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File 158203359614.png - (172.88KB , 1392x830 , 1581610075358.png )
1996 No. 1996 [Edit]
Hello, this is not a shill post. So I decided to create my own chan in python as a hobby (using the flask library) and this is what I have come up with so far. Just give me feedbacks here in this thread or there.

Currently you can only upload jpeg , jpg , png , gif below the size of 4mb.

(IDK shit about frontend btw)
>> No. 1997 [Edit]
I can't help with the programming. It's missing a lot of stuff though. Date and time of post for one. The >> and enlarged border to the left of posts too. There's also no email and subject input. How difficult was it to make this?

Post edited on 18th Feb 2020, 5:42pm
>> No. 1998 [Edit]
>IDK shit about frontend btw
It's not difficult to make a simplistic but pleasing design for an imageboard. It could be done, while learning, within a few hours.
I'm unimpressed, friend.
>> No. 1999 [Edit]
As an example of a very minimalist but not too bad looking textboard, see scheme textboard:
That being said, while textboard/imageboards are great programming projects the challenge for them isn't the programming part but the community part. And sadly that's not something you can just throw more effort at.
>> No. 2000 [Edit]

Thanks for the feedback anon. I am just too scared to try something new apart from html. I will make updates right after my exams. Thanks again
>> No. 2001 [Edit]
>the challenge for them isn't the programming part but the community part. And sadly that's not something you can just throw more effort at.
I know this is OT, but I'm a tad interested in how one might go about cultivating a community if one doesn't have any friends (online or otherwise). The only method I am able to imagine is advertising your board and engaging in niche(r) topics.

Good luck. As a tip, before writing any markup and CSS, draw your desired layout on paper or using a program; then choose what colors you'd like to use on your webpages.
>> No. 2002 [Edit]
nice work
>> No. 2003 [Edit]
>I'm a tad interested in how one might go about cultivating a community if one doesn't have any friends (online or otherwise).
There's a thread on this.

Post edited on 19th Feb 2020, 6:04am
>> No. 2004 [Edit]
Ah thanks
>> No. 2019 [Edit]
I'm thinking of running my own imageboard but I'm not really sure where to even begin. Going back to basics, I really just want to make an anime/hentai image dump website.
>> No. 2020 [Edit]
Wouldn't a booru be better than an imageboard then?
>> No. 2021 [Edit]
Isn't a booru technically a type of imageboard?
>> No. 2022 [Edit]
You could say those are the real imageboards, and these places are message boards.
>> No. 2023 [Edit]
Boorus are more of a mass collection site with little to no quality control. I'm thinking of a place where people post the cream of the crop, not just dumping images for the sake of it but sharing things that hit all the right strokes for them. Maybe a scene in an anime which spoke to them, or a single piece of erotic art that they could get off to several times. Also, I'd like people to have discussion about those images, albeit with the stipulation that EVERY post would have to contain an image. I don't want something like 4/h/ where half the thread is people shitposting or arguing without posting anything.
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