say they aren't just reading the newspaper) were either young people or enthusiasts. But the myspace generation grew up and smartphones have brought an absolute flood of "sonerdy" types. These types of people aren't used to being socially rejected so when they get trolled, griefed, or told to fuck off it really fucks with them. "You can't do that to me I'm high status!" screeched the normie, just moments before hitting the report button and inquiring into their newfound enemies place of employment.

I used to think internet censorship would turn into a serious battle but I don't think it will. Fear about children, terrorism, scammers, extremism, that's what's being used to manufacture the consent. Some battles like net neutrality may be won in the favor of the people; they're largely a battle between ISP's and content providers. But internet censorship? I just don't see any hope of the battle being won. The FUD is too strong and people are downright apathetic unless you start talking about taking their free/super cheap entertainment away. And the way things are going I wonder if they'd even care about that with just how consolidated the internet is becoming... Just look at this from 2014, it's almost certainly gotten far worse since then. ISPs could easily work out a deal with the top fifty or so sites and throttle the rest, almost nobody would care. They'd be enshrined as industry leaders and establishing yourself in the marketplace would become a nightmare. Sure it's anti-competitive but governments generally don't care unless the big kids are fighting it out.

Sorry if this is overly pessimistic and ranty, article 13 really has me down.
>> No. 1826 [Edit]
I can totally agree with you. It sure has gotten worse since 2014 in the name of kids and terrorists.

Actually, I am trying to figure out the fallout which will be raining upon us when A13 is implemented. If I recall correctly the new laws only affect platforms older than 3 years and with more than 3000 monthly users. While Im sure Tohno-Chan fullfills the age requirement, I am not so sure about the users part.

I think this user count clause will really save my ass. Most websites I use have also presumably under 3000 active users. Regarding Youtube and Co... I hope they will figure something out.
>> No. 1827 [Edit]
>While Im sure Tohno-Chan fullfills the age requirement, I am not so sure about the users part.

If this is anything to go by, it should be fine.
>> No. 1828 [Edit]
I think most of the internet isn't going to bother.
It's going to be cheaper for them to just cut off the EU peasants from the greater net than to try and conform to EU's fantasy demands.
Only the multinational goliaths will prevail, though I doubt they will be able to make significantly more money off of us anyway.
I mean the majority of us euro-peons is already poor as niggers and we're only getting poorer. It's going to be hard to squeeze out anything more.
Fucking Eurogulag.
>> No. 1829 [Edit]
>Regarding Youtube and Co
As >>1828 mentioned, the big companies are going to be pretty unaffected. They can afford to (and already have) developed ML based content ID systems to automatically take down content. Google, Facebook, and co. will probably set it to be even stricter in the EU and call it a day.

Meanwhile the law will only hurt small startups and indie businesses because they can't afford to/don't have the manpower to do the above. And it'll also hurt end-consumers as an end result in two ways: 1) there'll be less competition from these small businesses and eventually people won't bother trying to create services catering to EU citizens so they'll be stuck with big goliaths that will only become entrenched and incumbent. 2) Smaller niche content/sites may also become unavailable to EU citizens, as even those possibly under the exception clause mentioned may not want to risk violations or bother so they'll just block EU IPs.
>> No. 1977 [Edit]
OP here again. Ya'll hangin' in there?
>> No. 1978 [Edit]
I guess "internet of things" is how they're sneaking in their privacy violations now. You can't even take a walk outside without being in the sight of shitty "smart" doorbells.
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